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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Bruce interviewed griffey. He didnt sound opposed to the idea of coming to Chicago at ALL.
  2. Would you rather Hawk just ho-hum the ninth inning and act like it didnt matter? Take the facts into consideration: 1. The Sox shutout one of the best offenses, at their stadium, for nine innings with their most vilified pitcher on the hill. Not to mention Contreras is a former Yankee 2. The Yankees history of coming back in their own stadium. 3. A possible playoff matchup. 4. The game ended on a screaming linedrive down the line that would have tied the game and put the winning runner in scoring position. Hawk is a homer, Get over it. Find me an announcer who isnt, and then tell me why it is better that he isnt.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 08:15 AM) Is he.. or was the ump just being tight. I Tivo's the game.. and watched that last half inning at least 5 times.. then I woke Jim up, not saying why, and the first thing he said was "hmm.. looks like Marte is getting squeezed a bit there.." He got squeezed on a few pitches. The last pitch he threw to Giambi was a strike in my mind, and Hawk b****ed about it. Im not saying that verifies that it was a strike, but Marte wasnt getting the outside corner to lefties at all.
  4. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 10:58 PM) They just said on Sports Center that the kid got arrested they think he did it on purpose. I doubt it with that scared look on his face no way does the jury find him guilty. O yah and pods #1 play 2 days straight. Im guessing there has to be some sort of visual evidence of this kid jumping if they want to charge him with it. Im glad Pods didnt have to get punched in the face this time to make the #1 play.
  5. Sportscenter just reported that the 18 year old male doing his little high-wire act in the 9th inning tonite actually JUMPED off the upper deck onto the net. He has been arrested on four misdemeanor counts. More on this as it comes. Wow.
  6. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 05:58 PM) Is anyone else getting really sick of Bryan Dolgin. All he is is a company man. Wilsy was honest and wouldn't suggarcoat anything. Dolgin is always kissing the Sox asses. For example teh game that Buehrle got thrown out the first thing dolgin said was how the umpires don't respect the sox. I'm sorry but how 2 umps act doesn't mean that the umps are out to get the sox. Almost all of the umps have been fair. He was also blaming the umps for last night. If you dont like it, then PM him.
  7. QUOTE(TLAK @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 05:53 PM) How did they fit that into the Golf and Rock and Roll show? Worst broadcast of the year, they missed entire at bats. I had to look it up on GameDay to see how Cantu got on 1b, for all I could tell from the radio he just parachuted in with the Elvis'. Terrible, lazy broadcast. Not calling plays is like a batter not running out a ground ball. What game are you talking about? Last nights game was against the Yankees. Jorge Cantu is on the Devil Rays. And Elvis night was against the Mariners. Im kind of confused about your statement.
  8. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) Hey, I just beat the A's on Ken Griffey Junior Baseball(SNES Version) 6-1!!! I hope that's a good omen. Of course, our modern Sox don't have anyone like U. Josh or the speedy Russel. I have the N64 version of KGJ baseball. I love it, I usually set it to a 162 game season and end up winning around 145-150 games. All the players look totally juiced up and hitting homeruns is really easy. My problem is always the pitchers, they tire really easy, the stamina function just doesnt work right. My pitchers were always dying by the 5th inning no matter which team I play and which pitcher I use. The funny thing about it is that opposing pitchers get better against me when they lose their stuff, striking me out on pitches that sweep about 10 inches outside the plate going 50 MPH. Its like facing Shingo for 5 innings.
  9. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) I'm a soldier! I'm a soldier! /Kellen Winslow II You would think a soldier would know how to ride a motorcyle in a parking lot.....
  10. I wonder what Yankees fans think of Giambi right around now? I know they were ready to draw and quarter him before the season, i wonder if the sentiment has changed?
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:49 PM) Well said. One of the most rational posts I've seen in a long time on here. Even a pessimistic person like myself agrees with this. and how many pessimistic posts do you have?
  12. Ozzie would have exploded if Shef was on the team and he came out to the press with his "They arent leaders. Im the leader" speech. That was totally unnecassary. And everytime Shef says something s***ty, he blames the press for misconstrueing his statements. he even said that his personal assistant sat in with him during the interview to make sure it didnt take on a negative light. I wonder what the Assistants take on the interview is?
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:34 PM) Yea.. I figured you'd be confused by that. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiht :finger
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:32 PM) Including this one.. in how many threads have you felt compelled to make a comment complaining about the things he posts..?? :headshake Don't answer.. I'm being sarcastic. what....no green?
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:30 PM) No.. but some of you are acting like f***ing 2 year olds... Who cares what someone else posts... good grief. Don't read it. Ignore it. well you could take your own advice.....
  16. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) The one where you mentioned a 4th thread? This is ridiculous. Probably over 40% of my posts are rooting the team on during the game threads. besides the game threads, how many of the threads that you start do you think are optimistic?
  17. QUOTE(GarlandFan20 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 12:11 PM) I took this...It's bad quality with the glare and all but I thought they looked too funny to not take a screenshot thats f***ing spectacular. That should be framed. LMAO
  18. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 12:08 PM) No Frank Thomas = No Bench Depth. That's what's changed. Before Frank was out for the year, the feeling was that Everett was a capable major league bat off the bench who could play a little outfield too. Now we don't have that for the remainder of the year. Frank was here for a month. the team functioned pretty damn well without him, and everyone complained about corpseball when he returned because he was station to station. this team relies on pitching and defense to win games. The offense comes and goes. Its been this way since the first game when they won 1-0. Complaining about it excessively now isnt going to change anything. Aside from adding a KGJ type bat, this is what you are going to have in the playoffs.
  19. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 10:43 AM) [rant] Did anyone hear the postgame last night on ESPN1000? The phones were lit up with people wanting to b**** about Freming and Wendelstat and how we had "no chance" to win on Wednesday because Freming was calling balls and strikes. They were also going on and on that the Sox can only score so many runs per game the way this team is built. I wanted to punch the f***ing radio! This line of reasoning is preposterous. I was appalled that people are willing to accept what's happening at the plate from the Sox and blame the umps for bad calls when we don't execute anyway. I know most people here aren't accepting it, but what about the GM and the Coach? Are they on board with this reasoning that the team is built a certain way and everything should fall on the shoulders of the pitching staff and the umps while .240 and .227 hitters just get a free pass day in and day out? This is absurd. I really think we have a chance to go deep in the postseason, but the fact of the matter is that without a healthy Thomas, we have zero bench depth offensively and a questionable everyday lineup at best. Now that Podsednik is creeping back down to his career average and the rest of the team seems to be settling back in to a low-.260/high .250 team average, I'm ready to say that if we don't get offensive help, we will be hard pressed to win a playoff series against any team. Imagine if anyone else were to get injured! If we don't make a move and get a BIG bat, I feel we'll be out quickly in the playoffs...first round for sure...and this is not the f***ing umps fault! Yes, Wendelstat and Freming are terrible. Yes, they may have it "in" for the Sox. We shouldn't be relying on scoring 2-3 runs a night and relying on miraculous pitching to make it hold up! Lately we have been making schlubs like the entire Toronto staff and Joel Pineiro look like Cy Freaking Young! [/rant] So what has changed since the beginning of the year? the club is the same, functions the same, plays the same. Whats different?
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) So what is worse, whining about the umps, or whining about the whiners? *fast clap!*
  21. I have a question. If any of you guys were getting a divorce, and the divorce was agreed upon between you, would it be ok to date other people? First off, let me say that cheating on your wife is absolutely the worst thing you can do. I would never think of doing it, and I would never think of defending the practice, it isnt right in any sense. But right now, Lowe is losing 47 percent of his worth, Nuke is s***ting in Lowes personal belongings, and Carolyn Hughes needs to be fired. Why? Because of what Trinka Lowe said. If you read this quote straight out, its pretty s***ty. Of course, who knows what was really said, but if a guy making a ton of money and he is out philandering (in california, no less), would it be in his best interest to kick out the kids in that manner too? I think not. This quote also says that Derek lowe asked his wife to leave earlier this year. A divorce was in the works, who knows if Hughes was involved at this point, she might or might not have been. For all we know Trinka could be the biggest b**** ever and Lowe told her to take a hike finally. If Lowe cheated on his wife during their marraige,and ruined his marraige and possibly his relationshiip with his kids, then he is a total prick and deserves nothing short of castration. But we are looking at one side of the story, the side that Trinka Lowe presents. And you know the saying, Hell Hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned. It is possible that the marraige was already over and a divorce was in the works, and Trinka just went ghetto on the situation and started calling people and talking. There is inside knowledge on this situation that will probably never come out(unless D. Lowe does some sort of Bah-Bah Wah-Wah special) and im gonna sit here and judge Derek Lowe on comments that his soon-to-be ex wife made, and I am not going to say Trinka wasnt totally f***ed over. Who knows what happened? And more to that, why do we care?
  22. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 07:52 AM) From what I've read, when Hughes returns from her "vacation", she will return to her national FSN show ( don't remember the name, I never watch FSN at all ) but she has been removed from any Dodger coverage ( well, she'll still "cover" Derek Lowe, presumably, but not for FSN, heh ). And Kalapse - in your sig, Dustin looks a little like ex-wrestler and NFL training camp fight-starter Bill Goldberg. Thats Brock Lesnar. Goldberg has been out of the NFL for more than 10 years.
  23. Hunter has blown some pretty big calls against the Sox the past few years. Ozzie shouldnt have said what he did, but Hunter has continued to make an issue of it, and Ozzie has every right to be pissed. Last nights blown call on Arods interference was pretty blatant. Everyone in the park knew what happened.
  24. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 10:22 PM) Timo is 1 for 11 lifetime against Moose. That comes out to a whopping .091BA. There was no real reason to bat him 5th outside of Ozzies love for alernating leftys and righties for matchups late in the game. Which again doesnt make any sense because Mo is harder against lefties than he is against righties. And over his last 7 days Timo is batting .083. So he is slumping right now also. I dont wanna be a Timo honk here, but numbers against moose really didnt mean much tonite. Dye owns Mussina over his career, almost a .500 BA, but he went 0-fer tonite. It really didnt matter, the strikezone was different for the teams, the mood was different for the teams, and the Sox couldnt capitalize on their scoring opportunies.
  25. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 06:32 PM) So, how long has Pods been in this slump? It's got to be like 3 weeks now. he got a hit. Be happy with that. Who is chatting tonite?
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