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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:20 PM) Hi, I'm Brandon McCarthy, the sixth/spot-starter coming out of the bullpen. I'm already with the big league club, have proven I could get major league talent out, and would not force another arbitration clock to start ticking. lol
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) Tim Redding of the 4.91 ERA and 1.46 WHIP at AAA? guess not
  3. If there is truth to this rumor, it would seem the Sox are throwing Haeger to the wolves. Wouldnt Redding be a better spot starter,seeing as he actually has MLB experience?
  4. yep, email [email protected] for more information. They talked about it all morning on the Score
  5. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:07 PM) Guys, you may want to listen to our radio show. Mario and I's sources said that Contreras was being treated for his back. there is no room for reality here, silly admin.
  6. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:03 PM) Garcia Traded, Liotta called up.
  7. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) Let's say ALL of the things that some of the posters here have said is true.... 1) Contreras isn't making his start Wednesday 2) Count was seen limping yesterday 3) Haeger is being called up to take his place in the rotation. Let's review how many ways this doesn't make sense. 1) If Haeger is getting called up, somebody else has to go on the DL or get sent down. The only candidate for being sent down is Boone Logan. There are no candidates for being put on the DL (though I wouldn't be surprised if Cliff didn't make it through the season without a trip to the doctor) Contreras' limp, unless it was something of the magnitude of say an ACL tear, is not going to prompt the White SOx to put him on the DL. At worst, they would allow him to skip a start, with McCarthy replacing him, and evaluate him further in a few days. Contreras' start is still over 48 hours away. Unless he has a gangrenous limb, the Sox aren't going to make a final decision until Tomorrow at the earliest. Think about the McCarthy/El Duque situation last year. McCarthy wasn't notified until about 24 hours before his first ML start. The Sox are going to take a wait-and-see approach with all of their pitchers. In fact, with the off-day today, the Sox don't have to make a decision until they go through their rotation a full time. Saturday at the earliest. So until you can provide concreate evidence that Contreras has a SERIOUS health issue, (or at least that someone in his immediate family is ailing, prompting a Bereavement list trip) you're just blowin smoke. Cheat, that is just no fun.
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) Liotta called up, Garland traded. I hear Crede is on the block as well, so room can be made for Fields.
  9. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 8, 2006 -> 01:35 PM) Me and a Hobbit type creature I found in a river in France. The caption possibilities on this photo are absolutely endless, Deploderer. LMAO
  10. QUOTE(bmags @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:57 PM) a /green perhaps eh, someone still wouldnt get the joke and would end up upset. It would be fun though
  11. QUOTE(bmags @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) rock, i would totally start a trhead on liotta if this site didn't look so down upon parody threads Maybe if we could put the thread titles in green....
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:53 PM) The only thing we will see on wed is The Count going for his 14th straight. Biatch. True dat
  13. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:47 PM) True, but also I wouldn't call it Cub bashing, as that implies the Cubs don't deserve all the s*** they get. The Cubs actually get a free ride, and even NOW aren't getting a hard enough time. How can a team with a 92 million dollar payroll in a HORRIBLE league be that bad?? And what do they do as a result, they give their HORRIBLE GM an extension and are trying to give their HORRIBLE manager the same. It's amazing, even for the Cubs. Fair enough. Lets call it Inviting Cubs criticisms then. I mean, even Murphy is on their tail now, and that surprised me completely. He was hanging off of Hendry and Dustys wangs for the past 3 years, and now he is even sick of it. You know the s*** has hit the fan when he is supporting this wrigly protest.
  14. QUOTE(wcw2323 @ May 8, 2006 -> 02:45 PM) I heard a rumor that Charlie Haeger has been summoned from Charlotte and will pitch in Chicago Wednesday night against the Angels. Can anybody confirm this? Im still wondering how you started with this question, as if you heard it somewhere, and flipped it into confidential info that only you know? If you know something on the inside, why would you even ask us?
  15. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) Why? The Cubs organization is a joke that cares only about the bottom line, while 9 miles to the south you have the defending champs who are going balls out to defend a World Title. The Cubs are based on every T.V. and Radio station other than 720 on the dial and 9 on the tube, and deserve every bit of s*** they get. Easy Tiger, I said ALMOST.
  16. QUOTE(wcw2323 @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:26 PM) Hi Guys...yes it is confidential....stay tuned and try to show some patience, and most importantly some class! Start crafting your apologies and have them ready! And if it doesnt happen?
  17. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 8, 2006 -> 01:55 PM) I learned one thing today. Rosenbury and Salisburg can NEVER be as bad as that Colin Coward dolt. I had the severe displeasure of listening to some of that crap while I waited for my daughter to get out of school. (half-day kindergarten, that's why) Absolutely unlistenable - after about 10 minutes I actually tuned over to the Score for RELIEF!!!!! Yeah, Cowherd turned me over to the Score for Mulligan and Hanley, quickly. The score has become Cubs bashers, bigtime. I almost felt sorry for the organization this morning.
  18. QUOTE(JimH @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:21 PM) Hey by the way I must not be up on things around here ... didn't it used to be we could look at the bottom of the thread to see who's on, who's replying, etc.? I loved that feature. It let you know someone was replying and in my case it alerted me if quickman was on the thread so I could prepare a response to his goofyness LOL. that feature has been off for a while. The only place you can see if anyone is on is the main forum page now.
  19. QUOTE(SoxPride56 @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:17 PM) I dont belive this for one second. Having said that, I was at the game yesterday, and during warmups, all of the pitchers were throwing long toss. Contreras cut his short, I saw him limp badly back to the dugout. I'm not saying that he is hurt or anything, but who no's maybe this guy knows someone, I doubt it tho. LMAO, what is this, wcw's alter-ego? Jose is limping now? Whats going on people!!!
  20. QUOTE(JimH @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) Please tell us where you heard the rumor ... thanks. I will be very surprised if i see a link confirming this. We all have asked him, and have been met with a deafening silence.
  21. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:05 PM) I have an idea, let's see if we can turn crazy, baseless rumor #476 into a 175 page thread. Im in!
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:00 PM) He's upset that a few people were saying that Charles Heager would not make a good middle reliever for the Sox this year in a thread in the Futuresox forum, so he makes up this rumor . . . He is selling it as fact on the futuresox forum
  23. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 8, 2006 -> 02:57 PM) The title has been changed until efficently proven. It isnt on Whitesox.com and it isnt on the Charlotte Knights website either http://www.minorleaguebaseball.com/app/new...ex.jsp?sid=t494
  24. QUOTE(wcw2323 @ May 8, 2006 -> 02:42 PM) Charlie Heager just got the call up from the White Sox and will be starting Wednesday night against the Angels...Good Luck Charlie, you deserve it!!!! you gonna get banned.....
  25. QUOTE(wcw2323 @ May 8, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) Geez, how about some moral support for the kid....Many of you have already dissed him, such a shame! Dissed him? Who has dissed him? Can you verify this rumor? Can you explain why you think it makes sense on any level whatsoever to replace Jose Contreras in the rotation with Charlie Haeger?
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