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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 02:03 PM) Clement has huge Asthma problems and today is gonna be very hot. I know a couple times with the Marlins he had to leave games in the 2nd or 3rd inning because of how hot it got. This might be a huge advantage for the Sox. I think you are making something out of nothing.
  2. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 12:56 PM) Watching Albert is like goign back in a time machine to 1994 and watching the big man play for us. very similar He has the strongest top-hand in the game. Most of the time when he hits a homerun, it looks like a pop fly off the bat. He really is amazing to watch
  3. QUOTE(danman31 @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 12:43 PM) In the middle of Cardinal territory I am watching this game as the fans revere Pujols as a God. Edmonds hit a 1st inning HR to give the Cards a 1-0 lead. The Pads had 1st and 2nd, 0 out but wasted it in the 2nd. Peavy vs. Carpenter Pujols is as near a baseball god as we have right now, the Cardinals fans are right to revere him. I know I would. I see the padres wasted another opportunity with runners at 1st and 2nd and one out in the third.
  4. On the news after the Monday Night game last night, the weatherman said that the storm will probably move in towards the end or after the game is over. He didnt say anything about Wednesday though
  5. I will be going to Buffalo Wild Wings on Deihl road in Naperville with a guy from work. Good thing they have so many TVs because I hate their wings
  6. I suspected that Pudge wasnt well recieved. It seems I might be in some ways right http://www.detnews.com/2005/tigers/0510/04/D06-336777.htm
  7. I dont like that Koskie is going to be a twin again. That guy is a bonafide, certified, hellified Sox killer. Toronto loves developing those sweet swinging lefties though, I am not surprised.
  8. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 09:13 AM) Lazy Curry gone .............Yes take you 3 rebound avg a game and have fun losing 50 games next 5 yrs. If anything the Bulls certainly improved in the rebounding category.
  9. Good nuggets from today. Enough to get some people in a tizzy Hmm, I would like to find the column when Mariotti tries to tell everyone that Ozzie is a terrific manager. I forget, did the Sox clinch in Detroit? Where is the windsock smily when you need it?
  10. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 05:55 AM) Does this look like a probable 2006-2007 projected lineup? SG Luol Deng PG Ben Gordon PF Michael Sweetney SF Peja Stojakovic C Tyson Chandler Duhon and Hinrich as bench players? Hmmm, I dont think that is likely with Skiles running the show. He loves those two guys.
  11. Dayn Perry makes another uninformed call about pitchers(If you would recall his horrible poll on "flamethrowers"). He feels that Brandon McCarthy has earned a spot in the rotation. As a matter of fact, Ozzie would be 'ignorant' if he didnt give McCarthy a start. Hey Dayn, we have known McCarthy wasnt going to be on the roster since yesterday. Apparently Ozzie isnt the only ignorant one here.
  12. You know, since the Eddy Curry went out in March, this has to have been the wierdest time to follow the Bulls ever. With Eddys heart problems, then Dengs wrist problem, then to Skiles leaving and being hired for 4 more years, then Duhon was signed to an offer sheet in toronto, now back to this Curry trade. My head is spinning. I dont know what to expect from this team this year.
  13. I found this funny http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writ...esox/index.html Donovan had the White Sox better than the Red Sox in all but one category, and still couldnt bring himself to pick the White Sox. And he couldnt even tell you why, so he just used the old "mystique" excuse, for lack of a better word.
  14. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 3, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) The difference between the two is that one has a pitching staff to work with, while the other has complete garbage, with perhaps 1 lone exception that got shut down at the end of the year. I disagree there. I think the Tigers have a potentially dominating staff. I am of the opinion that the staff is mishandled and mis-called by their allstar catcher. Who knows what the truth is though. Its sad that the staff that had to replace the previous awful staff was all ex-tiger heros. I dont think they are to blame for this mess as much as the mid-late 90's disasters that they put on the field. But they have had time to make some changes and havent been able to do alot.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 3, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) Here is the thing. I dont think its him. The tigers main core of players seem to be lazy and have bad attitudes. Their whole demeanor towards the game is a notch below most teams. I do not see this club doing much in the future. I agree 100 percent. First Trammell didnt have any talent on his squad, and had to sit through the painful examination of the minor league product. Then they added a few pieces last year (Irod and Johnson). Then this year, his team gives up on him. Sure, he can and will get blame for his team giving up on him, but the veterans on the squad deserve alot of the blame for that if you ask me. Irod hasnt seemed interested for an entire month, Maggs came back, and was just kind of there. The only time i ever saw a Maggs highlight this year was when he was hitting well for a week when he came back. He had a couple of homers and then nothing. This team gave up on Trammell more than he gave up on them. Way to make your hometown hero a complete goat, Detroit.
  16. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 09:04 PM) We've gotta keep Damon under wraps. You can talk about Papi and Ramirez all you want, Damon is their motor. And, I believe game one is crucial. Not for the Red Sox, we know they can come back from anything, but for the White Sox. We haven't won a home playoff game since 59. We need to get that monkey off our back ASAP. Im with you on this. In fact, I would say that the Sox have to focus on making sure that noone in the lineup besides Papi and Ramirez are in a position to do any damage. Lets face it, Papi and ManRam are pretty f***ing good, but they are going to be that much better if they have runs to drive in. You keep the rest of the crew off the bases, and Papi and ManRam are under wraps as much as can be. Limit the damage.
  17. Im curious as to who the "failing, Mike Royko wannabe at the Tribune" is. Mariotti just loves to make new friends, thats for sure.
  18. I dont know if anyone has a copy of todays Suntimes, but on page 138 there is a picture of BMAC throwing a changeup. Its a pretty cool picture to look at, he holds the ball like a forkball between his last two fingers.
  19. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 07:57 PM) You know there aren't many bars that I've been to that often set a three drink maximum. Not everyone smokes in a bar either. Not everyone is even bothered by smoke in a bar. But some people are. Not everyone drinks in a bar. Not everyone gets trashed and drives in a bar. But I know, from personal experience, that some do. Not everyone smokes in a bar, yet they are all forced to inhale the same air.
  20. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 08:47 AM) I agree, but I don't think a few clicks is going to help pay his salary much. No, but think about your reaction to it, added to the Sunday edition crowd, added to that whoever reads the Suntimes online. The Suntimes know that Jay gets readers. Especially now that he is telling everyone his opinions on ESPN, now they have the casual Suntimes reader looking at his columns. I will say this much, Jay is really going to have to do some massive pissing people off to get fired. At this point, he is a monster who is going to have to be his own undoing. Knowing his personality, I see it as possible. But he is (unfortunately) smart, so it isnt very probable.
  21. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 08:33 AM) When will the Sun-Times fire this hack of a reporter? He will be fired when people dont react to him the way you just did. Its unfortunate, but its true. In the media, there are no good ratings and bad ratings, only ratings. If you react, thats attention.
  22. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 12:05 AM) His mom makes him wear it. That's what i heard. Thats less than funny.
  23. i just saw it. That poor kids ankle was like jello
  24. I see the White Sox are going to begin and end the second half of the season by b**** slapping the Cleveland Indians. Hey Dick Allen, do you still think benching some of the starters is going to come back to haunt the White Sox?
  25. I dont know if any of you guys agree with me or not, but the last 3 games have felt much like the first half of the year with me. The Sox just have a swagger about themselves again, and you can see that they feel that they can pull anything out if they want. 2 weeks ago, they would have caved and lost the game last night in the ninth, with runners on 2nd and 3rd with no outs. Sure, Hermanson let the tying run come in, but he was in a tough spot, and got out of it without losing the game. Like the Cars say, Let the Good Times Roll.
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