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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 09:28 AM) -------------------------------------------------------- Their manager is full of s*** and a liar. He cant play that up to the press, any prior knowledge of something like that would get Escobar in trouble. He has to play dumb
  2. you didnt look hard enough http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49416&st=0
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 08:25 AM) Same. Not many of us we're fond of Loaiza that year. I remember he was giving up a lot of runs, but the Sox were scoring plenty for him. Yet, when he left, he said he was glad to be pitching behind a real lineup in NY that would give him support. Oh well. KW couldn't have bought low and sold high any better. I will have to say this about KW, he took his lumps early and often as a GM, and there were some bad deals mixed in there, but he has tremendous focus and guile now. I bet you if he calls a GM on a player, most GMs take drastic pause to figure out exactly why he wants that player now. I really dont think he overpays anyone, and he squeezes as much value out as he can.
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 02:11 AM) I was at a bar the night Pauly hit the slam and the place was up for grabs. It wasn't until months later that I heard Farmer's radio call of: "IT'S A SLAM, LIGHT IT UP!" That call still geeks me when I hear it and that's saying a lot cuz I hate Farmer. Pauly's was better. I get goosebumps during every Grinder rules commercials this year. Especially Pauly's slam. I cant wait until I have the cheddar to buy the 5 disc WS set, im going to watch every game again.
  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 08:17 AM) Loaiza was one of the best things to ever happen to KW. He signs ELo to a very cheap contract, and he ends up finishing 2nd in the Cy-Young race. He comes back and struggles a bit. We're able to push him off for Jose Contreras. I remember how all the baseball critics were praising Cashman for getting rid of Contreras, to get a starter such as Loaiza. And the rest is history. I was ecstatic to see Elo go, even at the time. He was dogging it the entire year, and it was pissing me off. Now the Sox have the pleasure of watching Contreras for at least 3 more years after 2006. It puts a smile on my face.
  6. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/base...tard/index.html
  7. The count was simply masterful last night, his pitches were dancing all over the plate. I love this quote: What isnt in Contreras' arsenal? With the different angles and speeds he throws at, its no wonder he is on such a streak. He is truly fun to watch, unbelieveably dominant right now. Last year I used to get butterflies everytime he came up to pitch, because I didnt know which Count we would get and I couldnt believe that he had actually solved his problems, but not anymore. Now I know he is going to compete every time. There has to be some fun quotes on Yankee messageboards complaining about Contreras' success, lol.
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 29, 2006 -> 11:45 PM) This worked last year. No need to change. I agree. its a nice shout out to rooney
  9. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Apr 29, 2006 -> 03:58 PM) What does it mean that he was "pitching from the stretch"? Pitching from the windup usually has the pitcher facing homeplate straight on, both feet pointing towards homeplate. Pitchers can usually achieve higher velocity with the windup, because they have motions that bring more momentum home. Pitching from the stretch is usually when a runner is on base. A righty would pitch with one foot on the rubber, with his back to 1st base, and toes pointing towards third base. A lefty pitches from the stretch with his back facing third base and toes pointing towards first base(making it tought for runners to get good leads and take off on lefties, because they are facing the pitcher). The stretch is meant for a quicker delivery to home plate, to keep the runner on base, and generally takes a little off the velocity(not always though). Most relievers pitch from the stretch exclusively because they have to be used to runners being on base, and there is really no point in getting comfortable with the windup.
  10. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 03:37 PM) No, right. "Neither of us has asked that question to the Packers," agent Jordan Woy wrote The Associated Press in an e-mail. "We have had discussions with the team about his contract." If rotoworld told you the earth was flat would you believe them? If an agent told you the earth was flat would you believe them?
  11. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 02:18 PM) I'm hearing it from both ESPN and now a Green Bay newspaper, so, if it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck... its a platypus?
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/29/faked.eu...a.ap/index.html Probably one of the craziest things I have ever heard. Considering that the dog ended up being euthanized anyways, you could almost argue that the Vet in question contributed to more pain and suffering for this epileptic dog until it died. It really makes no sense what happened.
  13. This didnt really fall in the "Stupid, hilarious videos" category, I thought it fit a little better here. A couple of videos of Japanese robots, its pretty amazing that these things can do. Snake Robot Fighting Robots
  14. There were so many bands grouped into that genre that probably didnt fit whatsoever. Mr big, Nelson, poppy crap like that. The music industry definitely killed the genre. Everything is cyclical though, and bands like The Darkness keep that feeling alive(at least for me).
  15. His defense isnt underrated to his team, or to us as fans. Name recognition usually goes hand in hand with selecting a Gold Glove, and guys like Guerrero have the sexy stat "outfield assists" to help them along. If there was a "game saving catch" stat or "diving catch" stat, I think Dye would be a regular gold glover.
  16. When Vlad hit that homerun in the first inning, i was prepared to say "Has that ball landed yet?" in this thread. However, Jermaine Dye's shot went in f***ing orbit. I wanted them to show that homerun from the camera behind homeplate so bad so I could see its trajectory, because he blasted that ball.
  17. I hope he does. How many years did Joe Torre take half of his team? Everyone complained, but nobody did anything about it. Like I said after the Thome deal, When you finally get to sit on the throne, you better act like a f***ing king. Ozzie can do what he wants, if he wants his boys, more power to him. To tell you the truth, I think the Sox are gonna get plenty of guys voted in as it is.
  18. that link doesnt take me to Rush Limbaughs mugshot, and when I click on Rush Limbaughs name under the Sherriffs office News, his picture isnt there either.
  19. Kyyle23

    Weird Quirks

    I am also in the tongue sticking out club. When i am picking my eggs, the only thing I do with them is face them fat side down so that I know none of them have cracked and leaked. Most of the time I say "What?" when people tell me things, no matter if I understood or not. Its just an unconscious reaction of mine. My stepdad teases me about it big time.
  20. Just to prove how idiotic your remarks are, Cuck the Fubs, Im going to prove it to you Kevin Brown http://www.baseball-reference.com/b/brownke01.shtml Lets see, in 1996 Kevin Brown pitched 233 innings and ended up with a 1.89 ERA with a WHIP of 0.944 The next 4 years, he pitched 237 innings, 257 innings, 252 innings, and 230 innings. His ERAs in those years mentioned? 2.69, 2.38, 3.00, 2.58. He was absolutely dominant for a 5 year stretch. His career ERA is 3.28, and before last year he NEVER had an ERA over 5. Considering he was injured last year, I wont hold it against him. Hampton? http://www.baseball-reference.com/h/hamptmi01.shtml Well before hampton went to Colorado, he never had an ERA over 3.83(not counting his rookie year with seattle), and he anchored a pretty damn good Houston. Mediocre doesnt even come close to describing these guys careers. Im sorry you cannot somehow compare this to the Cubs and something that they did, I know you want to really bad. Think before you type.
  21. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:30 PM) They were mediocore their entire careers and just played well the contract year Hampton and Brown were mediocre their entire careers? You need to do some more research before you make your stupid remarks. Most of the time you have no idea what you are talking about, this being one of those times.
  22. Good advice on advice rock, I think the same way. Those people want to be assured that their skewed view of the relationship is right, and as a friend I take it upon myself to let my friend know that I dont agree with it. I have lost friends that way, sadly, but i had to draw the line on a similar situation in college. She wanted me to tell her that it was ok that she was hooking up with a guy who had a longtime GF, and I told her she was only going to get hurt. She stopped talking to me, and she ended up getting hurt shortly thereafter. the guy cheated on her AND his longtime GF. I told her it was coming, but she had her blinders on.
  23. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 03:30 PM) assault with a deadly weapon? Come on, thats just idiotic. Anyways, it appears the up strike is ending. Weird timing huh? Not really idiotic in the definition of the crime, maybe in the context of what happened. We all know that Young didnt intend to maim or kill the ump(we think ) but a bat can certainly be considered a deadly weapon, and throwing a bat at a guy who isnt paying attention can be considered assault. If the ump really presses assault charges I will really be surprised though
  24. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 02:16 PM) Call me old fashioned but what's wrong with sitting in a chair holding the controller with your hands and pressing the buttons with your thumbs? All of these systems try and one-up each other through innovation, Im not surprised one bit. And there were a couple of applications that the new controller offers that I have read about. In a fishing game, the controller acts like a fishing rod in which you pull back the controller and "throw" your line out and reel in your fish. In shooting games the controller not only fires in the direction of where you point the controller, but also changes the angle in which you are shooting depending on how you hold it. And the oldie but goodie click and drag. All in all I am interested in how many different ways Nintendo can incorporate the new controller into their games, call me a homer if you want. And this isnt the only way you can play with the controller. It has a shell that you can insert it into and use it as a contemporary controller. And if you take the tv-remote looking controller and turn it sideways, it doubles as the classic NES controller for the older games you can download onto the system. And for the people who dont want to switch from their gamecube, the gamecube controllers have two ports on the Wii. I had my doubts as well, but Nintendo keeps things close to vest. The more that they leak, the more this looks like a keeper to me.
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