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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Kyyle23


    Awesome video, GHC. James Lipton with the hat is hilarious
  2. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) ....and he's pretending to LUUUV it, that's even funnier. The sad part is, that s*** will probably sell. I have to remember not everything that gets on the radio and consumed by the masses is trash I dont know about that. You should google the name of the song "PopoSao" and Kevin Federline's name. DJ's across the board have ripped it, and have said they wont play it because of how bad it is. Sometimes star power(even spousal star power) isnt enough to overcome bad music.
  3. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 04:51 PM) HOLY s***, where do I begin? Start at HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and finish with a flurry. That song is so friggin pathetic that its funny.
  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 04:41 PM) So who are you slighting, George Reeves or Christopher Reeve? LOL, someone doesnt know that Superman goes beyond Christopher Reeves. I am very excited for the movie, when Brandon Routh came out to present a Golden Globe with Terry Hatcher a few weeks ago, and he put on his glasses and started talking, I thought he was the reincarnation of Christopher Reeve, to tell you the truth. Bryan Singer did the movie, I dont think he will screw it up.
  5. Kyyle23


    I am sure some of you have heard the rumors of how bad the new single from Kevin Federline(Mr Britney Spears) is. Well, in the video I am providing you, you get the distinct pleasure of laughing at the song, AND laughing at Kevin Federline trying to make his song sound cool. Flops like this shouldnt be missed. http://www.collegehumor.com/movies/1656067/ As The Human Torch said: Flame on!
  6. Personally, I think he should shut his trap, unless he was there when Bonds and Armstrong used roids. This quote is pretty ironic and hypocritical on his part: He certainly puts himself out there to be "framed".
  7. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 09:52 AM) I don't know his stats...but I didn't think Welling was short. he is listed as 6'3" on IMDB.com, but I read somewhere that he is around 6'1", which was a major reason that Bryan Singer didnt want to use him(plus the fact that he wanted his own actor, and an unknown). Who knows, I may be wrong. Tom Welling is still a douche'
  8. QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 12:09 AM) Tom welling is a douche too imo. He basically did nothing before smallville... the he auditions for it... wins the part and declines it twice. Who does that? Not like he had conflicts because he was so busy. In fairness, the Superman part has long been thought to have been cursed, and carries with it the strong possibility that the actor will be type-cast out of that role. So many famous people have turned down many different versions of the superman part, on both TV and Movie. There is an expected strong committment from the actor playing the Superman part, and alot of actors dont want to make that committment. Tom Welling is a douche now because is pissed that he wasnt carried over into the movie as Superman. In case Welling didnt notice, he is short. Short isnt bad if you are playing a teenage superman. Short is bad when you are trying to play a full grown superman, who is anywhere from 6'4" to 6'6" in the comics.
  9. McHale just outlasted their window for winning it all. He couldnt do any wrong a few years ago, the players just couldnt come through in the playoffs year in, year out. Now McHale is just grasping at straws trying to build around Garnett again. I think Garnett is going to be out of Minnesota in under a year from now, to tell you the truth.
  10. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 08:30 AM) chuck lamar tried to make this happen before he got fired, but he would not settle for any other name than "yankees," "red sox," or "cubs," so nothing got done. LOL, I heard he was holding out for "better" names.
  11. QUOTE(TLAK @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 07:15 AM) I know what you're saying, there is a union rule about how much you can cut the salary of a player you resign. But I thought it didn't apply after the buy out. If you are right about the minimum offer then I would understand the moves better, but if the minimum applied I think we would have heard it. So lets get this right, you wanted the Sox to resign Thomas over trading for Thome?
  12. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 09:05 PM) I think it will be tough for Garland to win 18 games again. I think 16, 17, or even 19 wins is much more feasible. I hope this was supposed to be funny, because I found it hilarious.
  13. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 07:49 PM) I've already come to the realization she needs special ed. I arrived at that conclusion back in the fall. The problem is both her teacher's & her mom haven't arrived at that conclusion. Though I don't like the situation it is without quesiton a temporary one. I am basically removing the last crutch my wife has to lean on in denying the special ed factor. I'm hoping my daughter surprises me but I'm not expecting it. If you know, then its time to act. If your time is as precious as you have made it out to be in this thread, then it should behoove you to act quickly for your daughter
  14. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 07:49 PM) The synopsis for Mighty Ducks 4 sounds exactly the same as the first Mighty Ducks. No way a lot of these movies will ever get made. you underestimate the direct to video market.
  15. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 06:47 PM) You've got this all wrong. If I really believed that my daughter was capable of doing this work on her own & that her social life was getting in the way I would let her fail. I'm doing this because I've reached the point where I no longer think she is capable of doing it on her own. Those that know me know I am driven by logic & numbers. My mind quickly mapped this problem into a state diagram. What I arrived at was a simple conclusion: If she doesn't improve she'll wind up in special ed any ways. Outside of cheating there is no way she can improve her performance on tests without improving her capacity to do homework. If she fails regardless of the path I take the conclusion is inevitable. This is pretty much a no-brainer for an engineer. How is it not cheating to do her homework? If you feel that she is not capable of doing it on her own, then you are too far gone. She needs Special Ed already, you are just going to have to face facts. These generally tend to be the girls I met in college who failed out first semester because they were out Wednesday through Sunday, and didnt feel the need to do the homework.
  16. I thought when it came down to it, Shoop and Shea had the same offense. And Shoop wanted Delhomme, not Plummer. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...bears-headlines
  17. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 06:06 PM) When you are as intelligent as I am company is rare. That's why I don't put much stock in what many say here & I rarely face a challenge I can't easily destroy or exhaust. Well if us liliputians are just too insignificant for your intellect, then why do you bother? You havent destroyed any challenge here, you presented us with a problem in your life that you are dealing with in your way. Whats the point though? You put no stock in our ideas or arguments, you obviously feel you are smarter than that. The funny thing here, is that you really cannot defend doing your daughters homework so that she can have a social life. There is no defence. Try as you might, but you know that you are making her dependent on Daddy and it is going to come back to bite her in the ass later. I have remained civil in all my arguments with you, and have yet to talk down about anything you have said. I just completely disagree with your theory that this is about your wasted time. The only thing thats being wasted is your daughters intellect. You keep mentioning Special Ed, but you maintain your daughter is smart. She may be smart, but you are not showing us that she is in any way disciplined, and your wife sounds the same if she is going to side with your daughters social life over education. In the end, it doesnt matter though, because both of you think you are doing the right thing. Time will tell if you are or arent.
  18. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) I'll simplify this for you. You have two choices: 1) Allow your kid to fail or worse be put in special ed. 2) Do all that you can to gain your kid added time to do well in school. Which will you choose? You cannot simplify your childs education for anything, especially a social life. If your child doesnt want to be in Special Ed, she needs to get her ass home and put her nose in a book. Option 2 is pretty simplified from "I am doing my daughters homework and she reviews it." Noone ever said you couldnt help your child do her homework, just dont do it.
  19. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:36 PM) Has he come out yet? Yes. He is an anti-sexual. Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, and Transvestites refuse to recognize Bayless.
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:35 PM) reminds me of someone..... LOL
  21. Skips annoying and he just talks to make sure that his voice still works. I have been forced to listen to him on the Jim Rome show, and its always the same thing. He just thinks of the most insensitive and controversial thing to say, and gets behind it 100 percent. Nobody can change his mind, and he just keeps talking.
  22. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) This "experiment" as you call it began in December. It resulted in her grades going from F-D-C's to C-B's. I don't argue with success. Do I believe that with my efforts I can get her to B-A's? Yes. Will my wife, myself, & my daughter be more happier with that? Absolutely. I just dont see those C's and B's as being earned, Juggs. Sorry. Comprehension is a huge part, and if you are doing the homework, then she isnt reading the material. You are essentially becoming her cliff notes, and that doesnt prepare her for the future. Do you want her to be happy in the future? Or do you still want her crying to you for money because she doesnt have the job she wants because she doesnt feel liek working? I just see this as you setting her up for a future fall. The path of least resistance is not always the correct path.
  23. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 01:51 AM) Actually I've long said I thought Shoop would make a good coach. He wasn't near the s***ty offensive coordinator everyone made him out to be. Hell, his offense wasn't all that crappy when we got to the playoffs. It was conservative and took advantage of our very strong defense (which is sometimes what you want). You could make a case that with a good defense you don't want to get too agressive because you end up putting your defense in a tough spot, plus you don't give them proper rest. Shoop did have his flaws, but he's a very good mind and a hard worker and I know Jon Gruden is a big fan of his. I think the Raiders could do far worse (and have most of the time) than Shoop. I think he'll prove most Bear fans wrong. The flaw with his offenses were that we absolutely had s*** for talent. Its the truth. I will agree to this to an extent. But when he was with the Bears, he also had a hard time with being flexible in his game plan, and that bit us in the ass more times than I could count. Sure, the personel sucked, but there were plays he would run, specifically the 3 yard slant on a 3rd and long, that just made no sense whatsoever. When the Bears went to the playoffs, he was exposed for not being able to adjust. The Offense wasnt spectacular that year, but it wasnt as bad as the next two years. And the Eagles knew what Shoop was running before he was going to run it. I do think he will have some success doing something though, although I think the Raiders is biting off more than he can chew
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