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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) here is the link. Think before you taunt next time. CLICK HERE Given the context of this argument, thats just about the most stupid thing that you could say Josh.
  2. Ortiz and Manny are going to be themselves. They mash, thats their thing. The most important thing is holding down the rest of the lineup, and make it so Ortiz and Manny arent driving in runs besides themselves.
  3. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 04:13 PM) Damnit Crede had a good pitch to hit there, just underneath it. Does Crede still have the 50 pound weights in his shoes, or did he get rid of them after his last at bat?
  4. Do you want me to give you a running commentary Kap?
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 02:39 PM) LMAO.. Wake is 0-3 in DS with an ERA close to 10!!!! This doesnt matter steff. We should all realize that the White Sox have no chance and should never even step onto the field. Wakefield will throw a 27 pitch, 27 groundout game, and he will still get 27 strikeouts.
  6. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writ...aily/index.html
  7. I use yahoo, and I really havent had any major problems with spam. I had to just quit using my hotmail account for everything but instant messenger.
  8. QUOTE(GasHeGone @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 02:11 PM) Why is Varitek not in the lineup today? Varitek has alot of problems with passed balls when Wakefield pitches.
  9. Mike olgolnik keeps saying during the update that there is no confirmation out of New York that Curry failed his physical, he is even pointing out that Harry is the only one reporting it. the OG has been pretty grumpy since he realized the cubs werent going anywhere this year
  10. Millah has been benched for Olderdude™. This bothers me, Olderdude was tattooing the ball agaisnt Buehrle.
  11. I think there is going to be alot of confusion about Eddys future in the NBA for the next couple of weeks.
  12. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:49 PM) Pardon my lack of knowledge about the situation, but why does he need a DNA test? They want to know if he has the same heart problem that Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis had. A hardening of the heart walls.
  13. Yet another reason why T&A rules.
  14. Its gonna be a strange year for sure. Curry is gonna get the kid gloves treatment
  15. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) Sweet I can now get my Blum Jersey Not an Orlando Cabrera jersey?
  16. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:34 PM) no, not at all. Linda Lovelace (Borman was her real last name) was in her 20s and was paid for her work. Later on she claimed she was raped but then recanted. I knew there was something about rape involved. Deep throat set the tone for modern day pornos, and is the highest grossing porn ever, right?
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:31 PM) I saw a terrific documentary last night called Inside Deep Throat. It's about the 1972 porno film which was made for $25,000 and to date has made $600 million. It's a fascinating history lesson on culture and politics with some pretty terrific interviews as well. It's NC-17 for obvious reasons, but don't mistake it for a skin flick because it's not. I of course had heard of the film but had no idea of its impact on the law, society and popular culture. Anyone else see this film? i heard about it. Wasnt Deep throat basically an underage rape?
  18. I think that Buffalo is having nightmarish flashbacks to Rob Johnson. Losman has that same look about him, that Cali surfer look.
  19. Kyyle23

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    LOL, Al-Queda embracing capitalism
  20. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) Noah was the s*** and there's no questioning the stones on Moses. LMAO, quote of the month-worthy.
  21. Harry Teinowitz just said that Curry failed his physical, according to Bulls inside sources
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 11:16 AM) If Eddy does come back, this is going to be a very awkward season. If he comes back, then he failed his physical, and we are basically back to square one, an impasse between Leon Rose and Paxson. Its going to be awkward and quite confusing.
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