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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 1, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) I bet a lot of hitters are like that against Millwood this season anyway. He's going to get a very nice deal from someone this off-season, maybe Detroit. Cleveland would s*** a gold brick if that happened. But it very well might, Im fairly sure Bora$$ is Millwoods agent, and Bora$$' new patsy is Illitch.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 1, 2005 -> 10:01 AM) I guess no one wanted to take on the workplace safety implications The "Stop Smoking in Chicago" coalition has taken care of that. I just saw a commercial where a former waitress explains how she got throat cancer and never smoked a day in her life. Then some stats on how second hand smoke is 16X more dangerous than inhaled smoke pop up. Its covered
  3. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 11:00 PM) http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/boxscore?gameId=250404104 I stand corrected
  4. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:58 PM) Yes he was I thought he was sent to extended ST because his shoulder was bothering him?
  5. QUOTE(VAfan @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:56 PM) I count 3 Ross Gload rooters on this post. Where have you been while I've been getting beat up relentlessly in numerous other posts for suggesting that Ozzie actually use Gload?? I know this. Neither Geoff Blum nor Timo Perez could have driven that ball to the wall in the 13th. I hope Gload gets to play again Sunday. Tomorrow I expect Ozzie will have most of his regulars back. How many times did Gload strike out with a chance to score runs tonite? Gload did nothing to help his chances with me. It took him 13 innings to come through, when he had chances before, like the 1st inning, to do damage.
  6. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:55 PM) I was going back and forth with that one. I really think you could take either. I just think that Gload has a little more pop from the left side though. He also is smooth in the field which would make him a great defensive replacment. Remember opening day. Yeah, I remember. Gload wasnt with the team.
  7. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:51 PM) It was a s***fest waiting to happen. I know, I laughed pretty hard at your one response in the thread.
  8. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:27 PM) We have won inspite of Ozzie this year. Im sorry but it had to be said. He doesn't know how to manage a pitching staff. Marte should never of been out there. Did you really say that? Everyone is complaining about the lineup and you are crying about Marte trying to get some outs in a meaningless game to get his confidence up? GMAFB, the Sox won.
  9. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) So you won't b**** ever when the Sox need some help, and the team they need the help from throws a line-up like this on the field? That's fine. Personally, I would be pissed. What if Ozzie is starting his "B" lineup in the first game, and starting his regulars the next two games? Maybe he is resting the regulars today because they need a rest after a 4 game series and a big celebration. Its not as if he is pulling his pitchers, Garland is still pitching. And why would the Sox be wanting to help any other team right now? They need to be worried about their own house, and not worried about a potential 3 team wildcard playoff. Boston, New York, and the Indians got themselves in that predicament, not the White Sox. The White Sox (finally) clinched their division, and now have the right to rest their regulars. You know that Boston, New York, and Cleveland would all be doing the same thing if the positions were switched.
  10. QUOTE(IndplsSoxFan @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) AJ will be a guest coorespondant on Jim Rome Is Burning today. I used to have to listen to Rome when i lived in Carbondale because he was the only sportstalk on during middays. I dont have to listen to him in Chicago now(thank god), but I have been curious about how Rome would react to AJ being on the Sox. Rome used to really get off on ripping on the Sox with AJ, now the shoe is on the other foot.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 02:25 PM) I don't know my late Pleistocene LA Basin rainfall that well, although I think it might have been higher. I think you should study up before you go around making wild assumptions
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 02:13 PM) They seem to pop up for 1 very good reason...the weather. In the late fall, California tends to get large, high pressure airmasses that form up in the high deserts - the Mojave, etc. These things can sit up there, and the air from them starts pushing itself south towards the lower pressure areas in the valleys, the L.A. basin, etc. So what happens is you have a lot of dry air moving from the deserts south and west into the valleys and the basins. This sets up your classic tinderbox...the air and heat dry out plants, then when something does ignite, the dry air just feeds it. Out here they call it the Santa Ana wind. This year has a chance to be particularly bad, because of all the rain this area got last winter. It got so much rain that it fed a lot of plant growth during the rainy season, and then all those plants got to spend the summer drying out. There's a ton of brush up in those mountains that has the potential to burn off this year if the winds stay favorable. Just out of curiosity, do you think this is something that has been happening for 1000's of years, a natural burning for arguments sake, or do you think this is happening due to human error and presence? IIRC when Yellowstone had that fire (late 80s? early 90's?), after the fact most scientists were saying that this was a good thing. A clearing of the old to make way for the young, if you will.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) Now Wino on the other hand is Mr All-America. He buys his friends beers, volunteers to feed the poor. That alone should merit the Mr All-America award
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Someone told me that Rex is a [gasp] communist and he HATES America... Plus he kicks puppies... CUTE puppies. I heard about that. Something about a cuddling-induced rage......
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) I didn't switch my identity. Someone else switched it for me after I made a comment saying that I thought about legally changing my real name to Rex Kickass. I could keep either name. So I put it to you, the electorate. However, I find this all funny and definitely amusing enough for a poll. So there. Then Rex it is!
  16. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:45 PM) i agree with nuke 100%. i started smoking at 15 or 16 i dont recall which one. i quit smoking on aug 9th 2005. i'm 27 now. i enjoyed smoking. i will miss it 20 years from now. if you dont like cigarettes dont go into bars. wanna start a smoke free bar go for it. bars and cigarettes just fit together. goverment needs to stop sticking its noise where it does not belong. if i was a bar owner and they banned smoking in my bar and i started losing tons of money cause people who smoke cant come into my bar. i would go off on someone. Do you think all bars would lose business if they all became smoke free? I dont. See, in the scenario that you guys insist (start up a smoke free bar if you dont like it), the smokeless bar owner does risk losing business, because smokers can go to a bar which allows smoking. if there is a smoking ban, the drinkers and smokers wont stop drinking at a bar because it is smoke free. They would all be smoke free.
  17. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:14 PM) Were the black ones the only shiny ones? I was under that impression since I didn't really notice it with the red ones. I think the Bulls have done a better job than most of updating their uniforms and still maintaining the class of the uniform. All I have to do is look at the fashion atrocities that Dallas, Golden State, La Clips, Denver, Washington and countless others have thrown onto their team, and I know that the Bulls are always gonna look better. Only now they are trying to play better.
  18. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Best post in this thread!!! What does he win...Wendy's of course. Where is Jr, he should be in this discussion as a recently reformed non-smoker
  19. Whats the reason for the identity switch, Wino/rex?
  20. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:27 PM) They tried to ban alcohol back in the 20's but that didnt work out so well. i know. That was part of the joke. I didnt think I needed to put that in green for you Nuke, you usually catch on quicker than that.
  21. They just seem to pop up and completely envelope California when they happen. Pretty scary stuff. I wonder how the insurance premiums work for this sort of stuff that is beyond your control.
  22. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:23 PM) So in your eyes its ok for people to go drink themselves silly but you're worried about their health from inhaling second hand smoke?! That's pretty hypoctitical. how so? I cant control the air I breath, I can control the drinks I put in my mouth.
  23. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 01:17 PM) Why is alcohol legal then? I think the government flipped a coin as to which mind altering substance they would tax and which they would call illegal. Marijuana lost the toss.
  24. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 12:44 PM) Ok, so if there are so many people like you out there you can't stand second hand smoke, why in the world ain't some super smart rich ass starting a trendy smoke free bar? Oh, because the government will take care of that for us. Nevermind. /looking for super smart rich ass looking to start trendy smoke free bar Nope, cant find one. I think the problem is that the root issue for the Government(or so they would lead you to believe) is health, whereas the root issue for the smokers, who ignore the health issue of cigarettes entirely, is their rights to smoke where they please. And so you know, I agree with the ban mostly because I hate smelling like stale cigarettes when i come home from a bar, the issue of health due to second hand smoke is secondary to me. Dont worry, all smokers will be smoking Victory Cigarettes sooner or later.
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