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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 06:28 PM) Someone tell Orlando to throw the ball around or over that white thing in front of AJ. He did. And Arod hit it a mile. Now he is going to avoid that white thing at all costs.
  2. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:01 PM) Williams has been a bum all season, how does his current health change their financial situation?
  3. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:39 PM) . Money is not an issue with the Yankees and everyone knows how desperate they are. If money isnt an issue, then why didnt the Yankees just take Griffey at the non-waiver deadline when they didnt have to worry about him clearing waivers? The Yankees payroll has cleared 200 million. We can joke about how they have an endless money supply, but noone does, that is ridiculous. They still have to pay a luxury tax, they have to actually watch their pennies this year.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:36 PM) I think I can sum this up. Reds: Let's put Griffey through waivers to trade him to the White Sox so we can get his s***ty contract off the books. /Griffey reaches Yankees Yankees: AHA! We'll block the White Sox from getting better. We'll put in a claim for Griffey. Reds: Take him...and his contract Yankees: ................f***! Reds: Tehehehe LOL. I thought the imagined conversation between Chuck Lamarr and Kenny Williams was the best, but that was funny as well.
  5. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) I think that the Yankees, BoSox, and the Angels would block us from getting Griffey. The White Sox wont get Griffey PERIOD. I think the one team listed that could use him (Yankees) is maxed out this year on thier spending, the Red Sox dont have the money to spend, and dont have the necassary wiggle room because of the waiver aspect, and the Angels are already paying a few DH/Outfield(Guerrero, Finley, Kotchman, Anderson, the Molina brothers both DH) types alot of money for their work. If it would be anyone, I think it would be the Yankees who would take Griffey. But I just dont think they could raise their payroll that much. Wow, I never thought i would say that.
  6. VAfan, just curious why you are so obsessed with keeping talent as soon as they show a little promise. Last year at this time did you even know who Brandon McCarthy and Chris Young were? Sometimes in situations like this you have to sell when maximum value presents itself. If McCarthy or Young stay, and the Sox dont win the world series, are you goign to be happy the Sox kept them? If the weakness in the offense presents itself are you going to say "Oh well", or are you going to tell yourself "Damn, if the Sox traded for Player A they would have won." Personally I think this season is about seizing the moment, not thinking about the farm system next year.
  7. I just started listening to I am Kloot. I really like what I am hearing so far.
  8. Im afraid that if he does, its gonna mess his swing up bigtime. Pods has hardly pulled the ball at all this year, and I have seen him put a charge into a ball hard enough to send it(opposite field) out maybe once the entire year. If Pods starts trying to pull the ball for any reason, his inside-out swing could be ruined for a period of time. I am happy with Pods game the way it is right now, he doesnt need to start thinking "well I am in a homerun hitters park, why not?"
  9. All I can say is that this guy is lucky that: A) there was noone in the backseat B) that bird wasnt 2 feet to the left(or the right, depending on how you look at it. The Bird had no luck whatsoever. http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1599175/ http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1599176/ http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1599177/ http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1599178/ The only shot of the bird is pretty unclear, but it looks like some sort of chicken.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) Tatu They win the best lesbian sex scene award.
  11. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) I just read the Trib's review for the new "Dukes" remake. They gave it one half of one star. The guy that wrote the adapted screenplay for Dukes and for Starsky and Hurch is getting a ton of bad press for his writing abilities. I thought S & H was funny, I really like Stiller and Owen. But you have to like that dumbed down humor to like these movies.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:02 AM) Queen Prawn is marrying long time beau Brian later this year with half of Ireland attending. At this point she will be wearing a lovely tiara and little else. (the dress needs to be fitted) Southsider and his bride of 5 years will be having a baby after the World Series (if the ultrasound was correct it will either be a girl or a boy hung like himself) Steff has a duck family living in her landscaping. Grab a scorecard. Are the ducks invited to the wedding? Funny (true) story: My father was in the waiting room looking through the glass at me shortly after I was born, and his best friend Andy walked up to him. My father said "Look Andy, I have a son and he has a great pair of balls just like his father." To which Andy replied "Dont worry Mike, they will grow." lol, that story still makes me laugh.
  13. Im still lost. Congrats on the Wedding and the baby to whomever that applies to.
  14. If No Doubt gets mention, then you have to include Blondie My personal favorite is Garbage though. And on a strictly solo basis, Liz Phair.
  15. Kyyle23


    why does this matter to anyone?
  16. Beane is always a contender. Always getting the upper hand when Kenny is involved too, just not cool.
  17. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 09:39 AM) The Sox next big "test" starts on Monday as they head to the Bronx. Over the course of the next few weeks, the Sox play the Yanks and Twins for 6 games each and the Red Sox for 3 in Boston. My guess is the sox will step it up a bit, esp. as 9 games are on the road where they seem to be more focused. We'll see if the sox play with more intensity and fire, as Ozzie talked with them. Being more patient at the plate would certainly help. By playing solid defense, getting good starting pitching, and by making pitchers throw a lot of pitches, the sox should be more than alright and fully capable of winning each series. And by then Griffey should have joined the team, we will be fine.
  18. LOL, I wonder how Joe feels about that comment.
  19. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 07:02 PM) someone get me the pic of hawk w/ the wig.......now That needs to be the new site banner, Hawk and DJ on Elvis night. It seems whenever players are put on the banner its a slight jinx.....
  20. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 06:15 PM) Yeah, but there's not a chance in hell that they'll do it. If it's Giambi, he should be shot in the head for being such a dumbass. I feel the same way about Raffy. But Raffy went ahead and shot his ass up(supposedly) anyways.
  21. the most glaring difference I see is that Buehrle never was warned. These teams were warned and then threw their beanballs. The Sox got pegged, got pegged again, and then retaliated and Buehrle tossed. I am hoping this is how Selig sees it if this crosses his desk as a potential fine/suspension.
  22. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 04:08 PM) I thought Brick's character wasn't funny and I'm a Carrell fan. He did his best with it but I ddn't think his bits were funny. Very good movie though, better the mroe you watch it he stole the show for me. He plays the clueless guy really well.
  23. What the hell was she saying when she was nagging him? He hit that lady 70 damn times.....after SEX! She must have really been letting him have it about watching the game.
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