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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. I think the guys family is in California. I wouldnt want to have to face my wife if I played in a city 4 states away and I left her home with a set of twins and another child all under 4 years old.
  2. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 08:09 PM) I used to have some anger problems however i got help and i am thankful for it. Yeah sure, telling someone to "shut the f*** up you dont know what you are talking about" when you yourself dont know what the f*** you are talking about is sure dealing with your anger problems. The fact remains that you were not present at this altercation, and the common thought about this altercation is that Fred Miller was goading Kreutz until he snapped and popped him. Also, a HISTORY of anger problems implies more than one other incident. Do you know for a fact that Olin Kreutz has done this more than the one time when he was at Washington?
  3. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 07:30 PM) he isn't the bears beat reporter. Biggs is. Ok, since you want to split hairs, do you want to dispute the guy who reports on the bears on ESPN1000?
  4. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 07:27 PM) where did you hear that? I think the papers would've reported that. Mullins told Carmen and Silvy this morning. Would you like to dispute the Bears beat writer?
  5. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:47 PM) you don't know what the f*** you are talking about. Period! He has a problem. Yes he might be a leader but that doesn't make it right what he did. He has a HISTORY of Anger Problems. He needs help right now. Miller was the real man and he said he was sorry because he knew Kreutz wasn't gonna take responsibility for it. Josh, if the actual story comes out to be true that Kreutz was goaded by Miller and hit by a 5 pound weight or board in the head until he turned and hit Miller, are you going to apologize for thinking that you actually know what happened? You dont know what the f*** you are talking about either, you werent there. This happens all of the time in your threads, you act like you are "in the know" about athletes. Newsflash, you know pretty much what we all know. there was a fight, miller lost.
  6. QUOTE(Sox Radio Bryan @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:31 PM) From time to time, I stop by this site to read what's up in the minds of Sox fans. Thank you to all who listened to White Sox baseball throughout the 2005 World Championship season. I appreciate the kind words that many of you have offered on this thread. Sure it would have been nice to continue talking White Sox baseball in the same capacity next year, but that's the nature of this media business. I was told when I was first hired that, should the radio rights change stations, there was no guarantee of employment for 2006 and beyond. It was a gamble worth taking in my professional career. Wouldn't you all agree?Fortunately, I continue to work at WMVP in a variety of roles. As far as the call with Bruce is concerned, it was great radio. I do not consider it a big deal, but I am in the minority based on all your opinions. Bruce works tirelessly and does a heck of a job. I have enjoyed working with him since day one. Thanks again for your thoughts, opinions, compliments and critiques. I appreciate it all. It was an enjoyable 175 broadcasts for me (one spring training + 162 regular season + 12 post season). I hope you had fun because I sure did. For that, you get a standing ovation
  7. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 05:54 PM) I hate how skiles falls in luv with the same lineup for so long, regardless of how obvious it is that the playes in the lineup are the cause for the poor starts. Hmm, I disagree with this. Skiles has never been afraid to make a change if he feels it is for the better. Remember last season when Chandler and Curry were taken out of the starting lineup midway through the circus trip because the effort wasnt there?
  8. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:18 PM) Actually you are right. The starting lineup has been changed up for tonight. C-Chandler PF-Nocioni SF-Deng SG-Hinrich PG-Duhon This was addressed here http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines
  9. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) So she kept the ring and said no? Man, that sucks. It only cost me 1/4 of a store-bought ring, so I was only 3/4 pissed off
  10. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) I can't believe you are picking on Green Day. How many of us can list at least 50 bands over the years that have produced controversial songs, violent songs, songs of warfare, songs of strife, songs of gang violence, songs of mob violence, etc? Rock has a long history of being OUT THERE in political though & consciousness. Are you too young to remember Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Dio, Scorpions, U2, Led Zeppelin, the Who, Styx, YES, Rush, REO, Aerosmith, G&R, Motley Crue, etc, etc, etc. Though I don't appreciate the excessive use of the N-word by many of today's rap artists I do respect their right to use it. I will never understand how this word went from being taboo to a term of endearment for some people. I can understand some people's need to remember their history of enslavement but they can't possibly think that wide-spread exposure of this word can remain confined to just their group. The more they use it the more it will grow in use beyond their group. Their term of endearment will just resort back to a purpose to denegrade another. You know Juggs, when I saw that you were the last response in this thread, I thought to myself "Here we go again". But I agree 100% with what you just said.
  11. Mine was quick and (oh so Cliche') was on Valentines Day. I worked at a Flower Shoppe, and my co-worker also made jewelry as a side hobby. I ordered all of the pieces to the ring(stone, clasp, ring) and he put it together for me for about 1/4 of the cost of getting one at a store. He finished putting the ring together about 4 hours before I was set to propose. Anyhow, i got off of work, and got one of her favorite flowers( a yellow rose, she doesnt like red roses) and tied the ring to the bottom of it with a long strand of ribbon, and shoved the ring up my sleeve. I went home and she was getting ready to go to work, and I walked up to her and said "Happy Valentines day" and gave her the rose, she smiled and took it from me and the ring pulled out of my sleeve and just hung there for a while. She looked at it and said "what is that?", I dropped to my knee and proposed, in the bathroom of our s***ty rental house. Sure, it wasnt the eiffel tower in Paris, or at any of the various beautiful state parks in Southern Illinois, or even the first place we met(the pizza resteraunt we both worked at), but the sheer surprise on her face was worth it. She honestly had no idea what I was up to. And she was even happier with her ring, which was a large chip of her birthstone(Yellow Topaz) set next to a row of inset diamonds. Originality always hits big with spouses, unless they are uber-superficial.
  12. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:59 PM) Where?? Reread the first post again. Yes, the post starting the thread I helped to hijack. Julie = Not Gay Julie = Gay Icon I can see it being interpreted either way. I guess it is up to Mercy! to explain what she means.
  13. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:57 PM) Not originally. Mercy's initial post only put Julie in the icon category, and not in the team clubhouse. Which is the same designation I would have given. But I'm not on the team, despite owning the anniversary TOSM set. I own Bette Midler albums as well. . . I think the interpretation can go either way
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) Icon.. I have no clue.. playing for the team is the question..?? I can understand Icon. But Andrews was clearly portrayed as a lesbian, and I just think that is something that certainly can not be proven.
  15. I can accept if she were gay, its not a big deal. i just dont like when people in the public eye are labeled as being gay just because they dont have an obvious spouse, or because of their appearance, or just because the gay community appreciates their work. See Hilary Clinton, Oprah, Diane Keaton. And I especially dont like when someone says "You may not think So and So is gay, but trust me she is. I know." I had a health class elective in my sophomore year of college, and a few members of the Gay, Lesbian and Bi club came to speak to us. It became a popularity contest based on who was gay and who wasnt, these people were actively trying to "recruit" people by listing off as many stars as they could in which there was doubt concerning their sexuality. It really bothered me. I guess Mercy's opening statement struck me in the same way.
  16. Good trade for Padres and Cameron, should this be true. the padres have been looking for an OF that can cover all of that ground in that park, and Cameron is definitely that type of player. Cameron didnt need to be playing in RF at Shea, he is a true CF.
  17. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 01:40 AM) This is a certified ghey-only thread. Please, no lame wannabes or other trouble makers comin’ around talkin’ smack. You say you didn’t know Ms Julie is a lesbian and gay icon? Then clearly you’ve breached the ghey-only perimeter fence on false pretenses. But speaking from the distaff side, I can swear she is. And it’s a little bit more than a Bea Arthur kind of thing, if you catch my drift, girlfriends. So my hat’s off to you, Mr. Mayor. Blake Edwards is a cover? Didnt know that.
  18. I think there should be a "drowning in the gene pool" sticky post in which we can post all of these "Dumbest person ever" stories. Maybe towards the end of the year we can have a bracket in which the dumbest people go up against each other until we can figure out the dumbest person of the year. Hell, i will put that bracket together myself, that sounds like fun.
  19. If it is heavily backloaded, i dont see the Sox making a deal unless the Marlins pick up some of that contract. I am confident KW will do the right thing here.
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 11:27 AM) Ok, here goes. went the when it first opened when I was in Jr High I believe. Had my mom drop me off. The bouncer made me take off my Green Addidas shirt because it was gang colors. Finally get into the "club" They claim to have a pizza buffet, not good. Then in the middle of the night, they stop the white trash shin dig, lower a fake alien in a casket down from the ceiling, tell a story about aliens, then roll him back up and continue the ghetto fest. Never went back. LMAO Sounds like Club Palindrome in Palatine/Schaumburg. I dont know if that place is still open, but when i was in high school it was the same thing minus the lame Alien show.
  21. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/11/16/cia...d.ap/index.html
  22. ESPN sent an apology to a wrestling fansite, www.pro-wrestling.com "While some comments attributed to Colin Cowherd were taken out of context and are innacurate, we do apologize for a statement implying that Eddie Guerrero's death was steroid-related." ESPN couldnt even completely apologize
  23. I still think its funny that the guys from Green Day are considered bigots because they named their album/DVD "Bullet in a Bible". You would think that it they preached hating Christianity throughout the length of the disc with the way this thread unfolded.
  24. QUOTE(TLAK @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 07:42 PM) Was this the rant about how the post season pregames would be handled, using the network pregame instead of the Sox one? IIRC Levine was on from 6 in the morning with Jerk and Jerk in the morning to about 2 AM with Dolgin several times that week. He was on about once an hour all day with the local guys and also covered all the games. He was making less and less sense as the evenings wore on, During the 'rant' I remember him quietly saying 'well that sucks' as if he forgot he was on the radio. I think he was just worn out. The limit of Bruce Levine has been identified. Yeah that was it. And he kept saying that the timing of the programming would be really unprofessional. I believe this was because there was a chicago pre-game show, which we all have listened to, and then there is a national pre-game show which Morgan and Miller host. The Chicago pregame show wasnt going to lead into the game like it normally did, it was going to lead into the national pregame show, and Bruce was really irked about it. Dolgin held his own and was clearly trying to steer the subject away, but Bruce kept pushing it and was blaming Dolgin for it. I dont remember what led up to the end, but Bruce threatened to hang up his phone, and Dolgin told him "See ya". Click. Dolgin moves on like nothing happened. It was hilarious.
  25. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 05:59 PM) It's a damn shame to see so many wrestlers die at a young age. you will get no argument out of me about that.
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