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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 06:41 PM) Pfftt... you know you've bookmarked and plan to read them all. Its amusing, I will not deny. I have found some hilarious pictures of that lady screaming
  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 06:34 PM) LMAO.. that is just hysterical!! I thought the same thing. I tried it just to see what popped up, and there were too many pages to count
  3. Im sorry I cannot include a verified link saying that this lady actually took the money for a gastric bypass, it seems that there isnt an official release that I can find as of now(and i have gone through plenty of google pages, let me tell you). But if you google "Trading Spouses + Crazy Lady + Gastric Bypass" you will see that every chatroom that discusses this show says that she took 20 grand to get a gastric bypass. TIFWIW.
  4. I was told that she turned down the money from the show initially, because they put her into a family of people who didnt believe in Christianity. Then she saw the check, changed her mind, and used it on a gastric bypass. Apparently there is a follow-up show on the way
  5. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:53 PM) If A=B, and B=C, therefore B=C. If A=Soxtalk, and Soxtalk=C, therefore Soxtalk=Soxtalk. Man, I just don't understand. Then A+B+(disrespect)+C=2005 World Champions M__he___c__rs!
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:52 PM) It's fun.. LOL, I didnt even complete my post yet(accidentally added the post) and you knew what I was talking about
  7. Look at this completely logic-free thread. These threads always crack me up. They start strong, Juggs enters, everyone scrums, Juggs deduces that we are all inferior beings who just dont get it, and everyone moves on and laughs about it. i swear you could set your watch to a thread like this. And from a read-only standpoint, i really enjoy reading the arguments.
  8. QUOTE(juddling @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) "Their parents didn't approve of them being together" because of the age difference, she said. "It wasn't because he was a shady character, because he wasn't." Yeah, he sure proved himself to be an upright concientious individual to their parents, now didnt he?
  9. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) Playing Fantasy football,and seeing the yards the Bears rack up on the ground really makes you understand how good of a running game the Bears really do have. Granted, we run the ball alot more than alot more than other teams, however, right now, we have 3 NFL starters at HB right now. ( Peterson is not this good,at least I really,really dont think so....) It isnt so bad to have a running back who was the top 1-AA rusher in history. After reading this story, it looks like Adrian Peterson was supposed to be a bigtime back at a bigtime school, but his qualifying scores came in late. http://archive.profootballweekly.com/conte...rson_121701.asp
  10. These people never have the wrapper it came in. That alone will shed alot of doubt on this story. And the whole "how the hell did a turtle get packaged in coffee" thing
  11. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:56 PM) Alright, 3-6 weeks is actually pretty good news, and like I stated earlier, with the way Peterson has been running, and with TJ coming back, 3-6 for Benson is not a big loss. Just a shame the kid has to lose time. He really has looked good with his time on the field. He looked good, but dammit if Peterson didnt look so much better. Peterson has been running with authority all year. Its amazing how deep the Bears have been at the tailback position this year.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:54 PM) They did x-rays and it was negative, how could he have a broken leg? I call BS Wouldnt be the first time ESPN1000 reported something wrong. I waited for a linkable source, but none came. I still thought it was noteworthy enough to start a post, and it sucks that he is out 3-6 weeks, but it is much better than a broken leg.
  13. QUOTE(Spiff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:38 PM) Fibula is the one in the back, and it's smaller. thats what I said
  14. QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:10 PM) They usually have a match of that approximate quality on every PPV. A few too many matches ( especially the Ultimate X matches ) turn into clusterf*** spotfests, but they've gotten better lately at developing storylines to build those matches around. Another guy who's pretty incredible to watch is Sonjay Dutt, he has put on some entertaining matches with Daniels and Styles as well. Competition makes for a better product in wrestling. Vince McMahon is always at his best when his back is against the wall, IMO. Hopefully TNA forces his hand, because the WWE has gotten away from wrestling way too much lately, and is focusing too much on the drama.
  15. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) Thats something I never have understood. If we was walking around WITHOUT cruches, how can it be a broken leg?? Im thinking he broke the smaller bone in his lower leg(The fibula?). Alot of players have actually played with that bone being broken
  16. Broken leg. If this isnt a curse, i dont know what is
  17. QUOTE(smalls2598 @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 08:21 PM) Back in 2000, i went to Raw with some friends at the Rosemont Horizon; afterwards we went to Bennigans on Cumberland. We were just about to leave, and in walked Guererro, Dean Milenko, Chris Beniot and the other guy (i don't recall his name). We asked for a group picture, but only Guerrero and Beniot agreed to take part. Anyways, I stopped watching the WWF when it became the WWE; and although I was never a big fan of Guerrero, I always appreciated the fact that he took the picture with us. RIP Eddie. I remember when Saturn, Milenko, Guerrero and Benoit all switched to the WWE. The monday night wars hit their pinnacle at that time, and these guys were a huge part of it. The WCW stole all of the old stars from WWE, and the WWE turned around and stole Jericho and company one by one. Too bad there isnt really a viable wrestling program that can rise up and actually go toe to toe with Vince McMahon.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:38 AM) I wasn't accusing you of doing so. Ok, what were you saying then?
  19. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:28 AM) by the way, kyle....thanks for the hotpocket. yeah i am lost on that one
  20. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) Hmm.. so don't put it out there that 2 teenagers have just murdered 2 innocent people in an effort to possibly catch them before they might kill again and prosecute them for the crime they have already committed..? Alrighty... I didnt say I disagreed with murderers being front page news. I just pointed out that the good kids actually do get some print time.
  21. How many times have the Who, Kiss, the Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, Janes Addiction, and Crsoby Stills and Nash(and Young, sometimes) gone on their farewell tour? As long as pork is still available, McDonalds will bring back the McRib.
  22. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) tens of millions of teens follow their parents rules, come home on time, don't date at 14 guys who are 18, yet they never make the news. :headshake How about the damn newspapers printing those stories once in a while, instead of this crap? They do. They are just on the backpage. Acheivers awards are rarely front page news.
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) And last season and leading up top the Superbowl, which they clearly indicate is the time frame they are referring to.... he was. last season was mostly 2004. i agree that his performance in the superbowl was gutty, but he sure hasnt endeared himself to the team concept since that moment.
  24. QUOTE(jenksd @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:06 AM) Kreutz seems to be the type of player to take bad performance personally as he's been really the only mainstay/anchor in our offense for a long time. Fred Miller didn't look very good and was making dumb mistakes and I'm sure it had something to do with Miller missing an assignment or something to that extent, especially since the O-Line's play is reflected on Kreutz a lot. I know I'm just speculating, but I have no problem with Kreutz putting someone in their place. Did anyone else hear that report (I think it was during the 49ers game) that said that Kreutz has made a more positive impact on Orton according to Orton and taught him more than any other coach he's ever had? I think that's pretty amazing. I love Kreutz, but I have a big problem if putting someone in their place involves injuring them and causing them to miss games. Thats bulls***.
  25. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 08:10 AM) I think I saw the Tribune and Sun-Times report it. Maybe Miller ain't really "fitting - in" if you catch my drift. Punch confirmed, reasons for punch not confirmed http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines Kreutz is a fiery guy. This doesnt surprise me in the least, it seems like if there is ever a scrum on the field, he is in the middle of it. I also wonder what Miller did to cause Kreutz to swing.
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