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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Gammons is steering the trade to the Red Sox. Beckett and Lowell to the Red Sox for a mix of players headed by Jon Papelbon. edit: not Papelbon, he could be included, but most likely Anibel Sanchez and Hanley Ramirez and the ever famous PTBNL
  2. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 07:15 PM) meh, sounds like bs to me. Testing doesnt mean anything. There are no punishments or anything that have been mentioned. However, getting testing is a pretty big step for the WWE, I would have to say. I imagine Vince will start getting some more lawsuits thrown his way if his wrestlers or former wrestlers keep dropping dead.
  3. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 05:44 PM) Red Sox and "mystery" team take over lead: http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/ESPNSports/story?id=1334519 LOL, what does your Marlins intern buddy have to say about this? Doesnt sound like your typical Miami Post retraction now, does it?
  4. That kid better have been pledging a fraternity.
  5. I know plenty of hunters in the Chicago area. Plenty of people in this area hunt, I dont understand why you think its a fact that Chicagoans arent outdoorsman, SF1?
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 03:11 PM) Especially with that beard. :headshake I was thinking more along the lines of his conversive grammar (or lack thereof). But the beard can go too.
  7. I dont know how many people watched the Bears postgame yesterday on Comcast, or if anyone is watching the replay right now, but Richard Dent is awful behind the microphone. Just dreadful
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) For shame, quoting me without also including the clarification of my comment. LOL, I thought about putting the clarification in there, but it would ruin the message in my post. Besides, I knew as soon as I hit submit that you would clarify it yourself.
  9. This "End of Hutchison" thread is GREAT! QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) The Bears are not in a situation where they HAVE to play the rookie QB...so why do it? To finish with 4 wins on the year? No thanks. QUOTE(3E8 @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 11:51 AM) If Orton is our QB of the future, we may be in trouble. Also lost in the hat-eating promise was this gem. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 11:46 AM) It won't happen. I'm also just as sure this Bears team--complete with the #1 defense in the National Football League :banghead :banghead :headshake --cannot win. This quote wasnt bad, just incredibly ironic after yesterdays game. QUOTE(Wedge @ Aug 27, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) Primarily, we need our quarterback to be able to get the ball to Muhammad. Freaking Jake Delhomme looked like a real NFL QB for two seasons because he was able to do that. Hutch can't do that. Maybe Blake can, but I'm confident that Orton can at least do that. It's low expectations, really. We have to start with Orton. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 28, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) There's about a 1% chance Orton does anything of substance this year. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 28, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) Sorry but I think anything more than 6-7 wins is probably out of the question. You at least need some resemblance of offense to be successful to keep that defense off the field and fresh. Orton's probably going to struggle. How many rookie QB's besides Ben Roest... have come in and succeeded straight away? David Carr didn't. Joey Harrington didn't. It doesn't help that the Bears OL isn't in the top half of the league in protection as well.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 01:15 PM) I'm still waiting for a hat to be consumed. Who was the lucky poster who offered to eat their hat?
  11. LOL, Martyrdom is based upon the media portrayal of your death in your society.
  12. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 03:17 AM) Bumping up old threads are we now. Who knew Jamal Lewis's feet would turn into cement. I dunno, maybe the federal prison in Georgia? All things being said, the Bears made a statement yesterday. And the most important part of that statement IMO was lost in about 5 dropped balls between Clark and Muhammed. Orton was on yesterday, and he should have been well over 200 yards with at least 2 touchdowns. I really dont want to hear Moose complain about not getting the ball enough anymore, he ended up with just under 70 yards but should have had about 120. If this Bears offense can continue growing like this, the Bears may be really scary come playoff time. That #1 defense is unreal though. You just cant move the ball on them, no matter what the field position is.
  13. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) Could you list, like, two or three? I dont know of any, I dont know the religion. I am just being PC in case there happened to be someone on this site who was a practicing Scientologist.
  14. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 05:41 PM) Here's the thing, if they went through with this in the last two years they would have lost Pavano, Burnett and Beckett. I wouldn't consider either of those 3 aces and they all seem to have injury problems, however when they were in there they were productive. All the sudden they go from having a very solid rotation to having Dontrelle and a bunch of youngins in there. The Marlins are pretty much screwed this season if they go through with that deal...now if they're just trying to rebuild then that's a whole different story. How long are the Marlins going to rely on potential with these pitchers though? Before the 2003 World Series, the Marlins rotation wasnt Dontrelle and a bunch of youngins, it was just a bunch of youngins. They waited for Burnett to get over the hump and pitch the way he could, and he could never do it with any sort of consistency. Beckett was a world beater in 03, but now 2 years later his career is still spotty and inconsistent. Brad Penny had arm problems and was shipped out for a quality catcher. I think that the Marlins just got to the point with the rotation where they had to cut bait(pun intended), and start over.
  15. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) Potbelly is king. Subway is the best deal, especially the daily specials and they have the best bread and toppings options. Jimmy John's is ok, but they only have 1 type of bread and it's plain, dry and boring.Quizno's is horrible and over priced and the soup is basically hot, colored water. Their thick-cut wheat bread is really good, you should try it.
  16. QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 02:14 AM) why is it that scientologists are the only group that can be made fun of nowadays such blatant hypocrasy I think that all practicing Scientologists can thank Tom Cruise for their newly found scorn. John Travolta managed to be a practicing Scientologist for the past 10 or more years without drawing this kind of negative attention and publicity. Tom Cruise seems to be a crusader for the religion, pushing it into the public eye and dismissing other practices. Im sure there are many good tenets about Scientology, but this whole TomKat thing going on makes it look like he is turning her into a little concubine who has no choice but to follow his religion while carrying his seed(spawn if you will). In short, Cruise is playing out the worst parts of the religion for all to see, making Scientology an easy target.
  17. If I am to build a subway sub, then I usually start with the Spicy Italian and work my way up(my tastes change alot, but the foundation rarely changes). I always get vinegar and oil on my sandwiches too. If I am going to Quiznos, then things always change, because they like throwing all of the exotic subs my way. My favorite so far is still the Italian sub(minus the olives). I still havent caught on to the Potbellies or Roly Poly craze.
  18. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Nov 19, 2005 -> 03:37 AM) I hate her, I remember a picture of one of the BEP's concert where she actually relieved herself on stage, with her clothes on, and had a big pee stain on the pants for the rest of the concert, Nasty! I'll try to find it EDIT: http://www.wsto.com/listingsEntry.asp?ID=3...&PT=bookersarah http://blog.biggeststars.com/archives/2005...e_pees_her.html That is sweat and you know it.
  19. That to me signals that the Marlins are still trying to move Delgado, especially if this trade goes through. And who knows, maybe Cabrera isnt as good as Blalock at third and ends up going to first. On a side note, is John Danks related to the White Sox draft pick Jordan Danks who went to the University of Texas instead of signing?
  20. Arizona St. Louis Detroit Dallas Jacksonville Tennessee New Orleans New England Philadelphia NY Giants Carolina Chicago Miami Cleveland Oakland Washington Tampa Bay Atlanta Pittsburgh Baltimore Seattle San Francisco Indianapolis Cincinnati NY Jets Denver Buffalo San Diego Sunday Night Kansas City Houston Monday Minnesota Green Bay
  21. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 06:40 AM) Thats funny. Stapp sucks
  22. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 17, 2005 -> 12:10 PM) yes he had an altercation at the Bears Fest a couple years ago. Steve McMichael was talking about it on the air yesterday. They were going up to this VIP suit afterwords and he thought William Perry was big timing him. McMichael said that if he hadn't been their to stop Olin somebody would've gotten hurt. Oh, the same Steve McMichael who is repeatedly played on ESPN1000 saying "i was on alot of pills that night." Mongo is a little "off". If you cannot tell when he is on the air with Jeff Dickerson, his head has been popped one too many times, and he wasnt all that bright to begin with. But fine, like always you know because someone told you.
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 17, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) I think you wont have too much trouble finding a gig, luckily you are in a currently flouishing market. I wonder why they downsized? Interest rates are going up, the market is not flourishing at all. Thats why they downsized.
  24. Our parent company is downsizing from 54 branches to 40 branches. Today. We were told last night, at 7 PM. I am currently cleaning out my desk(oh so fun) and scrambling to put together my resume. Anyone know of any jobs available in the Mortgage industry? I have experience..... This f***ing sucks.
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