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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. I am optimistic in the fact that Duhon, Chandler, Hinrich, Deng, Gordon, Harrington, Piatkowski, and Nocioni are all entering their second year with the same coach, with the same philosophies. I am a big believer in the cohesion factor in the NBA, and I think the Bulls have a step up on alot of teams in that department because all of the above mentioned players had pretty much equal in their impact on last season. The Bulls really had a similar mentality to the White Sox, they had different heroes every night. If the Bulls have any setback, it will be the integration of the new players into Skiles system, and his effect on the new players. If the Bulls simply execute, they will be a very competitive team this year. Hopefully the lapses will be fewer and further between because their are really no major contributing rookies on the team. This is a decent to good team, with a wildcard in Skiles.
  2. Where is the end to this joke? How f'n dumb are the Cubs, already?!!? (p.s. I think bringing Rusch back was a smart move by the Cubs. I think he will perform well in whatever role he is given, but shuffling him back and forth from starter to reliever hurt him more than anything)
  3. And dont forget he was a Twin too. he is on all of the "Hated Rival" lists
  4. QUOTE(Yoda @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) Let's go Bulls! Let's start the season off like the White Sox did. Or you can always repeat the beginning of the 04-05 season. 0-9. I just dont want them to repeat the end of 04-05, with 4 straight losses in the playoffs.
  5. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:24 PM) The more people disregard the Sox the bigger the chip on their shoulder will grow. I think by the time ST rolls around people will be dismissing them once again and picking the Indians to take the division. Seriously. And that just plays right into the hands of the Sox. They don't need individual honors. That method of thinking sure worked in Minnesota's favor from 2001-2004. As I recall, the White Sox were the team that everyone kept picking back then...
  6. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 03:51 PM) ha, i hope that felt good. i hate espn. so i'll slam on them all i want. if you hate this topic, start your own or dont come to this topic. say hi to your best friends tim kurkjan, peter gammons, and jeff brantley for me. those guys are awesome! Ummm yeah, I was totally defending ESPN here. :headshake Over/under on how many days it takes you to start a topic worth noting....there is no number that high
  7. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:09 PM) Let us not forget "Downtown" Randy Brown! I will not forget "Downtown"Randy Brown, the bench player for the dynasty Bulls. I choose to forget "Downtown"Randy Brown, the guy who was forced into a starting role because the Bulls dismantled.
  8. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 03:36 PM) yet you continue to read them Thats called hope. Hope that one time I will read a post that you write and I will be impressed by what I read, and not find a moronic thread about who ESPN is going to blow next. As of now, I only get dissapointment.
  9. Once again I read one of your topics and think to myself "What the hell?!?!"
  10. QUOTE(mreye @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) I lost my wallet on the train this morning. After calling South Shore and Metra, walking down to the last two stations and checking every garbage can between here and there...my wife was on the phone at home cancelling our credit cards when the call waiting beeped in. It was the collector - he had my wallet! He left his home number and I called it - Bingo! All the money was in there too. I though it was around $160 - He corrected me - $176! I wonder why he took it home instead of dropping it at the lost & found. Maybe he was expecting a "reward", or didn't trust the lost and found people? Either way, I'm very happy! Now, how much should I give him? Depends on what you feel is fair. Personally I would give him half of the cash or more, considering how much of your personal info and credit information is probably in your wallet, and the amount of hassle he is saving you. Everyone is different though
  11. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) yeah but some celebs have gone to Eastern. John Malkovich and I think Joan Allen went to eastern. Celebs are not reasons to go to schools.
  12. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:45 PM) My mom told me that they have a great communications program. One of my teachers went to Eastern Illinois and he said it's a pretty small school but you get a lot more personal attention. SIU has a great Media/Communications program, also a top notch Auto school, Flight school, and Forestry program.
  13. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:43 PM) Uhh... yea. How in the hell do you think this site has so many posts. :rolly
  14. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) In about 5 more posts, some lurker will take a pot shot at Steff, and kick off a 10 page, 20 person arguement and we will be headed down our usual road. my money says its Juggs
  15. I think Young is more of a "Next McNabb" or maybe "Next Culpepper" before he will ever be a "Next Vick". Young has more size to him, like McNabb and Culpepper, and he doesnt look as jittery in the pocket as Vick.
  16. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) It all boils down to sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, Bush bashing, or abortion. I'd say we're right on track here. Well i certainly dont see the problem with it, lol. I would change "Bush-bashing" to Rep/Dem bashing, but that is splitting hairs
  17. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:19 PM) Dub all stars are sweet. And it wasnt like they went out an got a new singer, it was their guitar tech from sublime, and they had a slightly different sound. Bradley was most of the talent and vision, but I still liks the dubs. You must think the new INXS is good, dont you? I kid, I kid.....
  18. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) What a shocking development this thread has turned into. I think most threads on SL&P have about a 10 post limit before the conversation turns to something that the creator of the thread never intended.
  19. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) You get waaaaay more f-ed up after drinking alcohol than smoking a bunch of pot. IN fact, you cant even OD on pot, but you can on alcohol. I dont understand why society is so against smoking a little weed now and again. Honestly, more people do it than most people realize. Are you saying that YOU do it, Rock?
  20. What is up with Tim Thomas? i know it is silly of me to actually expect anything out of him, but I do. Is he still nursing a sore ankle? When should we expect to see him?
  21. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 12:00 PM) We can build new ballparks for everybody! Except the Cubs. Wrigley's a shrine, you know. "And a new ballpark is being built in Florida, funded solely on tax money from last years Marijuana crop. The ballpark, funded by Marlboro, is tentatively named ' Marlboro's field of Greens", but is more commonly nicknamed 'The Big Bowl', some say due to the shape of the ballpark....."
  22. Kyyle23

    Pass the pipe..

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 10:56 AM) I have never smoked pot and never will. But I do believe the marijuana laws need to be changed. I really don't see a huge difference in Alcohol and marijuana. Let the government tax the crap out of it like alcohol and use the money for schools. That trick always works. I think the traffic accidents related to marijuana use are probably drastically smaller than traffic accidents related to alcohol use. Thats just my opinion though. At some point the government will realize the potential cash cow that marijuana is and they will totally maximize it at our expense. Its only a matter of time. On a related note, the "Say no to drugs" commercials aimed at pot smokers are getting funnier and funnier. Apparently now if you are smoking pot you will forget your sister is riding a bike in your driveway and run her over, or you will take your sister to a Carnival and forget her there, or you will hang out with your friends all day long (smoking pot) and forget your sister is having a birthday. So I have deduced that smoking pot is bad if you have a sister. Thankfully, I have a brother.
  23. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:13 AM) anyone know much about any of the following colleges? Nice town? good music scene? cheap housing? good school? Proximity to US Cellular field (in the case of Illinois schools) Michigan St Ohio St U of Illinios Urbana U of Georgia So Illinois Carbondale Eastern Illinois Benedictine U U of Kentucky Loyola U Chicago Illinois St Stony Brook Hunter college Thanks in advance I lived in Carbondale for 8 years, you could ask me anything you want about it. I loved the town, but it isnt a place to raise a kid, thats for sure
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