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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Why would any of the starters miss a turn in the rotation so Haeger could make a start? Sounds pretty "out there" to me.
  2. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ May 8, 2006 -> 12:46 PM) If I remember the song correctly, the knee bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the foot bone. Therefore I think he does have a valid point. I would order immediate exploratory surgery of the hip just to be on the safe side. Stat. Really? I was thinking Tommy John surgery, to tell you the truth. To me, this whole thing mirrors the Kerry Wood injury of 1999....
  3. Speaking of the Cubs, There is supposedly a protest of the Tribune being organized for May 27th outside of the stadium. They talked about it on the Score all day long. For more information, I guess you can email [email protected]
  4. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 8, 2006 -> 08:05 AM) Driving to class this morning I had Mike & Mike on, during the 7:20 break a promo comes on for the new SUPER f***ING AWESOME SEAN SALISBURY AND STEVE ROSENBLOOM EXTRAVA'f***ING'GANZA!!! Yeah, I really won't be listening to that s*** every cut they had of Salisbury or Rosenbloom talking invlolved them saying something stupid about Football. I love football and all but at this point in time I really don't want to listen to footbal talk on the radio, I need my baseball talk damnit! Salisbury is the one Im worried about when it comes to other sports. Rosenbloom can hack it, I have heard him on the radio before and he can talk sports.. Damn, I wish they could throw some money at Tony Bruno for the real Morning Extravaganza.
  5. Kyyle23

    Righty? Lefty?

    For the lefties of the world (my apologies to Kalapse if he is a lefty, for he surely will complain )
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 8, 2006 -> 06:40 AM) I was channel flipping and caught the Giant's 6th inning and Bonds was a bat. I couldn't help myself, I had to watch. It reminded me a little like Frank in the mid 1990s. And that shot was huge. Longest home run I've seen in a while. I watched it too. He seemed to be really bothered by the fans at that moment and tried to kill it. And he did. He hit that thing above the light towers. Man, it seemed much farther than that.
  7. http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149154
  8. I want to have the Frank Thomas of old embedded in my mind as to what Frank Thomas was about, but he is making that impossible in the past 4 years. His foot just cannot take it anymore and he is just too stubborn to admit it.
  9. i want to laugh, but Im lost
  10. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 7, 2006 -> 12:19 PM) Can you roll dice in there? lol, what does that mean?
  11. Anyone up for some pre-game chat? Im bored
  12. Kyyle23

    Criss Angel....

    Criss Angel does some insane stuff on his show. Some of it, I watch and cannot find an explanation of how he does it. He walks up buildings, he doesnt just levitate he f***ing flies, he did a trick where he went through a glass window without breaking it. Both Blaine and Angel have amazing slight of hand, if thats what it is. And Criss Angel does most of his coolest stuff while just wandering around the Las Vegas strip. No special on tv, no huge buildup, him and his brother and a camera man will just go out with a handheld camera and do his stuff.
  13. Thats just brutal Tex. LMAO
  14. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 7, 2006 -> 12:04 AM) So you don't have a problem with some dude taking material created by others only to charge big advertising fees on his site to sponsors and get a TV show from the USA network? I'd be pissed off if he was stealing my material, and I'd be even more pissed off if he was making money off it. Like I said before, they all do it. Collegehumor.com, ebaumsworld, entensity.net, youtube, ytmnd, whatever. If I see a video on one of those sites, gauranteed I will see it on ALL of them by the end of the week. I saw "Im Juggernaut, b****" on 4 different websites in one week, all of them had their own tags on it. You act as if ebaumsworld is this rogue website who hacks YTMND, gmab. These videos make the rounds, it happens.
  15. QUOTE(soxhawks @ May 6, 2006 -> 07:52 PM) You can't raise payroll when your team isn't making enough money. I know every team would like a payroll like the Yankees, but you don't want to bankrupt your franchise. Without a salary cap the league will continue to have a level of teams that just cannot sustain sucess for more than a year or two. They are making some money, dont let the current state of the franchise fool you. Bad decisions in the front office are contributing to the demise of this once proud franchise. This isnt the be-all end-all argument, but Forbes list of MLB teams Valuations recently came out: http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/33/Rank_1.html The Royals arent completely poor, but they are spending money on Doug Meintkieviczykjac and Mark Grudzelanek and Reggie Sanders, and they have refused to trade Mike Sweeney in the past 5 years, they have never addressed their starting pitching, they fire and hire coaches like its going out of style, and all of these bad moves or non-moves continue to haunt them. They cannot cry poor when they are putting a s***ty product on the field. If they put a competitive product on the field, they will fill up their stadium and make money hand over fist. KC fans want a winner, but I am sure all of this losing has gotten to even the most hardcore fans of the franchise.
  16. Daddy and "trouble" on Christmas day. That stupid Furby said more on Christmas day than it has in the 4 months that have followed. edit: HOLY CRIPES. I dont know how to resize this stuff, can a mod do it for me?
  17. This has changed from "What do you look like?" to "Who do you think Aboz looks like?" LMAO
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 6, 2006 -> 12:58 PM) One again, Ebaum is stealing material from YTMND. LOL, every one of those video sites steals from somewhere or another. What a lame complaint
  19. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ May 6, 2006 -> 08:10 AM) Anyone who'd rather have Anderson playing for us in CF then Rowand right now is either a: 1) Anderson fan boy, a pathetic breed that can't get over minor league numbers. 2) In serious denial. 3) Never saw a single game last year and forgot that Rowand actually hit almost .300 in the playoffs last year with amazing defense... Amazing defense, yes. Through the playoffs and world series, Rowand hit .267. Not exactly almost .300. In the Playoffs, he hit .250(7/28), You must be talking about the World Series, (5/17, .294), he had a brutal series against the Angels.
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 6, 2006 -> 08:01 AM) Its amazing to me the total pass White Sox fans give to Jenks when he is horrible. If it were Marte, or any other White Sox reliever who ever lived who came in with a runner on first and no outs, and allowed that runner to score, while allowing 3 more runs, he would have been crucified. With Jenks, its Ozzie blew the game by not having him start the inning. Someone please explain why Jenks, who was so bad he couldn't even finish the inning, would have performed better and got the save if Thornton didn't pitch to the leadoff man. And if coming in with a runner on first is so tough, then why have other Sox relievers been blasted when they allow these runs to score? hmmm, i havent noticed that Jenks gets a total pass. It just seems like people would rather nitpick the guy putting in the pitcher, rather than the player making the pitches. I dont really see Jenks getting a free pass here though. But Jenks also has been pretty consistent lately(before last night obviously), whereas Thornton has been pretty consistent in getting 2 guys out and then walking a lefty. I wish Cotts would have started the 9th, but in reality Ozzie is probably trying to save his bullpen a little bit, which is why we didnt see McCarthy or Politte either.
  21. Pretty sad. The effects of Meth But what can you expect from a drug that is considered ready for consumption when the mix dissolves a aluminum can.
  22. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 6, 2006 -> 07:36 AM) Jenks was horrible last night. I don't see where starting the inning would have made him any better, and I don't see where having a runner on base should make any difference in how he pitches. He came into the game in the 8th inning with a guy on base in the playoffs and WS IIRC last year. He just had a bad night. It happens. Unfortunately his night was so bad he allowed his inherited runner to score,and 3 more. I disagree with Ozzie's moves from time to time, but not last night. I don't see where having Jenks start the 9th inning would have made any difference. He was awful. ^^^^^^^^^ Jenks didnt have his heat last night, and he didnt have his command. Plus, teams are taking the White Sox to the opposite field like nobodies business now. Hawk and DJ keep saying "These teams have a plan tonite". No, they all have the same plan against the Sox right now, take it to opposite field because they are pounding the outside half of the plate. Did anyone notice how erratic the strikezone was last night? It had no impact on the final outcome, but the Ump was really all over the place.
  23. QUOTE(joeynach @ May 5, 2006 -> 07:07 PM) I was in reference to Magglois Injury in 04 when he collided with Willie. Maggs was held out of the lineup for several days, but when came back everyone breathed a huge sigh of releif with just a calf or muscle strain. He continued to play for sometime before finally going down with the nagging problem being diagnosed a meniscus tear. Then when he came back for that 1 game in cleveland July 31 I think it was and re-strained the muscle he was done for the year. So far to me this whole situation mirrors something just like that same situation. An injury that should be minor, why has it been a months worth of bothering him. Now 5 str8 days out the lineup this weeks, sometime out of the lineup last week. All sounds a little fishy for a mere strain and nothing else. I dont remember anything mentioning a calf strain when talking about Magglio back in 04. It was a knee injury from the get-go. You are reading too much into nothing, IMO Dye is resting his calf, and Mackowiak is getting more ABs. That is what Mackowiak was brought in for, insurance.
  24. QUOTE(joeynach @ May 5, 2006 -> 05:25 PM) I am starting to get really frustrated with this whole dye situation. This injury has now been a huge question mark for our lineup the last 2 weeks. I dont know why they dont put hom on the dl, he obviously is injured enough to be so. What it sounds like is they are not too sure why he is so hurt from just a calf strain. To me it sounds like a tear to partial tear and possible torn miniscus. I think him not being on the DL is an absolute joke and unfair to this team. To have that question mark hang over the teams lineup everyday in the clubhouse is not fair to the other 25 guys. Someone should be called up to get some playing time since JD has basically been not ready to play for at least 7 days. You might as well Dl him maybe retro to last week and call someone up and give JD another 7 or 8 days off while you really investigate the source of his limping and calf situation. Do you have a "Jumping to Conclusions" mat at your front door, by chance?
  25. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 5, 2006 -> 04:32 PM) Big Sqwert doing his best Ali G imitation in vegas
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