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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 03:58 PM) to Juggs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe Human life is probably random, and there's probably no way of ever proving anything else. Babbling in a language most soxtalk users have no interest in and constantly lumping Democrats, Agnostics, Secularists into a group negatively and ignorantly will get you nowhere in this debate, it's condescending and annoying. The sad thing is that he keeps trying to engage the same debate, in which he refuses to acknowledge any other side of the debate.
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 02:26 PM) As long as the proposed class also teaches about the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory of origins, we're all in good shape. that is hilarious balta. I dont know where you found it, but i laughed out loud when i read it.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) Am I the only one that doesn't want Bill Mueller? nope. you can count me on the "no to mueller(pronounced miller)" bandwagon
  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 01:54 PM) No, no long drawn out debates for me. Hahaha, you must not have read the rest of your own post. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 01:54 PM) But two things, requiring a straight up answer from Juggs. Is such a thing possible? Especially in this debate?
  5. QUOTE(S720 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 01:45 PM) Damn Kyyle, stop jinxing us! you shouldnt be believing in curses and jinxes.
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) I'm not either. I really dont understand it either. Im usually a wreck when playoffs are involved. I chewed my nails to a stump when the Sox were playing the Indians in the last 3 games of the season, and i was nervous as hell when Game 1 started. But it seems like this strange euphoria has set over me. I havent been worried about what is happening at all. Of course, if the Sox drop one, this is all subject to change.
  7. I am not nervous at all. I havent been nervous since Game 1.
  8. Whats that Sound? Its the Sound of juggernaut repeatedly trying to get into long drawn out fights over opinions of the way things go. It sounds kind of like this
  9. I would blame Crosby because he is the centerfielder, and he is supposed to take charge in that situation and let Sheffield know it was his ball if he was going for it. The CF is supposed to be the vocal leader in the OF. Tough play thouugh, boths guys were going full steam ahead.
  10. I hope this hasnt been posted already http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/4980088 America should rally around the White Sox Michael Rosenberg / Special to FOXSports.com The other day, I was watching baseball in the late afternoon because I'm a sportswriter and I'm allowed to call that "work." The Red Sox's championship defense was about to end, and the announcers went on and on (and on and on) about how this was a tragedy for the American way of life because the greatest underdog story in the history of the republic was about to end. And I'm thinking: HELLO!?!? Is anyone watching the other team? The Chicago White Sox should be America's team, at least for this month. In an era where everyone uses the word "respect," the White Sox have truly been disrespected, in every possible way — locally and nationally, this year and historically. Since 1917, the White Sox have thrown as many postseason series as they have won. (We refer to the 1919 Black Sox scandal, when the White Sox fixed the World Series rather than take steroid tests. Or something like that. My history is fuzzy.) Yet the White Sox aren't even considered lovable losers in their own city because the Cubs last won a World Series in 1908. And the Cubs play in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field, while Sox Park, as the locals call it, has a parking-garage motif. Clearly, the White Sox's home is being held against them. Suffer for decades in Fenway Park and people write poems about your "valor." Suffer for decades in the second-best ballpark in your own city, then move to a place that's even more sterile, and people want nothing to do with you. But true, die-hard White Sox fans might be the most resilient in sports. They have sat through a lot of bad baseball, ignoring the hipper crowd, cooler building and more popular team on the other side of town. Look at the rest of the playoff bracket. We have all gotten teary-eyed at the thought that the Yankees might end their four-season World Series drought, but I'm not sure we can call that a curse just yet. Anaheim won the Series in 2002. Boston won last year. The Braves won in 1995. St. Louis won in 1982, which isn't quite 300 years ago, no matter what Cardinals fans say. San Diego has never won it, but the Padres didn't belong in this postseason. And Houston has never won it, so we'll give them a little America's-team love, too. But no team compares to the White Sox. If America fell in love with last year's self-proclaimed "idiots" from Boston, why not Ozzie Guillen's White Sox? Guillen is the king of inappropriate remarks. Like Charles Barkley, he gets away with it because, well, he's damn entertaining ... when you can make out his Spanglish. This year's trend? Well, it should be the White Sox. ( Jonathan Daniel / Getty Images) "You can understand most of what he says," centerfielder Aaron Rowand recently told the Chicago Tribune. "Sometimes you don't. Sometimes he'll come up and say something and walk away, and you'll turn to the guy next to you and go, "What'd he just say? I didn't get that one.' " Even in the context of this season, the White Sox are the best story in baseball. They were supposed to be mediocre; instead, they were far and away the best team in the American League for most of the season. In the old days, we would have said they "find a way to win" and left it at that. But in 2005, you can't buy a Ballpark Frank without some stats-obsessed seamhead telling you that players who like mustard are four times as likely to see their OPS drop to substandard levels if they don't ramp up the EKG in the ICU. And so everyone said the White Sox would obviously fall apart — forget their record; the geek's stats say they aren't any good. Then they did fall apart. And Cleveland won every game in sight. But just when we thought the White Sox were choking like Eddie Gaedel on a foot-long hot dog, they finished with a flourish. They just swept two teams — Cleveland and Boston — that were fighting for their playoff lives. This is America's team. Or at least, it should be. All those fans in Kansas City, Detroit and Pittsburgh — who haven't come close to the playoffs in years — should adopt the Sox, at least for the month. The world loved watching the Red Sox finally win last year (or at least, the world who wasn't rooting for some other team.) This year's sweethearts have different color Sox. So let's pay attention, OK?
  11. Isnt alot of this caused because of the immense amount of slashing and burning of the rainforest? National Geographic and animal planet have had a couple of stories about this, saying that the soot being thrown up into the air is screwing up the weather really bad, and the rainforest that is being flattened is no longer there to hold the humidity down. There was an overhead shot of guatemala taken in 1990 and present day, and it was very sad to see how much of the rainforest had been obliterated.
  12. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 01:52 AM) I don't understand this at all. Uribe is cheap, great defensively, and could be a very productive #9 hitter with his new kick stance and patience at the plate. I think he is only going to get better. He may never repeat his great 2004 season but it's not impossible. He's a steal when you consider the contracts of Orlando Cabrera and Edgar Renteria. I have read a few articles discussing how the beginning of Uribe's offensive career looks much like Miguel Tejada's. We need offensive production at 3rd base way more than we need it at SS. If Konerko signs elsewhere in the offseason, the following lineup wouldn't be bad in my opinion. Scott Podsednik Tadahito Iguchi Lyle Overbay (Trade Crede and prospects for him) Frank Thomas (Pick up $3.5 million buyout and sign to a cheap, incentive-based 2-year contract) Jermaine Dye Bill Mueller (Sign to a 2-year contract) Aaron Rowand A.J. Pierzynski (Sign to a 3-year extension) Juan Uribe Brian Anderson would be our fourth outfielder. If Frank gets injured again, DH Dye and start Anderson in right field. This lineup would greatly improve our team OBP. I think this lineup with our pitching staff could win the division again next season. I don't see it happening though because Ozzie has said that he wants to make the lineup faster. There is a whole lot of "ifs" in that lineup.
  13. Thats assuming that Bartolo is ok, too.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 03:25 PM) The tempurature drop hadn't happened at that point. wasnt the the ship frozen outside of the library(I cant believe I remember it that well)
  15. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) That movie was as unrealistic as it was funny. I never laughed so hard as when the tornadoes ripped apart LA, then this janitor opens a door and finds the rest of the building gone. HAHA! My favorite part was the whole wolves ordeal. Those wolves escaped the central park zoo, survived the 500 foot tidal wave that obliterated the city, survived the temperature drop that froze people solid instantly, then hunted for people around New York.
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 02:04 PM) It's also worth noting that a lot of the names on those lists might be people like Carl Everett...where the teams can hold an option to pick up the player's contract for another year. Thats why the # sign is next to them, which is indicated at the bottom as a Player and/or team option.
  17. That deadspin link got me to some hilarious photos of various boston and white sox players partying the night away with various young females.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 12:44 PM) There is FAR MORE than 1 fault line running through there. This one is totally unrelated to the events in Sumatra. I dont think its totally unrelated. http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/plates.html The african and australian plate are pushing against each other, and it runs up through the Indian and Australian plate.
  19. Aaron Rowand f***ing rules. Scott Reifort f***ing rules for letting the average person know what actually took place. Couch can stick it where the sun dont shine. Its funny how Mariotti always has so much insight on what is going on, but we all know that he wouldnt dare stick his lipstick and rouge painted face in the clubhouse, because he would get something like this, but probably worse.
  20. I had heard that the upcoming FA list was pretty weak. After scanning this list, i am going to have to disagree. Alot of big names could be moving on, it should be quite interesting. There are some teams on this list that could be completely unrecognizable opening day 2006. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/news/article...p&c_id=mlb#free
  21. The fault line that lies throughout the Indian ocean up through India and Asia is the most active fault line/continental plate in the world right now isnt it? With all of the recent, chaotic, and violent activity on that fault line, its pretty scary to think that the Tsunami and earthquake are only the start of something pretty big.
  22. I never heard him broadcast a game, but he obviously garnered alot of respect. I thought the Tony Fernandez excerpt was touching.
  23. I love how Republicans keep saying "Oh sure, George bush caused the Hurricane." I never faulted anyone for the natural disaster. I faulted people for the reaction to the natural disaster, which was embarrassing and shameful at the very least. I blame FEMA more than I blame Bush in this instance, a hell of alot more. The boss always takes the heat for his employees. Im not saying its right, its just the way things work. I dont see this issue as being republican or democrat, I see it as being humanitarian. It was a sense of responsibility and reactive-ness(if thats even a word) that was abandoned, and thats a shame.
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