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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jul 29, 2008 -> 07:25 PM) I just wanna say, BA would be a .400 hitter, with a .500OBP, 47HR's and 189RBI's if he started everyday. BA > Alexei. He'd have to get at least another full season or two under his belt before he approached those numbers
  2. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Jul 29, 2008 -> 07:21 PM) Made me laugh ! You don't think he'd that many HRs?
  3. If BA played every day, he would hit .320 with 30 HR's and 110 RBIs
  4. After the first 4 get on this inning....we than have the heart of our lineup coming up to push across the lead run.....Quentin, Dye, and Thome
  5. If we can just score 5 here in the 9th and than shut them down in the bottom of the inning....we still get out of today's game with a W!
  6. Don't worry....all of our tired players will get some rest during the all star break
  7. Everyone is talking like we already lost....lets remember we still have the 9th inning. Go Sox!!!
  8. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Jul 13, 2008 -> 04:15 PM) Lets score 8 in the 8th now and give the pen some room to work with in the final innings. 1 down....7 more to go
  9. Lets score 8 in the 8th now and give the pen some room to work with in the final innings.
  10. This offense has gone from one of the worst in baseball to perhaps the best in the past week....all because of one Ozzie outburst!
  11. No home runs for Crede yet today??? I hope he's not starting a slump
  12. I needed this inning....had a parlay on the White Sox and the over tonight (total of 8)
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:45 PM) Have just caught up with the game now. Let me guess. We have again failed to come up with the big hit many times. With 13 hits and just three runs, we musta had some frustrating at bats with men on base. Only getting 1 in the first when we had bases loaded with nobody out was a bad beginning to the night
  14. QUOTE (knightni @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:41 PM) What do you suggest? Pitch Ozuna? I hear he has a good spitter
  15. Sizemore now 0-9 career against the legendary Boone Logan
  16. QUOTE (daa84 @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:32 PM) why not wise? he seems faster and it lets us use BA in CF if we happen to score You could still put BA in center...just place the new DH in the Swish's lineup spot
  17. Alright....speed on first now....lets steal a base
  18. QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:22 PM) Wow, extra innings and the only people left in the pen are Wass and Jenks. Horrible move by Ozzie there, if he didn't plan on Masset pitching a few innings, he shouldn't have brought him in. Ozzie knows we will get 3 in the top of the 11th
  19. QUOTE (RME JICO @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:12 PM) GameDay shows 6 outs in the Warning track, is that accurate? GameDay has Swishers flyout to right on the other side of the fence!
  20. If blow up dolls make the bats wake up, I say lets get some hookers, sex toys, and a couple of nympho midgets in the locker room to really heat things up!
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