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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Thats 3 straight inning of 1-2-3 ball....don't be surprised if Freddy comes out to start the 8th inning as well
  2. QUOTE(Maverick0984 @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) what negativity? it has a feeling to it, there's no negativity to my comment, you sound to be fishing for some post so you could just say what you want I'm not fishing for anything....it just amazes me that this team is playing .600 and has a 2 game lead in the wild card....yet many posters continually say we are doomed for the season and not headed to the playoffs. We are leading in this game and ready to sweep the division leading Tigers...it should be a time of positive energy and expectations. This has been a great week, a great weekend, and a great game thus far for the White Sox.....can't everyone just be happy about it rather than forecasting doom?
  3. QUOTE(Maverick0984 @ Aug 13, 2006 -> 02:35 PM) this game definetly doesn't have that same positive feeling that the last 2 had I remember being declaring our boys dead yesterday as well....its amazing to me sometimes how much negative energy exists on this board. In my mind, a sweep is a foregone conclusion. Lets go Sox....get the job done!
  4. I'd really like to see Scotty P get on here.....Alex seems to have the hot bat today
  5. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 02:49 PM) ***stands up in front of the computer*** uggg....point that webcam at some other body part!
  6. Konerko 3-4 lifetime against Grilli.....interesting change with that stat
  7. QUOTE(atrain081 @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) ok ozzie, that's your one mistake allowed today. manage your pen, and we'll be fine Thornton in the 8th....Jenks in the 9th?
  8. I don't know what adjustments Mark has made....but I hope he pitches like this the rest of the season!
  9. It looks so good seeing BA's profile on espn's game tracker and seeing that .200 average along side it....way to go Brian....lets make it .300 by the end of the year!
  10. I think Jerry likes selling out the Cell for most games....picking up Myers would have a negative impact on attendance (especially when he pitches)....don't count on any consideration of this idea.
  11. Crede should have been there....easy play for Joe
  12. QUOTE(Felix @ Jul 11, 2006 -> 10:10 PM) Lets rig another election, everyone vote for Paulie for MVP http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/events/all_star/y2006/mvp/index.html I just voted for AJ 3 times...even though he didn't play at all
  13. Does PK get consideration for MVP? After all, he's the only guy with 2 hits tonight and his 9th inning single kept the game alive. Or did they already vote before the 9th inning insuring that a national leaguer gets the award?
  14. I was at a sports book earlier today and was a little surprised to see Jermaine listed as the least favorite to win tonight at 12-1. Furthermore, they had a matchup between him and Berkman. In it, JD was listed at +150 while Berkman was -180. I didn't think Dye would be the favorite to win this event....but I sure thought he'd get more respect than this. Go get 'em JD!
  15. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) Walked him. Getting ourselves into trouble. Don't even worry about him (or the guy at third)....just get the batter and we are out of the inning
  16. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) Why is Pods batting? So he can get on base with a single
  17. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 04:07 PM) With tomorrows day off, and Jenks will probably only go one in the allstar game. I would let him go one more. There's not going to be another inning
  18. I think it would be perfect if BA gets the hit this inning which drives in the winning run.
  19. A win here would be the ideal way to go into the break....it could provide the spark needed to start the second half of the season with a great stretch of games.
  20. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 04:01 PM) At least Jose C is not on the line for the decision any more. The streak continues.....its amazing how many times this has happened!
  21. Papelbon is due to blow a save....I say that we be the team to do so
  22. I'd take a walk here by Gooch and than a dinger for the lead
  23. This will be our inning.....I look for the "good guys" to score at least 4 here
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