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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. We're going to need some big innings out of Boone this evening.
  2. I think Swisher got in a funk when he was put at the top of the batting order in the early in the season and has never recovered. Being asked to play a position that hasn't been your primary spot (centerfield) as well as hitting in a spot thats not right for your skills is a lot to ask of anyone. Lets see what he can do in 2009 when he should have the full season in the middle of the lineup (provided we have someone to bat leadoff other than Jerry Owens)
  3. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 21, 2008 -> 01:40 PM) What is with the ham in your signature? I've wondered that for a while. Who doesn't like ham? Especially if its Honeybaked! mmmmm
  4. I'm glad Ozzie stuck with PK through his 5 month slump....his bat will be pivotal in this team making an October run!
  5. AJ has made a few baserunning errors lately.....starting with that "interference" call against Tampa Bay
  6. Do you think Owens was sent by the coach? Or did he try to take 2nd all by himself?
  7. That was an outstanding play to end the inning and Dye made it look easy!
  8. Welp....I guess tonight was not meant to be. Guess we gotta get one tomorrow.
  9. Just 3 more walks and than a dinger by Lexi and this game is tied
  10. If Anderson had hit for Owens, we'd now have 2 on with nobody out
  11. f***in' owens.....killing our 9th inning rally before it even starts
  12. Why isn't BA pinch hitting? This is outrageous!!!!
  13. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 09:03 PM) Next 2 series Angels Weaver who owns us Lackey Saunders Burnett Litsch Parrish Halladay I think we go 7-0 during that stretch
  14. If we can light up Clevelands pitching in the 9th, we'll be back on top by a full game Lets just hope that Owens doesn't bat
  15. At least Brian Anderson gets to start our 9th inning rally :fthecubs
  16. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 08:53 PM) What are you smoking? There is no time clock in baseball....anything is possible
  17. I just hope Baltimore can come back tonight as well....so we can gain a game on Boston in the wild card race.
  18. QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 08:48 PM) Well we're off to a great start on that. At least Paulie didn't strike out
  19. I sense us scoring 7 here in the 8th and than McDougal goes out and pitches a 1-2-3 inning
  20. This game isn't over yet....I still sense a comeback by the Sox
  21. After 6 innings of scoring at least one run, we went two straight innings without a run. I sure hope this dry spell ends in the first inning of our next game.
  22. I have to say I was definitely in the majority who was screaming for KW to go get a starting pitcher when Jose went down. I didn't care if it was Byrd, Washburn, or somebody else of just slightly below mediocre talent. However, you have to hand it to Kenny....he knows when to trade and when not to trade. The jobs done by Broadway and Richard in each of their last starts has been an extremely pleasant surprise and gives me confidence for the rest of the year. If these two can keep it up, we may have a young staff of homegrown starters wearing a White Sox uni for quite some time. Way not to make a move Kenny!
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