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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. I would like to see a banner of the old "good guys wear black" team up on top. Remember the GGWB commercials where they were all leaning on a fence or something, just hanging out? You certainly cant say someone on the banner is slumping because their pic is on the banner.
  2. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) Ah, a Heinlein Stranger homage. Probably my favorite sci-fi work ever. Hmmm, didnt know about that. the whole song he is singing about a massive roadtrip he went on with a friend named Michael Valentine. here are the lyrics, you tell me if he is paying homage.
  3. QUOTE(bmags @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) that one doesn't get me as mad (when its used as a negative cause there obviously are similarities) when people say pavement ripped off the fall (WHich came from maybe three songs in their entire catalogue) Im not too familiar with Pavement, but my best friend loves them, and he is a big Steven Malkmus fan too. Right now i am way too into anything that Ken Andrews does. It is seriously becoming unhealthy. I might classify myself as a stalker if he keeps releasing albums.
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) I feel personally attacked, wah. Kinda related, the other day it hit me that the dude from The Killers sometimes kinda sounds like Robert Smith of The Cure. Definitely. The killers have a very 80's feel about their music. My favorite song of theirs was on a single, "The Ballad of Michael Valentine". I really like their album "Hot Fuss", but I have no idea how they could leave "Valentine" off of that album.
  5. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 01:27 PM) Youngins. :headshake , Hey, im 27. I was barely 2 when Ian died. here is to your "youngins" :finger
  6. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) Just start hitting. Thats all that needs to happen. The pitching and defense will be fine. They just need to hit and score runs. It takes pressure off of a pitching staff that has earned us this record. Line drives and singles, stringing hits together, getting on base. These things will help prepare us for the playoffs. NOW LETS GET BACK TO THE RALLY CRY.. EAT s*** TIGGGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit, I thought the rally cry was "EAT s*** NUKE_CLEVELAND!!!!!!!!!!!" Im going to have to change my rally cry now
  7. The strange processes of my brain: Im listening to my Ipod, and the song "Dead Souls" by Nine Inch Nails(on The Crow soundtrack) comes on. Its one of my favorites, and I remembered that it was a cover from a late 70's band called Joy Division, and that the lead singer had died somehow. So naturally i googled Joy Division to get the story on the band. Much to my surprise, I found out that when the lead singer of Joy Division died in 1980, the remaining members stayed together and became New Order. You find out something new and cool every day. I have been a New Order fan for quite some time, and I had no idea of the connection to Joy Division.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:46 AM) I don't think it is responsible for journalists to ever be on the bandwagon to begin with. If you want bandwagon journalism listen to hawk and read whatever excellent stuff Brooks is sending out today. Objectivity should be their code, not cheering from the press box. In fact, that is considered very bush league to be cheering. But what about when he cheers when the going is good, only to turn around a week later and tell you "the choke is on you' when the team has a bad stretch? I have seen Mariotti say for the last month that the Sox were a lock for the playoffs, both in print and on PTI and ATH. Now he changes his tune. Windsock.
  9. QUOTE(CubKilla @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:24 AM) 87 years. 1st and 2nd halfs of 2005 eerily similar to 2000. Need I go on? No, you dont need to go on. I think that was Controlled Chaos' point.
  10. It was one of the better moments I have seen on sportscenter in the past 5 years. Robinson has a great poker face.
  11. Will this kid ever make something of himself? Will he ever become a shade of the record setting back that he was in his freshman year at Ohio State? He continues to amaze me with his high opinion of himself. Any thoughts? I know some people out there thought he was railroaded out of Ohio State and that he took the blame for alot of things that were out of his control.
  12. Tex, got you something. Hope you like it Its in the mail. Should be there in 5-7 business days. Happy birthday Tex
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) Drinking games! Anyone play Alchy Uno? Played like regular Uno, only you do a shot for every 250 points. We also took unlimited cards if you don't have a play. I think for a period of time, any game that we played was played with alcohol as our punishment/reward. Cards, Board games, the question game, word games, tic tac toe, every single one of them had alcohol applied.
  14. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 03:12 PM) Ah ha. Me and a few guys always watched 90210 together. We never told anyone cuz we thought we were the only ones. When you only have like 15 channels in the dorms, it's tough finding good entertainment. We didnt watch it as much as we used it as a timer. But the acting was unintentionally hilarious. Which dorm did you live in? I lived in Schneider, 7th floor.
  15. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 03:15 PM) Anyone willing to chat, it's open. Sorry Tizzle, Im at work today. Tell everyone I said hi though.
  16. QUOTE(Misplaced_Sox @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) I read the board alot.....actually almost two years now. Just started posting today. I'm the new guy so I know I could get hazed for speaking inflammatory about El Coacha. But he makes me hate him im not saying you are going to get banned. Im just curious why you say something, and follow it with "i could get hazed" or "I love the sox, dont kill me"
  17. QUOTE(Misplaced_Sox @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) I read the board alot.....actually almost two years now. Just started posting today. I'm the new guy so I know I could get hazed for speaking inflammatory about El Coacha. But he makes me hate him just curious. Why do you keep trying to make remarks to almost get banned? And you keep bringing attention to them.
  18. El Duque was left in too long. he should never of been in a position to give up 5 runs this inning. Too much trust out of the coaching staff
  19. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:11 PM) Any Saluki's ever try to make the Century club? One shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes? If you puke, you're eliminated. About 10 of us tried it one Friday night. I only had it a tad over a half hour. Weak stomach, do I have. I did it. We used to call it the "Spelling hour of power", because we would watch "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Melrose Place" as our timer. the 100th minute would always be the 2nd commercial break of "Melrose Place", thats how we knew we were done. the first time I did it, i was the only one of 5 to finish. Of course, I was done at 10:30 PM, but it was fun.
  20. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 12:16 PM) No, no, no, you got it all wrong. You are supposed to get Winston's bagels with no sweet stuff: cream cheese, cucumber, bacon bits, onion, sunflower seeds, butter, and garlic powder. Now that is a bagel. I went to the first Pinch Penny beerfest, I still have the glass. When we first got there we were complaining that 3 hours wasn't enough time to get our moneys worth. Three hours later there were no complaints. LOL, I had the exact feeling. Then the beerfest started, and I didnt have enough room for all of the beer. I dont know which one was the first beerfest, but i might have been there. We got rained on the first time, but we were so loaded it didnt matter. We drank from 2 that afternoon until 3:30 in the morning, nonstop. i have never consumed that much in that short span of time in my life. On the Bagels, I also forgot raisins and sunflower seeds. I get it with everything.
  21. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 10:29 AM) I spent about 7 years in Carbondale, and loved every minute of it. Such a fun, laid back town and just minutes from a beautiful national forest. Damn, I'm missing it more now. I'm going back for the Main Street Pig Out in about 2 1/2 weeks. My buddy is trying to convince me to go to beerfest on the 17th at pinch penny. If it wasnt such a massive undertaking(wife and kid need to be taken care of) then i would do it in a heartbeat. I keep thinking about Winstons famous bagels. cream cheese(extra for me), green apple slice, butter, red onion, cucumber, cinnamon(no sugar added), bacon bits, and the optional garlic powder, all over a charcoal grill. You cant beat that for originality or taste. Sounds gross, but I will be damned if that isnt the best bagel I have had.
  22. This is pretty much Bruce's last day in the spotlight, i wonder if he will bring us any reputation-staking claims of trades before the day is over.
  23. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 08:29 AM) Yes!! You're gonna make me cry with these memories. I miss the place. it has its own mystique. I miss working at Quatros, the free food was worth the s***ty ass tips. I really am gonna miss watching SIU elevate their sports programs. It was the best 7 years i spent wandering aimlessly.
  24. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 06:20 PM) Especially when your stomach is full of Rolling Rock or Natural Light. Depending on whay you could afford in Carbondale. Natty Lite, the leading cause of pregnancy in Carbondale. I remember quarter drafts at pinch penny like it was yesterday, dixie cups full of beer(well, they seemed that small to me).
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