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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Kyyle23

    PTC slams FOX

    QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 05:23 PM) 9 p.m. on the East and west coasts is family viewing time? I'm pretty sure that's even when Nickelodian (Spelling?) switches to Nick at Nite prorgramming...because it's not prime family viewing time. I said "Maybe" Not all of those shows are in primetime, but alot of them are. it just looks like a big gripe report to me.
  2. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(Brian @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 03:08 PM) Way from left field, but I caught the end of Parenthood on cable the other day, hadn't seen it in years and when I did, I may of been too young to get it. Is it assumed at the end that Larry is killed my the gangsters when he says he wants to go to Tokyo, or is it assumed that he is just running of like he always did and leaves the kid behind? The way I interpreted it was that Larry's Dad (Jason Robards) paid Larry whatever money he needed so he wouldnt get in whatever trouble he was in, and then told Larry to leave Cool there with them. I also watched that movie recently, and noticed alot of things that went right over my head when I was a 12 year old watching it for the first time. Most notably the vibrator scene. I was laughing so hard i started crying when i saw that. Steve Martin rules. I watched Bowfinger the other day, and I think that movie got a raw deal. I thought it was really funny.
  3. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 15, 2005 -> 11:26 PM) I saw Fog and it was the dumbest movie Ive ever seen... and I go to the theaters almost every Friday so im there a lot which is saying something. I saw the original and it wasnt that bad but the remake is just beyond horrible. Im afraid for the big screen adaptation coming out for Steven Kings "The Mist". Everytime I see the (bad) trailer for The Fog, I think to myself "This is what The Mist is gonna be. A hastily done, not well thought-out, poorly adapted film that will forever tarnish my personal mental adaptation of a crazy story by Steven King. Damnit."
  4. Kyyle23

    PTC slams FOX

    Maybe they are just looking at shows that run in the primetime slot, which is considered prime family viewing time. They dont want to discern which show is actually a family show or TV14, they just want to tell everyone that it is a bad show.
  5. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 04:12 PM) Whoever pays Burnett over 8 million a year is going to regret it big time. 13 is ridiculous. I completely agree. Supposedly this is the asking price that he himself set. Maybe he will be like Magglio and go until the very last moment before Spring Training starts.
  6. QUOTE(3E8 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) By the way, where the hell is Mr. Show and MST 3000 on that list?! Or even The State. One of the most under-appreciated skit comedies I have seen.
  7. Lovitz' brand of humor is definitely an acquired taste. He goes for the sleazy carsalesman approach more often than not, and he just seems to make some people laugh way more than others. Personally, i thought he was absolutely hilarious as General/President/Ruler Tod in the movie "Mom and Dad save the World". The movie really sucks, but I laugh my ass off in every scene Lovitz is in.
  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 07:32 AM) He was in his usual form today, that's all I'm going to say. Let me inform the rest. This was the last line of his s***ty article what a jagoff.
  9. Rumors are flying around that Burnett has set his asking price at 13 mil per year. My bet is that he is an Oriole. Angelos is becoming more than desperate, and he has no idea about how to go about finding the right free agent for his club. he thinks he just needs to spend more money.
  10. the parade and subsequent party would last forever in my mind. It doesnt matter where they have it.
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 08:17 AM) I loved Newsradio when it was on. The likes of Hartman as Bill McNeil were just guaranteed for great watching. A couple of months ago I was watching old episodes via Winamp which reminded me how much I loved that show. Friends, ugh. Frasier, meh, never watched it. Roseanne, ugh. Newsradio was ahead of its time, and never had enough time. The cast on that show really was awesome, but they never got the notoriety until it was too late. Everyone thought the show was going to get cancelled the year before Phil Hartman was murdered, and then it was picked up for a complete season, and then Phil Hartman was murdered. I was very sad when this show was basically forced to end. I think Jon Lovitz is funny in his own strange way, but you cannot replace Phil Hartman with Jon Lovitz. It just didnt work.
  12. Maybe Hawk is superstitious enough to think that if he doesnt watch the game in Florida, the Sox might lose. i know I get all kinds of crazy non-realistic superstitions stuck in my head in the playoffs
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 12:36 PM) This is the 2nd time today people have failed to notice when I posted the exact same link several hours beforehand. Have I become invisible? I have no idea what you are talking about.... Sorry Balta, i scanned the link quickly and didnt see it. I have a tendency to do that, so if it happens again i didnt do it on purpose.
  14. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 10:44 AM) You must have missed when they asked Dreamcast (or whatever Speilburg's production company is) to change their logo of the little boy sitting on the moon fishing because it was an inhumane practice. I did miss that. And i do think that is ridiculous.
  15. Not so fast, there may not be a god after all (waits for Juggs to react with a heathen thread) http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/10/17/p...n.ap/index.html
  16. QUOTE(Iguana @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 09:59 AM) The thing that made me laugh is that they were playing salsa or some music like that but yet, A-Rod is from NY. Not sure where vlad is from but A-Rod is from no where near Mexica/Venazula/Dominican Rep. Arod's family is Puerto Rican, arent they?
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) So if the shark is humanely processed, not drowned, would the dead dogs be ok as bait? This doesnt happen. There isnt much on a shark that is worth processing, from what I have read. Something about the high content of Urea in their blood or something. So a shark is basically killed for about 20 percent of their body. its a waste QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) I agree in most cases live animals for bait is cruel. The one case I can think of is a no longer widely used practice of penning up a rabbit to attract predators. The rabbit is generally safe from the predator. The rabbit is later eaten by the hunters, however, for a brief while, it is bait. Now tapes and recorded calls are substituted. I think there is a definite difference in hunting and baiting.
  18. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 09:10 AM) So you kill your worms before putting them on the hook? I would like to say that is different, but you are right, it isnt. Of course, a worm is not generally a household family pet unless you are Lloyd Christmas. Of course, a worm is a part of a fishes natural diet, which couldnt be said for a dog and a shark. Let me know when a fisherman starts getting letters from PETA about worms though, that would be interesting.
  19. Remember how bad that movie "The Skulls" was? Yeah, they made a sequel. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0278723/ and another, because this was such a solid premise http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0352851/ strangely enough, the same guy wrote all three movies.
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 08:25 AM) Finning is another deplorable practice. But again, are what we are really debating is how best for humans to kill other species for our use? Should we really be outraged at killing dogs and using them for bait? As far as humanly killing the dog, they could use a a smaller version of the device they use to kill cows. Basically use a spring loaded device to drive a bolt into the cow's skull. Bullets, chemicals, etc. are way to expensive to use. Am I turning anyone towards becoming a vegetarian? In a modern facility, an animal is killed every three seconds. If you are talking in general terms, then no, I dont believe that humanely killing an animal for use(whether it be bait, meat, all around products) is a bad thing. It has happened throughout time. All animals need to eat, which involves the death of another plant or creature. If we are still talking puppies and sharks, then I am very against it on the grounds that it is finning the sharks more than it is a dog as bait. And under no circumstances ever would I support a live animal as bait, that is cruel and unusual punishment.
  21. Well killing the dog to feed the shark only feeds another bad stigma, which is finning a shark. I guess thats what the crux of this whole argument is; one group going to such lengths to prevent shark-finning as to make up a false(but compelling) scenario to draw attention to the horrible practice of finning a shark. So I guess i would have to say, in this instance, that there is probably no way that I, personally, would be able to see a humane way of killing a dog to attract and catch a shark. Mostly because it would lead to the inhumane way of killing the shark. And it doesnt get much worse than finning. Can you imagine having your arms and legs cut off, and just being dumped into the ocean to drown? Just horrible.
  22. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:51 PM) Look, my point is: I'd rather have a guy who says what he thinks even if it pisses off the team. Steve Stone wasn't 1/10th as critical of the Cubs as a Mariotti would be and look what happened to him. What does Steve Stone ripping on the team that pays him have to do with Mariotti ripping on a team that has no connection to him? Mariotti can and does say things that are right about both teams. Then he takes it a step further and makes things personal, and usually when he does this he pulls quotes and interviews out of thin air. In the last two months he has had to scale back his commentary twice that i can recall, and who knows how many more times he has done it. He is the master of playing both sides. He rarely makes predictions that cannot be turned either way, and this is the first time I can recall Mariotti saying "I was wrong". And yet, he still throws shots in there regarding the black sox, and the Ligue's rushing the field, and JR underspending. He is no sox fan. he isnt fan of any team.
  23. QUOTE(The Critic @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:08 PM) Not so sure about that. I submit to you.... ManRam That nickname is the epitome of stupidity. That is a Jim Rome "jungle-ism". He got all of his clones to buy into it, and now we have to deal with it.
  24. QUOTE(kman @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:12 PM) He said "Heres what every1 in chicago wanted to hear, I was Wrong." then he wnet on to compliment our pitching staff and Pk and said we are a juggernaut. Then something funny happened the Tony Realli guy said something to him to close it out and he muted him and said it dooesnt matter! Cool stuff I hope the Klown aint choking on that crow of his. Did he compiment the three people he has been absolutely destroying in the papers every week since April; Kenny Williams, Ozzie Guillen, and Jerry Reinsdorf? You have to comliment the architects first.
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