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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 10:31 AM) I will still play this game and think that it looks awesome, but the licensing thing does make me a little upset. I was looking forward to seeing what the World Champs looked like on my favorite baseball game. What, you arent excited for some(unnamed) 3rd party to make their own MLB game? me neither. But there will be a game this year somewhere, hopefully they dont mangle the good EA sports name
  2. QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 10:11 AM) The Salukis will take on all comers online...if you have PS2! LOL, Callahans bunch has to worry about Wichita St and Creighton before they worry about the online onslaught. Do they have Abe Martin Field, I wonder? With the party hill?
  3. QUOTE(Beltin'Bill @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 12:59 AM) Not to change the direction of this discussion, but has anyone noticed this off-season the number times the WS were mentioned in trade rumors for players that the Cubs were highly coveting? I sometimes get the impression that KW has made every effort to drive up the price, be it in dollars or players/prospects, on a lot of the players that the Cubs have either acquired (Eyre and Pierre) or tried to acquire (Tejada and Abreu). This first stuck in my head during the winter meetings when he was asked about the Sox trying to obtain Pierre and he got a huge grin on his face. Then look at the amount of cash Hendry paid for Eyre. Maybe KW really wants to acquire the same players as Hendry, or maybe he is deliberately trying to break the Cubs' bank, block them from acquiring players and deplete their farm system. If this offseason doesn't turn out well for the Cubs, he might just accomplish it. Just a crazy thought. I get the feeling that the Cubs woes are a biproduct of Kenny's maneuvering, not the reason for Kenny's maneuvering. KW doesnt have to worry about driving up the price of a player during the Winter meetings, the media does that for him.
  4. f***ing hilarious. I love when the narrator says "ya dumbass" under his breath, lol
  5. thats a hell of a lineup for Soxfest though. All people going should leave happy after seeing those guys
  6. I also have to think that cop was looking for the smell of pot. A guy I used to play softball with(who is a cop in Carbondale, IL) told me that they hate citing people for little things like that because of the paperwork stream. Maybe the cop was pissed that he thought he nabbed a stoner and just said the first thing that came to his mind.
  7. The guy got a ticky tack ticket, but it isnt an illegal ticket. That cop shouldnt have said what he said though, it drew attention to a completely mundane and normal thing.
  8. lol, more like erased. I just searched his name and came up with nothing.
  9. Did Anthraxfan get banned today?
  10. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 06:56 PM) My gut says Jerry Owens will beat Brian Anderson out for CF, and then proceed to win ROTY. yep. We got that the first time. I put it on my sig. Now we know.
  11. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 06:21 PM) DA U!!!! That school just produces miserable thug after miserable thug. unfortuntely, they also produce successful athlete after successful athlete. What ever happened to that Willy Williams kid? I remember there was a huge recruiting war for his services, and while visiting various colleges he got himself into so much trouble that he ended up having to wear an ankle bracelet for his senior prom. Shortly after he declared for miami.
  12. forgive me for being a little random, but isnt there a Felix Potvin as well?
  13. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 05:19 PM) Package deal while renegotiating for Crede! just stop. please. X-box has been calling you all day
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 05:02 PM) Crowns on a 3 year old...??? Not only that, but a 3 year old with decaying teeth? Those teeth were a little over a year old, and whats the point of crowning them? They would have fallen out when his adult teeth came in.
  15. Since my kid is shortly out of the toddler years, I have to say that when you have a superactive kid, you dont just fall asleep around the kid. And even if you do, you are alert. To know that this guy passed out cold while his kid had free reign of the backseat of the car is disturbing and just hard to believe as it stands.
  16. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jan 11, 2006 -> 11:31 PM) Someone else may get that championship, but I still get that banner to hang saying 2005 Soxtalk Regular Season Champion. Regular season is just a tuneup. I think Knightni put it best when he told me : Regular season champion. LOL. That trophy goes next to the annual Windy City attendance trophy in order of importance
  17. According to the guy who got "punked him otta his shoes and clothes and b**** slapped", he was about to get raped by those two guys. They were both bigger than him, and in the interview last night he said his only concern was to stay on his feet, because he said it was over if he fell. The guards waited over 20 minutes to help him. His way of putting up a fight was staying on his feet, I dont think he should have tried anything more than that because he would have just made the situation worse. What if he swung at the guy punking him out, and the third guy jumped up and started helping the attacker? Just an unfortunate situation for the "victim"
  18. This was on the news last night. I think he settled for 750,000.
  19. Does he still make the rounds? Or did the "outing" force him to change his name and game?
  20. Buehrle Stat of the Day: Mark Buehrle is currently working on a one time only pill that will simultaneously cure the Bird Flu, the Turkish Bird Flu, Cancer, and AIDS. He came up with this cure while in his deer stand on his property, to which Mark commented "There just werent alot of deer around, so I was bored. Everything I needed was right here, so I just went for it." It is rumored that Beuhrle will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
  21. Why do I have to miss all of the exciting stuff? Can someone fill me in?
  22. #2 hitters, as in the guy who hit in the 2 slot? Or the second batter he faced every inning?
  23. I wouldnt go busting in on their picket lines with signs that say We are Retards, unless you plan on throwing down with a bunch of pissed off rioters. Nice group, really strong and positive message they throw around.
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