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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) people underage drink everyday seriously the kids should never have even been ON probation. I think the judge was ridiculous and the school Sure, kids coming to prom wasted is ok. It happens every day so it shoudl be made legal. We should just eliminate all of the underage drinking laws because they are broken every day, right? These kids got what they deserved, just because you sympathize doesnt make it right. When i graduated in 1996, there were 7 guys at my prom who were busted for drinking at the prom. This isnt something out of the blue, this is a common occurence now. Why? Because underage drinking is illegal.
  2. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 01:51 PM) Speaking of illegal, what are the copyright laws regarging reposting entire articles? It isnt a members only article, I got it off of a Sports Radio host blog. I dont think I am doing anything wrong posting that article here, people do it every day.
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 01:16 PM) Wow, lets go ahead and convinct every college kid who is drinking underage and has pictures to prove it. Talk about the judge taking something a little too far. My whole dorm/fraternity would have been jailed. s***, my parents let us have some beers once we got into college, it was even legal in OXford if your parents were with you. I think this is complete bulls***. If a college kid is stupid enough to do what she did, they deserve to get busted. With the ready availability of information on the internet, this girl thought she wouldnt get caught and she did. You can think its bulls***, but the girl still violated her probation, and she is still 3 years underage. If she wants to party, she aughtta learn a little modesty.
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 12:03 PM) Pfft, that's nothing. Anyone remember the woman who was busted trying to smuggle coke by using the body of a dead baby? It had been gutted and stuffed with bags of coke. People got suspicious because she had it wrapped up and wouldn't let anyone at the airport look at it. No, I dont remember that. Makes me kind of nauseous.
  5. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...tter/index.html Read the guys article, then read the following slander that comes from Yankee and Boston faithful. It is really comical to see them going back and forth.
  6. I have seen stories like this on Animal Planet "Animal Police". Usually these people are caught because the condoms break in the puppies stomachs and kill the puppies, raising suspicion. Some people just have no feeling when it comes to getting what they want(in this case, money for drugs)
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 11:25 AM) Black on black crime? Why did he have to bring race into this.....there are times to pull that card, but this isn't one of them. It's about an idiot ruining a team and throwing Donovan under the bus, not race. The whole interview was kind of jumbled if you ask me. You could tell McNabb wanted to get this stuff off of his chest, but it just doesnt seem like it came out right at all. The only "black on black crime" that I feel McNabb could talk about was that yahoo's column from the NAACP. Of course, McNabb thinks pretty much everything Owens did was premeditated, so maybe it is a case of black on black crime in his mind.
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 10:38 PM) I wonder if he's ever used roids. I wonder if he has ever NOT used roids.
  9. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:32 AM) I think I remember Piazza being on the marlins for a really short period of time. Did he even spend a half of a season with them? One week, IIRC got this on baseball-reference.com
  10. QUOTE(Gldfinger5 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) Speaking of Borchard, does anybody else see him as a a possible Adam Dunn type? I don't think he could put up as many HRs, but I see a similarity. Borchard = Power + Strikeouts Dunn= Power + Strikeouts + Walks Borchard just doesnt strike the fear into opposing pitchers that Adam Dunn does, and pitchers wont try and go around him.
  11. LOL rock, good pic. That amazon girl is still a HUUUUUGE b**** though.
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2315565
  13. QUOTE(knightni @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:34 AM) I gots to know. Define amongst yourselves. I just capitalized a bunch of letters, no rhyme or reason
  14. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006601270321 I dont blame the judge at all, I would be pissed off too.
  15. poor lads want heads22 to bet again *no one said anything about adding numbers
  16. I used to live near Kane County Stadium and Josh Booty was the talk of the town when he was a Cougar(albeit briefly, even though he never even did much with the Cougars either)
  17. Damn, I was just browsing through some players transaction lists on baseball-reference.com, and came across this gem for Gary Sheffield, I forgot about the magnitude of this trade:
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 12:25 AM) You can just go to baseballreference.com and look up a player and see all the deals he was involved in. Yeah, Im being whimsical though. Im thinking of a site where the trades are categorized by year and month, where you can just click on the trade and *poof*! There is the info on the trade. You know, something that no one would do because it wouldnt serve any real purpose other than to fuel our debates. But damn would that site be on my favorites in a heartbeat.
  19. I wish there was a site I could visit where I could explore past trades and the players involved.
  20. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 12:20 AM) Sounds like our version of Joe Borchard, sans ego. From all accounts Joe is one of the nicest guys in the organization, and I have never heard about him b****ing about being sent back down to the minors.
  21. Wasnt Alex Escobar one of the famous cant-miss prospects?
  22. I think Theo Epstein ruined Gorilla Suit day forever for me.
  23. poor lads want head so set again
  24. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 08:30 PM) I BET YOU A THOUSAND DOLLARS YOU WOULD!!!!!!!! NUT UP!!!!! I've got my AARFSIOFBA card in my other wallet. Why dont you just wire me your money now, and save me embarrassing you yet again?
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