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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. One thing I have to suggest in regards to her chewing habits. A) Always have something available to chew B ) Never provide any of the "sqeaky" toys unless they are gauranteed tough. Those little squeakers are dangerous when the dogs finally get them out of the plastic C) Rawhide is alot more dangerous than the dog treat industry lets on. I always give my dogs natural chews, but never any wrapped rawhide(like the bone shown in the picture with Molly). Many dogs have problems digesting rawhide, and end up having major surgery or even dying because the rawhide blocks the intestine, or gets wrapped in the intestine. Try pig ears, baked bones, buddha bones, or the good old natural cow femur. Those are the most digestable, and actually the pig ears are the best for a growing puppy. D) Dont get sucked into buying pig or cow hooves. These are extremely dangerous(they splinter when the dog chews them) and not very digestable. E) The best way to remove those little pins and needles commonly referred to as "Puppy teeth" is a rope toy. Puppies are such a blast! I used to work at some pet rescues and at Petco for a while, if you have any questions about any products, feel free to PM me.
  2. QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) Cubs fans are like roaches,and about as lovable too.I wish there are like roaches,step and squash them all!!!! you are never supposed to step on a roach. Their eggs stick to the bottom of your shoe when you squash them and you spread them around. Just spray cubs fans in the face with Raid, that'll make em go away.
  3. Kyyle23

    Celebrity Crush

    QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 14, 2005 -> 12:13 AM) One word: "Mischief" When I googled her name to get a picture, a montage of screenshots from "Mischief" when she gets naked is the first thing that appears.
  4. Kyyle23

    Celebrity Crush

    Mine is an oldie but goodie, Kelly Preston
  5. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 09:35 AM) My prediction is the same I made or the Bankee series: If the Sox win today, they'll take the series tomorrow. Book it. Im fairly sure you said that during chat when the White Sox were hanging by a thread in game 2 against the Yankees. I will 2nd that
  6. QUOTE(rangercal @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) LOL!!!! Yeah right! Philly would do that in a heart beat. We would not trade urlacher or Brown. We already paid those huge signing bonuses for both of them. TO is not helping his trade value. IMO, philly would be happy to get a 1st round pick for him. After watching TO's ESPN debacle last night (3 different interviews on ESPN's various network stations), I have come to the conclusion that Drew Rosenhaus is equal to, if not worse than Scott Boras. Watching TO and Rosenhaus conduct that interview was sickening. They are in some sort of alternate reality where they are never wrong, and they arent understanding why Philly wont bow down to them. I understand it, Philly has made it very public that they dont re-do deals, and that their team will not be offset by the actions of one individual. Over the past three years they have let guys walk for less than what TO is doing. Hugh Douglass, Al Harris, Jeremiah trotter, etc.al have all tried to stand up to the Philly team concept and all of them have been told to take a short walk. He certainly hasnt made himself look any better throughout this ordeal.
  7. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) I think you're right. But I'm not sure if another team would have to pick up the entire $8 mill or get the sox discount I dont think the Sox would keep the extra cash thats supposed to go towards paying for Contreras if they traded him. Dont you think the team that trades for him would want that money in the deal?
  8. QUOTE(sti3 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 02:16 PM) Quoting an entire post is underrated, though. lol
  9. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) He means your avatar, and I, too, laugh each and every time I see it. It has to be one of the best avatars around, not to mention one of the single funniest moments of the fourth season. Anyone else want to see Boomer get bounced out in the second inning? 1.2 IP 6ER would look mighty nice tonight. Actually, jumping out to a huge lead seems to be detrimental to the Sox, they play much better in close games. I dont know which one I would want with the Red Sox though, a close game or pile on at the beginning of the game and hold them off. The Rangers jumped out to a big lead against the Red Sox a few times and they just came right back and won.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 02:05 PM) yea, but it's not ORIGINAL. originality is over-rated on this site.
  11. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) Btw, a 2004 Sox version: Stage 1: Denial The Twins will fade. They can't be this good forever. The bubble will burst. The exuberance will become rational. If we can just pick up a game a week. Just a game a week. Well, maybe, um, two games for a couple of weeks… Stage 2: Anger/Questioning Why would a just God allow such things to happen? Why is evil rewarded and goodness punished? Why would Magglio Ordonez get struck down in the prime of his youth while Robby Alomar was allowed to remain in perfect health? Who replaced the regular bats with ass-bats? Why Scott Schoenweiss, why? Stage 3: Bargaining If the Sox can sweep this five-game series against Detroit, I'll go to the game every Sunday. I'll be good from now on. I'll wear my Ben Davis jersey all the time, even if it does give me a rash. I'll collect all the Sox bobbleheads. I won't complain about what a horrific pile of steaming crap our stadium is. I'll never call Jerry Reinsdorf a black-hearted tight-ass again. I'll… Stage 4: Depression I can't believe we lost five out of five to Detroit. Stage 5: Acceptance. I -- Wait a minute, acceptance? Are you crazy? There's still two months of baseball left to play! And the Cubs Still Suck!!! thats awesome upnorth, way to flip it.
  12. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:43 PM) Where did she make fun of someone else's stadium? Actually, she didnt. I sort of retract my statement (the statement stands, the context in which I said it doesnt). I was responding more to what sti3 was saying. hmmm, didnt notice the grammar error in that until I highlighted it.
  13. My best friend went to the show, and his wife found a backstage pass on the ground. they ended up watching the rest of the show on the stage, 10 feet from the band. Dammit of all the times to not go to a show!
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:31 PM) This trade will likely all revert back to whether or not the Reds ownership wants to trade Griffey Jr. I'm not sure why everyone thinks they'll change their mind about 2 weeks after saying no to the trade the first time. I think this all hinges on the ownership getting together and deciding on the future of the Cincinatti Reds as a team. After these past 4 year with Griffey on the DL more than off of it, and consecutive losing years, they should realize that they should get rid of Griffey when the value for him is at the highest. The Sox arent in a desperation mode because of their current record, but everyone knows what Griffey could mean to this lineup. I dont think the Reds get much of a better deal in the off-season for Griffey, mostly because next year he will be a year older. Griffey obviously isnt putting butts in the stands, and the Reds arent challenging for a Wild Card. The ownership just needs to sit down and decide what players they are going to designate as their core rebuilding players(and i use the term rebuilding loosely, they have been in neutral for 4 years now), and get maximum value for the players who arent core players. I would really like to hear the reasoning why Lindner nixed the deal in the first place.
  15. QUOTE(sti3 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) Our stadium hasn't been a pile of crap for several years now. I dont see how anyone who is a fan of the Twins can make fun of any stadiums whatsoever. If the Sox somehow pull of Griffey, I suppose her next published article will be about suicide instead of acceptance, lol.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 11:08 AM) 4 for 12, in such a short stretch, is almost unheard of in terms of stealing bases. So is 22 in a row nowadays
  17. His bat is slumping a bit, so he isnt getting on base as much. When he gets on base less, then he probably presses himself to steal more. I think when his bat warms up a little more his steals will start climbing again. Geez, the guy goes 4/12 for a stretch, and all the sudden he cant steal anymore. He did steal 22 in a row at one time.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:03 AM) Cleveland takes the same amount of time to get to as Chicago from Cinci. I think if you had a choice to be in Chicago or Cleveland, it would be a pretty easy choice.
  19. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 05:09 AM) I just want to know who the #1 advocate of the "Yankees will not claim Ken Griffey Jr." thinking was? Hmm I remember one person saying numerous times that Ken Griffey Jr. would clear waivers with ease. Well actually there were a few people who said this. No doubt in my mind ever that Griffey would clear waivers. I once knew a guy whose arm broke from patting himself on the back too hard....
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 07:20 PM) Did he really say that? I thought he told Levine his first choice would be to stay in Cincinatti. He said alot of different things in the interview. I heard alot of it in the pre-game yesterday. Alot of different snippets could be construed alot of different ways. Levine did say for sure that "He is on the waiver wire for anyone who wants to get him" I suppose the next thought in his head was, "Please let the Cubs get him, Please let the Cubs get him...."
  21. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 07:34 PM) Take out Everett and put in dye then thats the right lineup. pods guch jr pk dye ajp arow crede uribe It was the possibility of a left right combo that far down into the order that i was looking at. I know ozzie doesnt have much but the first 2 guys set in the lineup, and everyone else moves around. I also know Dye would start over Everett, it was just a little speculation.
  22. Well, yesterday Bruce said "He is on waivers for anyone who wants to take him.", so that means that either today or tomorrow at the very latest he comes off of waivers. So I guess we will find out in the coming weeks how much of this is conjecture and how much of this is the truth. Im really hoping this gets done. I really think he will have a dynamic impact on the lineup. And it would give the top of the lineup a left right combo possibly down through the 8th guy in the order Podsednik Iguchi Griffey Konerko Pierzinski Rowand Everett Crede Uribe Thats pretty impressive.
  23. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 03:53 PM) Cardinals are the only team that I see that could offer WR's for him. Probably Boldin or Jenkins. Im fairly sure Martay jenkins is no longer a part of the Cardinals organization. In fact, i think the bears took a flyer on him last year and ended up cutting him. Anyways, Boldin has the same body and hands as TO, he is just a younger and cheaper(relatively, Drew Rosenhaus just got his deal re-done) version of TO. I think the Cardinals are going to find out what they have with this WR tandem before they start making moves.
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