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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. If anyone wants to see this sort of thing in action, check out 311's DVD "Enlarged to Show Detail 2" In the bonus features, the band has the 1/2 hour bet with fans for front row seats and backstage passes. People were vomiting milk EVERYWHERE. One kid looked like he was gonna hold it down, and boom goes the dynamite(*snicker*).
  2. Another thing that could happen is if the Sox make the WS and Griffey is largely responsible, then he becomes a very valuable commodity after the season. They could unload him in the off-season to a team that practices in Florida, get some prospects(maybe even a Major leaguer) and everyone ends up happy. Alot of "ifs" in that statement, but we have nothing but "ifs" right now.
  3. I have heard the rest of the deal is worth either 42 million bucks or as high as 81 million bucks. So that would mean the Sox are asking the Reds to pick up 24.6 million or 48.6 million, both astronomical numbers considering what they would be getting back, and despite much of the money being deferred. If this is the case, i can understand the reds saying no. But I just dont want to believe that the Sox would ask them to pay that much, the highest figure i have seen in print is 15 million.
  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) Here is the worrysome quote. So we are still far apart in money owed. So dont blame KW, Thanks Reinsdorf. And we would have to give up a good pitching prospect. I think the money is probably a lot of it. 60 percent is huge. I wouldnt expect them to pick that much up, but i would expect them to pick SOME of it up. Reinsdorf supposedly oked adding payroll, so we have to ask if: A) this is a smokescreen from Lindner because he wants to sell the team with Griffey part of the team, or B ) Is this Reinsdorf hedging about taking on more money than he wants, and trying to get the Reds to pay more of the contract. Given the current situation, Im more inclined to believe this is more Lindner than it is Reinsdorf. but who really knows? Probably only the Reds and White Sox front office.
  5. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) yeah it would, I'd like to think the Griffey deal isn't dead, but I won't believe anything until I see him in a Sox uniform. I really believe right now that Griffey is all for it. Hopefully there will be some sort of pressure on the Cincinatti organization to get the deal done. I can see it in my head, now I want to see it on my TV. I wonder if this hinges on KW giving up one of his prized pitching prospects? On that thought, I also wonder if KW is willing to part with those prospects.
  6. For once i am really liking what I am seeing on the sports illustrated homepage. John Donovan and Tom Verducci are pushing for the Reds to trade Griffey. It would be nice for the media to do something for the Sox besides pigeonholing all of their fans as meth-head field rushing idiots for once.
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 11:16 AM) OK, but it took them a while to regroup and turn it back around, and besides CC Sabathia is anyone on that pitching staff home grown talent? Victor Martinez Jonny Peralta Travis Hafner Coco Crisp Grady Sizemore Casey Blake CC Sabathia That is all right? WHITE SOX home grown talent Mark Buehrle Jon Garland Neal Cotts Bobby Jenks Joe Crede Aaron Rowand Travis hafner came from Texas, and Sizemore came in the Colon trade. Are the Cleveland players supposed to be examples of homegrown talent? Now that i look at it, Garland Cotts AND Jenks arent homegrown talent from the White Sox either.
  8. Why go to a troll and give him what he wants? Do you honestly think 3 out of 33,000 fans got into Rowands head? You dont think that Rawnds problem was that he was facing the reigning Cy Young award winner, and not that 3 teenagers in the outfield were yelling at him? Its pretty clear who the moron is here.
  9. For the longest time I was an Oscar Meyer weiner kid, I was raised on them and didnt know any better. I always LOVED having hot dogs at sporting events and hot dog stands, and couldnt really understand why they tasted so much better than OMW brand. Last month I decided to bite the bullet and spend the extra 2 bucks on Vienna Beef brand hot dogs. Low and behold, there was the taste! I told myself I am never buying oscar meyer ever again. On the lifetime network there was a show that was pretty much "The top 50" of anything and everything, and one time me and my wife sat down and watched the episode about "The Top 50 hot dogs". I thought to myself, "there is no way that hot dogs can taste that much different". After watching that show, I want to rent a RV and go across the country to the different Hot Dog stands. Among the most interesting: New Jersey "Rippers" - hot dogs dunked in boiling oil until they "rip" open. Crispy on the outside, hot-doggy on the inside New Yorks famous Grays Papaya Dogs - not actually made of papaya, but from what I hear they are to die for. Alabama Red hots - It wasnt so much that they were real "red hots", with the red casing on the dogs, but this particular Hot Dog stand had their own special relish/mustar blend that looked like something I want to try. Plus, its a secret recipe, and I love to try secret recipes. After that, i cant really remember much. it was about a year and half ago, and I barely can remember yesterday.
  10. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) haha not quite everything, and anyways, is it bad for a man to show he's sensitive? Any man? No. A football man? Yep Doesnt Vermeil usually get a little more emotional in his contract year though?
  11. Ill tell you who needs to be fired, Carl f***ing Lindner needs to be fired. Put O'brien in charge.....
  12. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 10:13 AM) it was a rant from a twin's fan about aaron rowand. The website is a reference from fight club about how we should just allow pandas to go extinct if they won't at least attempt to screw in order to save their species. click on the site, morons. Nice, show everyone that your twin brother calls Rowand a coward, then call us the morons. Real nice.
  13. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 10:59 PM) Hey now, easy on the Vermeil jokes. you gotta be kidding me. Vermeil cries about everything!
  14. QUOTE(soxman352000 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 04:15 PM) In the words of Chapplle "f*** your couch Minnesota" GO SOX When did Chappelle say that?
  15. Once again, some random woman's panties save the day. If i only had a dollar everytime i said that..... ....I would probably only have a dollar.
  16. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 02:00 PM) That new guy who was on Baseball Tonight a week ago, Oversta (something liek that,) said he knew how old Julio was but wouldn't say. i would be very curious to know. Orestes Destrade
  17. Flipping burgers? he will never do that again after stealing a few million from the Bears last year.
  18. big surprise here: Coach Vermeil is going to be crying like a woman again if Trent Green gets hurt again.
  19. Kyyle23

    Lunch Whistle

    Italian Beef I made in my crockpot all day yesterday. good schtuff!
  20. QUOTE(zygoat @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 11:37 AM) dimitri young would be the worst player to get after that bulls*** comment "the american league central will be between the indians and the tigers" he would f*** everything up this is the lamest reason I have seen for not wanting to acquire Dmitri Young, and it seems to be common. So what if he ran his mouth at the beginning of the year? Everyone had the Indians picked for a rebirth, and Detroit looked pretty solid on paper. So he got caught up and made a prediction that his team will be better than all of the other teams in the division save one? Who cares? Could Dmitri Youngs bat be helpful in the order is the only question that should be asked. .263, 19 HR, .792 OBPS, 60 RBI. We already have these numbers in our lineup. So no, he really isnt needed.
  21. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) Turner is one of the boobs of hte last decade. Ohh god. Duke, stop drinking that SIU water, you must be on a boil order. Turner is the last OC the Bears had that actually produced.
  22. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 05:35 AM) wow thats low... :puke No, thats Anthrax. I have more faith in turner than I have had in any of the boobs that have replaced him in the past decade.
  23. Kyyle23

    Dear Hawk,

    QUOTE(UC76 @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 09:37 AM) That comment about killing the fan base is right on. My mom isn't a huge baseball fan but she loves the Cubs and watches them a lot. When she happens to catch a Sox game she comments on how "dead" and "boring" it is. I can't argue there, especially when Hawk isn't saying anything (or isn't even there) or Hawk is answering his 156th e-mail of the night. The fact is, if a team's broadcast is boring then people aren't going to tune in. And if people don't tune in, you're not creating fans. Hell, just look at the Sox' "fan base" before this year. People are showing up now because the Sox are in first place, but where were they before? I'm not saying that's all Hawk's fault, but the fact that a lot of people can't stomach a Sox broadcast doesn't help. The fact is, a TV broadcast is like the face of a franchise. It's what you see everyday. Hawk is seen everyday. And people just don't like Hawk very much, except Sox fans (and not even all Sox fans.) As a lifelong, diehard Sox fan, I find Hawk bearable, but I'f be lying if I didn't say that I find his act old and dull and boring at times. And didn't Hawk get Wimpy fired because he was jealous of Wimpy's popularity? Come on now. That's very, very lame. So what you are saying basically, that the fanbase is showing up now that the Sox are in first place, but they werent showing up before, only because Hawk was running the broadcast? That is hilarious, and one doesnt have anything to do with the other. If your statement about your mom and your correlation between fans and broadcast were true, then the Sox wouldnt be selling out right now, and the fans would not be there. Last year the Cubs had Chip and Stone, and all of the Cubs fans hated those two(not so much Stone, but they were growing tired of him too) with a passion. Did they stop watching because of it, or did they chase away "potential" fans? No, not even by a longshot. Did people stop showing up at Wrigley when Chip and Stone were in the booth? Nope. But they sure stopped coming in droves this year, when they started sucking. Thats pretty much the only correlation, a teams popularity is based on their record and success. The TV broadcast does hardly anything to chase away or draw in potential viewers and fans. And if you think it does, find me some sort of correlation, and I will agree with you. But right now, it just sounds like you dont like Hawk and are trying to justify it by saying he chases away viewers like your mom.
  24. Kyyle23

    Celebrity Crush

    My darkhorse, Marisa Miller
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