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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 12:27 PM) Then don't go in. It's your choice as a consumer. Why should we be MADE BY OUR GOVERNMENT to do this? It may be my choice as a consumer, but where is there an alternative? No bar owner in his right mind would do this voluntarily. He/She would drive his smoker business to another bar that allows it. And seeing the health concerns that arise from second hand smoke(at least the figures they show us), its only a matter of time before bar owners start getting their pants sued off by people who survived lung/throat cancer. I know what you are saying, and I agree with the heart of what you are saying. It is a property rights issue. I just see a pretty bad situation developing in our now sue-happy world, and i think the government sees it too. There was a similar reaction at SIU when they made all of the buildings smoke-free. In the end, noone could argue that you are indirectly affecting someone elses health.
  2. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) Not a fan of these guys, but last night in the car I was listening to XRT. They mentioned The Spin Doctors have a new record out. They also said the group had taken a long break because their singer had lost his voice due to 'vocal paralysis'. Anyone know the story or familiar with this condition? Do you lose the ability to make any sound at all? By the way, they played a new song and his vocals sound different now but their music still sucks...errr, I mean, is not to my liking. What is different about his voice?
  3. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 11:45 AM) I'm not a smoker, but I don't think bars should be smoke-free. Restaurants I can understand, but if you're in a bar putting OTHER harmful elements into your system, then what makes smoke worse than alcohol? If an individual bar owner wants to make the decision to be a smoke-free environment, that's his or her choice ( and his or her risk of alienating patrons ). I disagree with this on the basis that I as a non-smoker do not choose to put smoke in my lungs. I may choose to drink and beat my liver till scerrosis(sp?) sets in, but thats my choice.
  4. QUOTE(Irishsox1 @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) This topic seems to be either you love the idea of Chicago bars and restaurants being smoke free or you think that banning smoking in bars is one step away from living in a commie society. I'm under the belief that if NY, LA, London, Rome & Dublin banned smoking, why hadn't Chicago? Remember, you can still smoke, but outside and not right infront of the door. Sun-Times Article The Commie thinking people are generally the smokers who think thier rights are being infringed by banning smoking in bars. There will always be people like that. I feel that by being forced to inhale someone elses smoke in a bar that my rights are also being infringed, but I guess thats hard to explain to the McCarthy-ist smokers.
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 05:41 PM) I'd like to see Borch start and get some action. He's been doing nicely. I gave up Borchard for dead after Spring Training, and followed him casually throughout the summer and noticed that he was still hitting in the .200-.220 range through July, with less power than he normally had, so I figured he had proved me right. When he came up the other day with the bases loaded, and had that great at-bat late in the game after not playing for quite some time, I was really happy. When his minor league BA flashed across the screen and showed that he finished with a .263 BA, I was extremely impressed. To go from the .200-.220 range in late July to .260 at the end of august is no small feat. He doesnt seem like he is swinging from his heels as much anymore, and i really dont mind having him pinch hit if he continues to take the same approach. Joe, you earned my respect. As if that matters, lol
  6. QUOTE(rangercal @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) It's about time they do something right. I'm still pissed I had to miss 5 innings of the season last week because of them. 5 innings? I missed the whole damn game(for some reason Directv never got the feed), you should feel lucky.
  7. OK, I had to check out Jays rip-job this morning. I retract my statement I made earlier about ignoring him, mostly because he is pretty off-base in this comment: Correct me if I am wrong, but werent the 2002 Angels extremely lacking in the postseason experience department? The Angels have better starting pitching than the White Sox? Why? Because Bartolo Colon won 21 games this year? Well, not in ERA http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/stats/aggreg...t=0&season=2005 Not in Wins or losses http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/stats/aggreg...t=0&season=2005 I even checked to see the Starting pitchers W/L Sox- 73-44 (I counted BMAC and El Duque's numbers together, which ended up at 11-11) http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/teams/pitching?team=chw Angels- 65-32 http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/teams/pitching?team=laa Angels have less wins, but a slightly better WP%, mostly due to Bartolos 21-8 record. I will concede that the Angels have better hitting and a better bullpen, but better starting pitching? I dont think so
  8. Run! I think they are gonna start throwing haymakers!
  9. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 08:00 PM) so in the first episode they kill one of the two main characters(Vaughn). Why?? People dont ever really die in that show. Its becoming worse than a soap opera. Everyone comes back, cooperates, betrays each other, and flips sides more than a few times on that show anymore. Its hard to follow what is REALLY going on anymore.
  10. ""You always want to deliver meaningful home runs," said Konerko, who sits one short of 100 RBIs. "It looked like we were going to deliver the knockout punch, but in true White Sox fashion, we kind of made it a close game. " -Paul Konerko
  11. I am actually excited that the Season is ending like this. The Sox have showed alot of life in their last two series, and i dont expect them to lie down against Cleveland in the next 3 days. The Sox actually won a game to clinch their division, as opposed to backing into the playoffs like they did in 2000 because Cleveland lost to KC. I just had an ill feeling in 2000 all throughout September because it seemed like they just went through the motions. Not so this year, they had to fight for what they have gotten, and i dont expect it to change.
  12. QUOTE(Nokona @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 05:33 PM) GET TO DA CHOPPAH! LMAO, GET TODA CHOPPA!!!!
  13. You also have to have the Pirates of the Caribbean theme too, its in the introduction before the games.
  14. I think the one of Jim Henson is my favorite.
  15. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 05:21 PM) You chat crew guys are such losers... We know
  16. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 05:05 PM) Can White Sox win a postseason series? ESPN panel: 3 NO, 1 YES Cowlishaw impressed with the CWS road record. He's convinced that record is not a fluke. I wish there was a site you could visit and find out how right or wrong the ESPN panelists have been in their long and storied history of picking games.
  17. I have emailed Mac Jurko and Harry and asked if they think Erik Essilias will come on the show and let the White Sox fans get him like he promised. I doubt he will.
  18. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 04:51 PM) I can't even imagine how rowdy we will be when the playoff chat rolls around. Playoff chat sponsored by drugs, alcohol, and good times
  19. Can I get exact words? Dammit Kenny should know not to go on nationally syndicated shows after smoking crack.
  20. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) I think you mean Around the horn He hosts PTI with Wilbon sometimes
  21. Everyone will understand this, but particularly the Chat Crew, with whom I have traded numerous barbs, jabs, dirty jokes, dirty definitions, NEW dirty definitions, and good times Its a Celebration, b****es!
  22. Is Jay on PTI right now? Oooooooh the drama
  23. "You know that I thought that Ken Griffey Jr was one of the best players I have seen in over 20 years. But if the Sox traded for him, where would he play?"
  24. QUOTE(Reddy @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 03:03 PM) dude the sox are gonna get crushed tomorrow by the indians and i love it! I think alot of the wind has left the Indians sails since Sizemore dropped that flyball. And even better, i think alot of that very same wind is in the White Sox sails now. We may get some AAA lineups in the next couple days, but I think it will still pull it off
  25. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Sep 29, 2005 -> 02:44 PM) if you have been watching NewsNight with Aaron Brown on CNN lately, they have been goign back and doing some stories about how things got blown out of proportion its almost like they are correcting thier story
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