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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. whoa, the Sox got a Boras represented player to sign a contract. This is groundbreaking.
  2. Nagin talking about his "Chocolate" New Orleans Yeah, I think Hilary and Al might have been on the same page. But Ray is definitely on his own wavelength this time.
  3. Since we are relatively new to the World Series experience, I have been wanting to ask a question about the trophy. Is it common for it to travel the way it has been(sort of like the Stanley Cup, wherever, whenever) when other teams have it? I just dont remember other teams taking it different places like the Sox have, but that could be because I wasnt paying attention and because it was in another city. Anyone know?
  4. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) Nice research by the way, but yeah you are correct. His lower body mechanics are very good, but they say that the injury to his leg may have caused a reliance on his arm which caused the stiffness. His arm motion is said to cause alot of stress on his elbow and shoulder. Thank you. I didnt think it would be dismissed as fast as it was.
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:10 AM) Briggs played really well IMO also. Another huge problem was that they couldnt get any pressure on DelHomme. The line just wasn't there today. That is what i was afraid of most of all, was that all of the trash talk and bragging about 8 sacks was going to fire up their offensive line. And it sure did, not only did Delhomme go untouched, but the running game was on point all game. Of course, everything in the entire game was set up by the 2nd play of the game. From the first touchdown to Steve Smith, the Bears were off-kilter from that point on. They didnt know if it was a pass or a rush, and it showed.
  6. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 01:32 AM) If he gets back in form hes a fine replacement for Tavarez even though that spot probably would go to King or Calero Umm, Kiko Calero was traded to the A's with Danny Haren last year for Mark Mulder. He hasnt been a Cardinal for a while.
  7. Did Ncorigable and G-man co-author this?
  8. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 09:52 AM) Ok so because 1 doctor says its bad mechanics that takes away from what everyone else ever said about Prior... one of his best attributes were his mechanics and if you remember a lot of people said Prior would never get hurt because of his mechanics. But no this 1 doctor who used to play way back in the 70's or whatevr knows more than them. Believe what you want. The guy has had elbow problems and heel problems NOT related to his collision with Choi and the linedrive to his elbow. Just because one doctor is quoted, doesnt mean that other doctors dont agree with his assessment.
  9. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 12:57 PM) There is nothing wrong with Prior's mechanics I think your thinking about our pal Kerry Wood. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 12:55 AM) Injury prone is Kerry Wood, who becomes injured because of the way he pitches. Or Frank Thomas, due to the place of his broken bone and his weight. Not Mark Prior or Jermaine Dye, who have suffered freak accidents The linedrive to the elbow was a freak accident. The sore achilles and resulting sore forearm and elbow in 2004 were the result of bad mechanics according to Dr. Marshall. This is all before he was hit in the elbow with a linedrive. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines http://www.dailysouthtown.com/southtown/co...ki/x27-lad1.htm
  10. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 02:21 AM) I was at Midway today flying back to colorado.....Guy comes up to me and asks for a cig, we get to talking, turns out he is a big angels fan with season tickets. Of course i had my Sox hat on and he remarked "So I herd the thing about Chicago baseball is that its the sox fans that can acctually talk baseball and its the cubs fans that can tell you how much a beer is at the park".....really nice guy, knew his baseball, so don't fret folks, the non north side world knows whats goin on.... all the scrubs fans have now is thier defense mechanisms..... I actually expected him to say "So you think AJ Pierzynski deserved first base?", him being an Angels fan and all.
  11. What?! I didnt see that, and you would think that this would have been shown on the replays and noticed by the announcers. Im callin "Da Bearsss" fan on this one.
  12. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 12:02 PM) I believe it Michael Jackson is insane I believe the guy has problems, and because of that people make up problems for him as well.
  13. It will be interesting to see if this is a PETA ploy. They like to stir s*** up in the european tabloids, because that stuff is all printed as fact and people seem to believe it more. IF all that stuff is true, I dont know why the Vet's lawyer would deny it and say he is still treating the animals.
  14. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 01:26 AM) I agree that Howry's an ass, blah blah blah, but come on guys, those of you saying Zambrano is just "ok" is total bulls***. I'd take him over Freddie, Garland, the usual Contreras, McCarthy just about any day. He's as dominant as a pitcher gets, he just needs to get his head right. Upper 90's, good breaking stuff, and he can go 8 innings, easy, how is he a #2? I think the problem is that he is comparing staffs, and they dont compare at all. The Cubs rotation is a myth, something that is together once in a millenium. They cant touch the Sox with a ten foot pole when it comes to Howry's magic word consistency. Our top 4 pitchers went over 200 innings last year, Has Wood pitched 200 innings in the past 3 years combined? And Buehrle, Garland, Garcia, and Contreras have been known as workhorses their entire careers. Give them the ball, they will eat up innings. The Cubs have exactly one pitcher who can do that(Zambrano) and you dont know if he WILL do that because his head isnt on straight. It isnt about Zambrano being a number 1. Thats already known. Its about their pitching staff being better than ours. And they arent. Not even close. Howry can say all he wants, but I am going to love seeing the quotes out of his mouth when August rolls around and he is in there 3X as much as he is used to because Wood never recovered, and Jerome Williams sucks, and Maddux is only a 6 inning pitcher. Howry is going to realize that his arm will get tired from Dusty's overuse, and then he will start getting his ass handed to him. And then the media will jump in, and Howry will start crying to the papers. Book it, that b**** is gonna suck this year.
  15. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) so they are both unsigned? I assume Mackowiak is our primary utility outfielder. Who is going to be the fifth outfielder? Borchard? Owens? Any other nominees out there? I actually thought Mackowiak would be a primary utility infielder along with Pablo, and Borchard, gload, or another player from the minors would step in for the extra utility OF role. Who knows what happens though
  16. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 11:33 AM) Probably not because he would be on the DL. I think Coop would be able to fix his mechanics better than Rothschild. Personally I think Rothschild has an under the table deal with Dr James Andrews to send as many messed up pitchers to him as possible. Its all theory though, just fun to think about.
  17. If the Sox stole Prior from the O's, i think Cubdom(dumb-dedum-dumb) would have a mass suicide. That would be the ultimate stick in the eye if the Cubs had to face Prior in the crosstown classic.
  18. So I gather noone really wants Anthony Fasano to be the Bears tight end next year, huh? I thought he would also make a really nice TE, and he declared for the draft a week or so ago. I think a playmaking TE will fall to the Bears in the draft this year.
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 12:18 AM) I totally expected their offense to make some adjustments to our D. Our game plan for our O let us down. Sorry Los, not agreeing here. What adjustments is the offense supposed to make besides scoring more than 29 points? Carolina was scoring at will, and the Bears didnt have the time to adjust to a better running game. Rex got into a shootout because Tillman fell on the second play of the f***ing game. Then Tillman gave up an interception to someone 3 inches and 20 pounds smaller than him. Then Tillman let Mangum sneak into the corner uncovered for a touchdown. Dont tell me our offense let us down when they scored 21 points on the 3rd best defense in the league, and were pressing for more in the last two minutes. The defense had two important chances to hold Carolina, after the bears pulled within 2 (16-14) in the third and in the 4th(23-21), and they didnt. What sort of adjustment would you ask for? After Carolina extended the lead to 9 should the bears have run the ball more and eat up more time ? The Bears were on the clock, they needed quick points. The defense let the Bears down, plain and simple.
  20. Once Rex got into a rythym, I thought he was really impressive. The defense really let us down today. Even if the bears would have played more run, less pass, Carolina was killing us at the line today early. Once Rex and Berrian started going together, they were somethign to see though. It turned out to be a great game to watch, even though the result sucked really bad. Hopefully Rex can get himself through a full season next year, I am looking forward to seeing if he can show us a little more, I liked what I saw so far.
  21. QUOTE(soxhawks @ Jan 15, 2006 -> 08:57 PM) he plays for the cubs do you expect him to say "ya our crosstown rival who all our fans hate has a better rotation than us , we suck." he just wants to make a good impression on his new team How about I expect him to talk about the Cubs when he attends the Cubs convention, and not take potshots at the crosstown team who just so happened to take his team out of the playoffs last year. He has been talking s*** since he was traded, now he is back in town. He got paid, he can stop acting like a b****.
  22. QUOTE(Jake @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 09:50 PM) I'm Greek, and as Garciaparra doesn't sound too Greek. Doesn't sound very Mexican either though. i dont know what made me think that. He looks greek to me, I guess. I never thought he was hispanic, thats for sure. He just never came across to me like that.
  23. LOL, shows what I know. I thought Garciaparra was greek!
  24. I cant wait until Thome turns one of his fastballs around in Wrigley. Thome always seemed to do that s*** to us when he was with Cleveland if a White Sox player got chirpy in the paper before a series. Cubs fans and players have been saying this s*** for years. "When healthy...." blahblahblah. Get back to me when you are healthy and positive news isnt "Kerry Wood played catch today for the first time in 6 months...."
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