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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. I dont really know what Curry expects. It isnt as if he can hide his condition from the world. The Bulls have shown him that they want him there, and now Eddy(or his agent and isiah) wants to go to New york? I would almost say let the knicks sign him outright. Let Isiah screw up New Yorks financial situation EVEN MORE, and get a draft pick for Curry.
  2. QUOTE(Confederate_48 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 07:37 AM) What he said on ESPN was pretty funny I thought. He has a checklist in his locker and next up is Jerry Azumah and his goals for each week are 85 yards I think. Knowing what Chad Johnson is capable of, an 85 yard day doesnt seem so bad.
  3. What? I heard his comments today on Carmen and Silvy, and he said "We all know i am uncoverable. But after looking over the tape of their last game and the game against the Skins, this defense is unbelievable. they are sliding all over the place.." i heard cockiness, but nothing like his previous escapades.
  4. I think it is way overblown. I dont think Boone has cleat marks in his back, it really looked like to me that AJ did his best to keep his wieght off of his foot, he just doesnt have a long or fast stride. Unfortunate for Boone, but Aaron certainly didnt look pissed after it was over. And I have yet to read anything indicating he was angry.
  5. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 03:32 PM) The original announcement above said for people to refrain from searching. However, since we expect very heavy traffic again tonight, as a temporary solution (we hopefully will have a better more permanent solution in the near future) we are going to turn off the search function during tonights game as well as turn off the members viewing this forum and the members viewing this thread feature. We think this will put a limit to both the queries and as a result of that the mysql useage and connection hangups. We also plan on in the near future upgrading our mysql software (hopefully...the expert Kap has yet to tell 2k and I if what were thinking is actually right in terms of going to version 4.0 but we think were probably right for once). Also we'll be cleaning up the database a bit during a downperiod (not during a game or anything). We want to do our best to make sure people can access and talk with the rest of the community throughout the game thread and than after games we will turn those features back on. Hopefully this works and once again were going to work on a permanent solution. Yay! No error messages!
  6. Kyyle23

    Are they real?

    Damn air brushed pictures. ^^^^ Since when did Tyra Banks breasts become such an issue that she has to have Dr Fisher feel her up and some random lady give her chest a sonogram? GMAFB
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) So once again I'll ask...if the Patriots can build a beautiful stadium without using public funds for anything but upgrades to the infrastructure around the park, why should the folks in Minnesota have to foot the bill? I know he isnt the owner now, but wasnt Red McCombs one of the richest owners? Its sad that he can reap the profits from his fanbase and not give them a stadium to be proud of. The new design looks pretty nice, I like the idea of a retractable roof, but I am curious as to what would make them close the roof, precipitation or temperature. Either way, it gets just as cold in Lambeau, and they dont have the option of closing their roof.
  8. Atlanta at Buffalo 1:00 p.m. PICK: Atlanta ------------------------------------------ Carolina at Miami 1:00 p.m. PICK: Carolina ------------------------------------------ Cincinnati at Chicago 1:00 p.m. PICK: Chicago ------------------------------------------ Cleveland at Indianapolis 1:00 p.m. PICK: Indy ------------------------------------------ Jacksonville at N.Y. Jets 1:00 p.m. PICK: Jacksonville ------------------------------------------ New Orleans at Minnesota 1:00 p.m. PICK: New orleans ------------------------------------------ Oakland at Philadelphia 1:00 p.m. PICK: Philly ------------------------------------------ Tampa Bay at Green Bay 1:00 p.m. PICK: Tampa Bay ------------------------------------------ Tennessee at St. Louis 1:00 p.m. PICK: Tennessee ------------------------------------------ Arizona at Seattle 4:05 p.m. PICK: Seattle ------------------------------------------ Dallas at San Francisco 4:05 p.m. PICK: Dallas ------------------------------------------ New England at Pittsburgh 4:15 p.m. PICK: Pittsburgh ------------------------------------------ Sunday Night N.Y. Giants at San Diego 8:30 p.m. PICK: San Diego ------------------------------------------ Monday Sep. 26 Kansas City at Denver PICK: Kansas City ----------------------------------------------
  9. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 11:46 AM) I played Mario 64 a couple of times on my friends system but realized that I had outgrew Mario, Donkey Kong, StarFox and all the other cartoon characters that Nintendo insists on putting in half their games when I turned 13. I was almost ill when I saw the new Mario Baseball... :headshake The reason that makes you ill is the reason that Nintendo gets me to buy. Call it flippant, silly, stupid, what have you. I dont really care, I enjoy the classic titles and reimaginations of these characters. It connects me with my Youth, I guess. the only problems I ever see Nintendo having is an effective Console launch, but thats only on the US side. They always seem to half-ass it, maybe because they make alot of their money in Japan. Hopefully revolution will have a nice impact in the market. I actually expect quite a competitive showing by Nintendo, given the estimated prices of the competition and knowing Nintendos penchant for pricing themselves below the competition. I know what i am buying and why I am buying it. Thats all I need to know.
  10. And just think, in 10 out of the 12 months of the year they can charge people to ice skate on the pond out front!
  11. Juan has been f***ing unreal since he added that timing leg kick. Also, I dont know if its just me, but it looks like he has shed some of those pounds he brought with him to spring training. Either way, if Juan can stay this hot, and if Joe can maintain his current swing(which coincides with him being on fire) the Sox will have a better looking lineup for the (shhhhhh) playoffs.
  12. QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 11:54 PM) The Lions! The Tigers! The Bears! OH MY! Thats pretty much the theme i was going with when i made the thread title.
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 07:56 PM) And the Sox are 2.5 up playing the team chasing them with 13+ games left..............O well... QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 07:53 PM) It's TUESDAY. Whats the big deal? This thread is in the Sports Pub, not in Palehose talk. If you dont want to talk about the Bears, then dont.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 21, 2005 -> 07:57 AM) That's weird because the sound of concrete breaking apart suddenly under thousands of tons of pressure is really quiet, so it must have been an explosion... especially considering that this guy is saying he heard it over the 150+ MPH winds of a hurricane.
  15. What happened to the White Sox Winner Thread?
  16. I figured i would try and maximize the luck the bears recieved due to starting the previous thread, and start this one too. MAUL EM BEARS
  17. Kyyle23


    Just to add spice to the argument, Im gonna list as many first party nintendo games. Feel free to add any that I forget Mario (whatever game they come up with solely based on a mario adventure) MarioKart MarioGolf MarioParty Mario Baseball Luigi(character game) Warioworld WarioWare(DS) Donkey Kong(character game) Donkey Konga Zelda (character game) Zelda 4 Swords(DS) Metroid Pikmin StarFox(character or flight simulator) With any of those characters, they can spawn plenty of offshoot games. They havent seemed to lose their flavor with each game either, they are always pretty big hits at the stores. I know there are plenty I forgot too.
  18. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 01:42 AM) Apparently, they're also going to have a shell to hook the remote into to form a conventional-style controller... I was wondering about that. It makes sense, not everyone is going to want that joystick just hanging there like that.
  19. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) Nintendo screwed up when the made the N64. They've just been getting worse ever since... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I luuuuv mah gamecube.
  20. Kyyle23


    Im so pumped about the downloadable catalog of old-school games for Revolution. Im ready to fire up "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and take down Cao Cao!
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 12:31 PM) This one all comes down to 2 stories...2 young quarterbacks against defenses...the Bears defense is almost certainly better than the Lions, but Harrington is also much more experienced than Orton and has better weapons. If you're a lions fan, this is a real good test for Harrington. He has to find a way to get his team into the end zone a couple times. If he can, they'll win the game. If you're a Bears fan...this is another good chance at a win, simply because it's another offense, like Washington's, that you can shut down, and I don't feel Detroit's defense is nearly as solid as Washington. No, Detroits defense is definitely not as good as Washingtons. But Dick Jauron, while not a good HC, is a pretty good DC and can make the best with what he has. And to add to that, he still knows alot of players on the Bears, so he can probably spot a weakness in the offense.
  22. Surprisingly, the hacks at ESPN have mostly picked the bears to win this one. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/features/talent Not that it really means much what they think Mr ASSpresso doesnt think they are gonna win though http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writ...koff/index.html
  23. We had a party in our place one time, and around 9:30 noone was really there yet except our close friends who wanted to be front and center at our bar. One of our ditzier friends went into our downstairs bathroom (where everyone was, upstairs was off-limits) and proceeded to drop one off. Keep in mind, our Kegs were in the downstairs bathroom in the bathtub. So, of course about 50 people show up at the same time and start buying cups and asking where the Keg was. The crowd became a little restless and started banging on the door, and finally she comes waltzing out, with the odor of s*** wafting out the door with her. I will never forget an entire party pointing and laughing, she turned about 3 different shades of red. But hey, you gotta know better to take care of your business BEFORE you go out.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) He had it in a sling a couple years ago on his show. I noticed it again last night in the NetZero commercial. He keeps the arm in his pocket throughout the commercial and it just seems awkward. Maybe Miller will start holding a pen like Bob Dole.
  25. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 12:34 AM) WHAT THE f***??? And I had a feeling this would happen... As a Nintendo fan, I'm just so confused right now. You know, Nintendo has done that multiple times to me over the years. And everytime, I end up saying to myself "Oh yeah, now I see why they did this!" I think it looks pretty cool
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