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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) Her mom is still better looking. mmmmm, gonna have to respectfully disagree with you. not a knock on Goldie, she is still a good looking lady, but she has a thing for botox lips that I just dont find attractive.
  2. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:32 PM) "Sorry Champ. I think I ate your chocolate squirrel." Anything said by Steve Carrell in that movie was pure gold! I agree, I have quickly moved him into my top 3 favorite comedians right now. I just about piss my pants when I see the commercials from "The 40 year-old Virgin" when he is getting his chest waxed. Another favorite quote of mine from Anchorman "I ate a bunch of fiberglass insulation. It wasnt cotton candy like the man told me. My stomach is itchy" "Loud Noises!"
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) To avoid watching a history channel commercial... EDIT: We're not going to do that here. Salon gets it's revenues from the commercials. They provide great content. We should respect their revenue stream and support them by clicking on the ad. My bad GHC, wont do it again
  4. To avoid watching a history channel commercial... EDIT: We're not going to do that here. Salon gets it's revenues from the commercials. They provide great content. We should respect their revenue stream and support them by clicking on the ad.
  5. What a lame-ass reason to not want to go somewhere. the guy spends about 4 months during the season away from his home in florida, why would 4 weeks in March be such a big deal for him?
  6. Well the press has hold of it firmly now, so its pretty much dead in my mind. It was a topic on Around the Horn today, and all of the columnists agreed that the White Sox should aggressively pursue him if possible(go figure). All but Woody Paige felt that he would pass through waivers untouched too.
  7. The Schwab is pretty amazing, thats for sure.
  8. This was just posted on the chicagosports.com messageboard. Im sure a few people here can stump the Schwab. I think Juggernaut should give it a shot, to tell you the truth
  9. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) Oak 5 Min 2 Who cares? Arent they in third?
  10. It is unacceptable for Zaun to be walked 3 times. Hinske is smoking the ball and Zaun gets walked. Im so pissed right now
  11. Watch him walk Zaun again. thats just wrong.
  12. Once again gooch saves us. Why is Cotts getting up now. he should have been warming the whole time. The Count is pitchign like crap today
  13. The Sox treat Zaun as if he is a feared power hitter, dabble the corners and screw around, and either walk him or give him a meatball. I just dont get it.
  14. I used to really like to hear what Morgan had to say, but he just seems to get progressively more racist as he gets older.
  15. Any chance of rain interrupting this? In Rolling Meadows its pouring right now.
  16. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 05:49 PM) Though I own probably every product ever produced with Frank's mug on it, and there's a fare amount of it, Frank could never compare to Griffey in that department. Griffey would be a huge draw. It'd be awesome to have 2 of the greatest hitters of the '90s on this team. I was just going to mention this article. I remember reading it, there was a picture on the intro page where both Frank and KGJ are standing in their respective batting boxes at homeplate in the old Kingdome, with both of their bats extended and touching over homeplate. Im going to take this as a sign from above, It was a prophetic article from SI.
  17. Kyyle23


    QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 03:09 PM) Saw a trailer for "Sound of Thunder". I read the short Ray Bradbury story in high school and liked it. Looking forward to it. The best adaptation to that book was the Simpsons Treehouse of horror episode. One of the funniest simpsons ever.
  18. Somebody tell me that this thread is all in jest. Im trying to figure out if this is some sort of joke or if I am missing something....
  19. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:35 PM) Sorry, I wasn't up for wading through all 18 pages. Missed yours, again sorry. its a joke, dont worry about it.
  20. QUOTE(BamaDoc @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) Since Griffey is in the NL, every NL team would have to pass on him. Then since we have the best AL record every AL team would have to pass on him in order for our claim to prevail. Slim just left town! Do I hear a poorly executed echo? I think I do!
  21. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) Yes LOL the answer is four. Now figure out what the question is
  22. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) i don't have XBOX! I have PS2. either way, unplug the muthaf***a and get back into the real world. Pointing out random lefties on other teams and wondering if they are going to be placed on waivers for no particular reason isnt really helping.
  23. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 01:29 PM) There's a spot called DH. You could put a hitter there who you don't want to play the field. LOL
  24. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) I think we are going in the wrong direction. I am much more in favor of making sure our whole infield does not speak a lick of english. So you want Cabrera, right?
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