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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. I almost want Paulie just to make an out here....lets make it official asap
  2. I've won $300 playing poker online......wahooooo for rain!
  3. Thanks again Jim for the tips.....Risky Business sounds great and we may have to head there for the evening action. Will probably just hit Famous Sams for lunch before the game as it appears closer to TEP and can therefore catch a little more March Madness before heading out to see the Sox. Are you from Tucson? Or have you just been to ST enough to know your way around? If you'll be there this weekend, let me know and I'll definitely buy you a beer (or two) for all your assistance!
  4. I did find this place..... http://www.famoussams.net/locations/store.asp?Store=42 Anyone familiar with Famous Sams?
  5. Once again....I appreciate all the advice on bars / restaurants. Is there a good sports bar in the area though? I'm looking for a decent place to watch the NCAA tournament when I'm not at TEP (a place close to the park would be nice so I could watch most of the Salukis game on Friday before seeing the Sox whoop the Rangers!). Would O'Malleys or Nimbus be a good option for this? Thanks again for all the tips!
  6. Thanks to everyone for all the advice......less than a week now til I head down for spring training!!
  7. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 11:25 AM) There is BP in TEP, but like home games, you only see the visiting teams take BP. Does this mean I could see the Sox take BP at the games up north? Is that standard procedure throughout the cactus league? If so, what's a good time to catch that?
  8. I am heading down to Arizona next weekend to soak up the atmosphere of spring training with the World Champs! (It still feels great to say that!) I'll be hitting the the games Friday and Saturday in Tucson....than heading north for "away" games on Sunday and Monday. I already have my tickets for the games and that part of the itinerary is obviously set. However, I have a few questions that I'm hoping people might be able to help out with.... 1) Whats the schedule as far as workouts in Tucson? Do they practice before the games? And is this open to the public? Also, does BP take place at TEP before games and if so, what time is this? 2) For the games in the Phoenix area, is there a standard schedule for road teams to get some work in? What time should I get to the stadiums in Surprise and Maryvale if I want to see the White Sox in action outside of the games? 3) While in Tucson, are there any bars / restaurants that White Sox players (and fans) tend to frequent? Also, any suggestions on places to visit in Phoenix? 4) Any good titty bars in Arizona? Thanks in advance to anyone that can provide answers....Go Sox!
  9. It sounds like they'll be several of us in the Phoenix area for the game against the Brewers....perhaps we should do a soxtalk gathering after the game for burgers and brews (tough to find a good polish in AZ!). Also, if anyone is still looking for accomodations, we got a great deal on the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort through Priceline for just $65 a night (normally books for $250-300). I can't guarantee you'll get the same results....but if anyone wants to try, go to priceline and bid on a resort property only in the north zone....the worst they could do is decline your offer. Here's a link to the property.... http://www.pointehilton.com/indextc.html
  10. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) The 16th-22nd. Going to the Rangers game on the 17th, and the Scrubs game on the 18th. Then my wife is dragging me to see the Scrubs vs. D-backs on the 21st. (Being married to a Cub fan is hard work!) I'll be at those games on the 17th and 18th....than heading up to Phoenix to see them play the Brewers and Royals on Sunday and Monday. I can't wait....just 3 1/2 weeks til roadtrip time!
  11. QUOTE(Drew @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 11:21 PM) I am thinking about driving in from LA. Perhaps a Soxtalk meetup is in order. I'll be down there 3/17-3/21 if any other board members will be around the same time. Not sure if I'll make the game on Friday or if we'll be arriving too late...but I'll definitely be at the game against the Scrubs on Saturday and than catch Sunday and Monday's games up north.
  12. Excellent news....a strong utility guy like this is an important part of any team. He's great insurance if anyone gets hurt and a strong bat off the bench. Another good move by Kenny....but one that will probably get overlooked by a lot of people considering the "bigger" moves he has made this offseason.
  13. Just to address a few points in this thread..... 1) Yes, I would definitely go to games in Vegas (I live here though so thats a no brainer!) 2) Selig does not seem opposed to a MLB team relocating here....right now, the NFL and NBA have made public statements against it happening....the NHL is very iffy.....but MLB seems very supportive of having a team here provided that a suitable stadium is built. 3) Vegas is much larger than 500,000....This is low for the city itself, but by the time you include Henderson and North Las Vegas into the equation, you've got about 1.2 million people to target. In summary....if you build it, they will come. Let's bring MLB to Vegas!
  14. While reading John Kass article in the Tribune detailing the visit of the trophy to the Tribune's office (which apparantly upset many Cubs fans...lol), this interesting tidbit was exposed by White Sox official, Katie Kirby.... I'm wondering....has anyone on this board successfully licked the trophy? Have you attempted to lick the trophy? Do you have a desire to lick the trophy? I'm ecstatic that we won the World Series and would love to get a glimpse of the trophy (perhaps even touch it).....but I can definitely think of a few things I'd rather lick than a piece of metal! http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines
  15. QUOTE(traydragen @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Soo, I dunno if you guys know this but would this DVD be at my local Best Buy? I live in South Carolina by the way. I ordered this online through bestbuy.com (had some best buy bux from mcdonalds promotion to blow!) so I know they are handling it....just not sure if individual stores might be stocking it.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:50 PM) The Angels are a threat, but if we give Paulie what we feel he's worth, now that the Mets have Delgado...the only team I really see making a huge run at him could be the Dodgers (this of course could change depending on what happens with Manny) I just couldn't see Paulie signing with the Dodgers....after the treatment he got there in his first major league season, if we are within $10 million of their offer, he'll be back with the Sox!
  17. Anyone in Chicago willing to pick up one of the Sun Times tomorrow and send it out to Vegas for me? I'd love to have one and unfortunately can't get ahold of them here. PM if this is a possibility and I can send you money for the paper & postage today through paypal (or pop it in the mail if you don't have paypal account). Thanks!
  18. After this magical season, there is no way I'm missing spring training in 2006. I'm curious how many other members of the board might be planning a trip to AZ in a few months? If enough people are interested, perhaps we can work on having a Sox Talk week down there. I'm sure we could find a hotel to give a group rate....and it would be awesome to share this time with other diehards. Post here if you're interested....if we have enough people to consider it, I'll try to organize some stuff once the schedules are released.
  19. Are we sure of a parade? The homepage for the Score is only talking about a rally at Grant Park tomorrow? http://www.670thescore.com/ Nevermind....it listed a rally just 5 minutes ago...now it talks of a parade down Lasalle? I guess plans are still being worked out.
  20. I don't think Rowand scores even if he didn't slow up.....he barely made it in to third as it was after the slow up. Cora might have sent him....but I would have been surprised to see us score a run there.
  21. I realize the series is not over and there's still work to do.....thats why I prefaced the poll by saying that things could definitely change during the upcoming games. My point was that there is no clear cut MVP thus far which is atypical of most World Series. This team wins as a team and that's what has made this series so special. Would we be up 3-0 without Blum? Without Marte? Without Viz? Even some of the last guys on the roster have been pivotal in helping us win games and getting the job done. Ozzie has done a great job all year of keeping egos in check, enabling these 25 guys to win as a team, and sacrificing individual stats for the good of the club. After we put win #4 in the books, I'd like to cut the MVP trophy up into 25 parts and give a chunk to each player.....however, I doubt if MLB would approve of that proposal though so I was just curious how others feel to this point (and this poll wouldn't make since after an MVP is already named). Go Sox!!!!! Lets get the job done tonight!!!!
  22. Obviously, things can change greatly depending upon what happens tonight. However, this series has been very indicitive of the season. We've won this as a team with no one particular player carrying the load. Therefore, I don't really see a clear cut MVP to this point. With no starter going more than one game and relievers having limited duty (except Jenks who lost a save opportunity in game 2), I think it has to come down to a position player and many have similar stats. I'd probably give a slight edge to Konerko at this point....but would ideally have this shared by multiple players if we could arrange a tie in the voting. How's everyone else feel at this point?
  23. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 12:10 AM) Who would have thought Podsednik and Blum would hit GW and go ahead home runs in consecutive games. I would have thought my odds with Jessica Alba would be better than that. She ain't leaving me for you.....so I would have definitely put the money on Pods and Blum!
  24. Has Mark ever gotten a save before? Or even pitched in relif during his career?
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