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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. I guess Ozzie knew what he was doing by leaving Wise in the lineup!
  2. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 1, 2008 -> 06:34 PM) and he really doesn't seem that damn fast to me. Dare I say, I'd rather have Jerry Owens in LF than Wise. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I don't think you'll see Swisher in left if Griffey is in center......as you need someone with range on the corners to help Jr out. If BA or Jr would be comfortable in LF, i'd love to see those two with Dye manning the grass...but I'm not sure if this is an option. Outside of that, I think you'll see Wise-Jr.-Dye......I just hope that Wise is moved down in the lineup. I'd rather see AJ batting second than him.
  4. Thats AJ "Big Game" Pierzynski there....I guarantee you that ball would not have been held on to by 80% of the catchers in the league. What a play!
  5. I think I just saw OC pull out his cell....he's calling the official scorer to have that changed to a hit
  6. Best part of it all is that Floyd will get the win now.....that kid pitched his heart out and deserves it big time!
  7. Is Lexi getting some pussy tonight or what????? He is da man!!!!
  8. I'd pinch run Owens for Konerko here....would be nice to get that second run plated if Lexi gets a basehit
  9. I don't think there's any other batter I'd rather have up here than Lexi
  10. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 03:43 AM) I honestly hope they boo them as well. If nothing else, just during the introductions. Or whenever scoring opportunities are wasted. I understand supporting them at home, especially since it's entirely possible to make up 1/2 a game with 4 left; but I sure as hell wouldn't be cheering them. For what, exactly? Choking away the division lead? f*** that. Earn our applause. Score five runs in the 1st and, here's a novel idea -- HOLD THE OPPOSITION SCORELESS THE FOLLOWING INNING. It's funny that the entire Twins series, whenever we scored (aside from the Griffey HR in the 9th inning of Game 1) the Twins have responded with runs immediately after. I made note of it before yesterdays game and, low and behold, it happened again. The Twins had gone 2-6 in the 8 games before our series and their fans could have said the same thing. However, they came out in droves and supported their team larger than they have all season. Believe it or not, that had a huge difference is the series. White Sox fans can choose to make the same choice to support our team....and I think it will lead to a division title. Or we can stay boobirds and not provide any inspiration to this team. I choose to stay a fan to the end and hope that most others do as well.
  11. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 09:41 PM) Did you really expect that attitude of the board not to suck after tonight? All this team needed to do was win one game against an incredibly mediocre team and blew a ridiculous amount of chances to do that. The twins may be a mediocre team on the road but they win 2 out of every 3 at dome and have the 4th best winning percentage in the league at home. Going into this series, I knew it would be tough and we got it handed to us. However, we are just as good at home as them and we can still get it done in our stadium. The only way I think it does not happen is if the negativity of the fans is so strong that it transcends to the players. Remember, this team was picked to finish 3rd or 4th in the division by almost everyone at the beginning of the year. I think almost anyone here would have been happy if they had been told in March that we'd control our own destiny with 4 games left to play (5 if you count a potential tiebreaker). This team can still do it and its time for everyone to jump on the bus and support them in the last series of the regular season.
  12. Those of you who have given up on this team better not be taking up seats at the Cell during the playoffs. I want true fans who supported this team all the way to the finish to be the ones rooting this team to another series title.
  13. Most be a Cubs fan starting this thread....any true Sox fan is still believing that a division title is within grasp
  14. I know all the boobirds on here are going to tell me to shut the f*** up.....but I have to say this. Lets support this team and it still can make the playoffs. If the fan support continues in the manner it has for the last three days, we have no shot. If the Cell is packed this weekend and we win 3 against the Tribe and 1 against the Tigers on Monday, we still are guarantee at least a piece of the division title. However, if all this team hears is tales of doom and gloom and the support is not there like it was for the Twins in the last 3 games.....that attitude will transfer to this team. The biggest difference in the last 3 games was the home field advantage and we have to make sure that advantage is there for us the rest of the way. Its funny how all the fans used to be optimistic when we sucked....but ever since we won one World title, many Sox fans have become the most pessimistic fans in the world. I'm ready to win another world title and I think it can happen this year.....Don't stop believeing
  15. If Cabrera drives home the winning run this inning, I want him re-signed at any cost.
  16. Good job by Thornton to get Bunto! Just think where our bullpen would have been these past few months if we hadn't of drafted Joe Borchard!
  17. In my thread last night, I predicted a 15-2 victory by the White Sox in this game.......we seem to be on pace for that final score
  18. This article posted yesterday makes it sound like rehab is going well.....but don't expect him before the playoffs at the earliest. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,1292384.story
  19. I know I'm in the minority....but I believe this team gets pissed off tonight. I think they come out with a vengeance tomorrow and blow the Twins out 15-2. Look for Gavin to go a solid 7 with Boone and Horatio doing mop-up duty to round out the evening. Paulie, Thome, Jr, AJ, and BA will all go yard and Ozzie will get kicked out for arguing a called 3rd strike while the Sox are only up 9 runs. Count on it....tomorrow will be a great day to be a Sox fan. :fthecubs :gosox3:
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