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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Welp, there it is. No need to speak to press now, statement is submitted
  2. Probably the most fluid the offense has looked all season
  3. Every time it’s 3rd and short, Waldron goes side to side. Never forward
  4. “I’ve gone to most of the tailgates this season, the big ones put together by the fans,” Schriffen said. “The last one of the season, I was out there and it was an awesome turnout. We are talking hundreds of people and a fan came up to me and said, ‘Early on, I may not have been your biggest fan, and actually one of your biggest critics. But you’ve really come around, and I’ve come around on you just because the way you stuck it out.’ 😂😂. I’m sure this fan very much exists
  5. Jason deserved this. I hope they get a nice run so green line and Mike get up in their feelings for the next couple weeks about an announcer
  6. Really I didn’t feel you were devaluing it as much as another was lol
  7. I just would say that while yes there is still risk picking number one overall based on the last 20 seasons, putting yourself at the top of the draft is the only real benefit of losing a season like this one. Picking 10th is such a slap in the face after a season of slaps in the face lol
  8. Nobody feels good about this season. We are laughing at the absurdity and continued malpractice of the front office, don’t get it twisted that everyone here isn’t as good as a fan as you are
  9. This level of failure is significant because of the estimated climb back to a competitive team. Come on now, it matters and you know it
  10. If they lose this, that’s gonna wipe away all of the casual fan gain from the last series smdh
  11. Pretty funny that he had forced Hahn and Kenny to have to build teams through low money free agency and trades from what little minor league depth they had because he refused to invest in the minors
  12. Excuse me sir but I have put deposits down on the next 10 years of season tickets because of this streak
  13. What’s a dog whistle about Jerry wanting to sell concessions more than field a good team? That’s just true, the guy waits hours to call rain postponements to sell beer. This is pathetic stop fanboying Jerry
  14. I think the larger point here that you like to gloss over is that this site did not want to count on any of those players because of their history of not being able to be counted on. so yes, your theory of “they would be better if all of these players were healthy and played up the their best abilities” makes sense in the vacuum of space outside of the reality of their careers
  15. DoUevenshift trying for the impossible this season, a series sweep. I don’t know if this is a compliment or a badge of shame, but it’s something
  16. Well even then, when you are siding with Rick Morrissey as the smart guy….
  17. I have to think that Lip has a much more thought out opinion about rebuilds that isn’t so binary. Mostly because Lip actually reads everything provided to him and responds as such. Have to think that lip would actually understand that rebuilds aren’t all the same and the organizations actions within a rebuild are important to the end of the rebuild. You know, context
  18. ROI on a sport you enjoy is rarely gonna be tangible in the way it’s being argued here
  19. Never stayed in any place for more than a few years despite his bat. Never seemed to endear himself anywhere
  20. I hope the press conference after the season is enlightening but feels like it is just gonna be bad
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