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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 03:05 PM) Are you talking about 4 game sweep or sweep against Orioles? cause we swept Cleveland all 4 after all star break and we swept the Yankees all 4 in June 2000. Not sure about Orioles. I was talking about a 4 game sweep in Baltimore. I knew that the Sox hadnt done it in Cleveland since 1942 until they did it 2 weeks ago.
  2. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 03:03 PM) If the Sox go 3-55 the rest of the season, Steve Phillips' prediction of a 72-90 season will be correct. LMAO
  3. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) Wow, 4 game sweep of the O's, in Maryland?? Huge series Sox. I wonder when the last time was that the Sox did that, it has to be a while.
  4. QUOTE(S720 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) Should the Sox win the World Series, is Shingo entitled for a ring? I wish he could. lets not put the cart before the horse.
  5. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 11:52 AM) Canseco's on the Surreal Life and contemplating sex with that ice queen Janice Dickinson... he has no right to laugh at anyone. That show is hilarious. Except I had no idea that Bronson Pinchot was such a perv.
  6. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) Headline: Palmeiro suspended for boner medication. "It was my anniversary" Have you seen his wife? It would be worth the suspension
  7. How often is it that a team starts against the same pitcher in a 4 game series in the 2nd and 4th game. That has to be in one of Jayson Starks Wild Pitches this week.
  8. Come on man, I really wanted to go to Baltimore before I read this!
  9. I was just told the guy got sick of being mr happy all the time, and wanted to move on with his life. Cant say I blame him.
  10. QUOTE(jamslam @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 05:14 PM) Leslie is a Sox hater, Does he she have a site ? check out bbaums blog. Where Leslie put in remarks, he also pimped his two sites. you can find the address there.
  11. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 12:43 PM) Yes, but AMC & movie chains don't make their money off of home entertainment sales. They make it off of the food when you put your butt in their house. FYI: Ladykillers did not do well in HE either. I know the ladykillers didnt do well. But there are tons or remakes that didnt do as well as the original. Swear words arent the determining factor in a movies popularity. South Park did just fine with their movie(BO and home video sales and rentals), and it is one of the most vulgar movies ever.
  12. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) Exhibit A: Ladykillers with Tom Hanks This was a remake of an older film that did not feature obscenity & cuss words. The older film was a more enjoyable film & comparing the BO between the two clearly indicates it had greater mass appeal. I don't blame AMC or any other chain for deciding not to show this movie. If you "get your rocks off" with dirty words then whatever floats your boat. But the BO has proven time & again it doesn't sell. AMC is in business to sell an entertainment venue to the widest audience possible. The Aristocrats probably doesn't fill that bill. When viewing Ladykillers we both thought that the movie would have been much better if one character had been written better. All he offered was a cess pool of dirty words & it did not add to the film. The Box Office is a pretty arbitrary source to consider the success of any film. There are a ton of determining factors in the success of any film, nowadays it seems the DVD sales and rentals are what makes a film successful.
  13. QUOTE(Julius @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 12:13 PM) If you click on Leslie, you find out that Leslie is a HE and his occupation is a librarian clerk. Wouldn't lose sleep over a knob named Leslie. (s)He also lives with his/her Mom also, and is best friends with our good buddy fry the twinkies/g-man/twinsrule.
  14. Giving up Ryan Meaux doesnt upset me much. This is about solidifying the bench or maybe swinging a bigger trade.
  15. QUOTE(UofIChiSox @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 11:01 AM) I'll play devils advocate, the other two parts of that trade are significant contributors to the M's this year. Morse is hitting .325 in 45 games and Jeremy Reed has played in 91 games. I agree with you though in that our feelings are going to be different now, tomorrow, and next season. LOL, Jeremy Reed has played in 91 games, therefore the trade was worth it. He is hitting .252, 2 HR, 34 RBI, and he has hit 1 for his last 19. Im thinking this is not what Sox fans thought they were giving away and this is definitely not what Seattle thought they were getting.
  16. QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 11:53 AM) this whole thread is cracking me up. All over Brian Mcarthy. Unreal. People love the triple A players more than there own team. Addison,Milkman, on behalf of Jim and I thanks for being real. Its actually refreshing. No quickman, this thread is against trading Brandon McCarthy. You can trade Brian, im sure VAfan doesnt mind.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 10:32 AM) Affeldt is injury prone. That would be a terrible trade. he has that blister problem that never seems to go away. Not good for a power pitcher. Did anyone see the close-up of the blister on Derek Lowe's thumb last night? Hideous.
  18. Kyyle23

    White Sox Josh

    QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 10:20 AM) that is the troll g-man/twinsrule. I know, I find it humorous to check out his site periodically. This was his post about why he hates the Sox. I found it really funny that you are the cause to all of his White Sox hate, especially given his piss poor example of why he now hates the Sox. The responses to this reason are very funny too. Just adding a dose of humor to the tense last 5 hours of the trading deadline.
  19. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 10:11 AM) I love your question "Where do I fit this guy into the lineup"? It captures Aubrey Huff perfectly. Frankly, it also fits for Lyle Overbay, who wouldn't send Paul Konerko to the bench either (though I think Overbay has more upside than Huff). Why would Huff or Overbay send Konerko to the bench? Overbay would be the platooning DH/1B, and Huff could possibly be platooning 3B/1B/DH as well. One of these guys is the difference between Timo being your replacement DH when Carl gets tossed and Huff/Overbay being your replacement. Everyone said there wouldnt be enough at-bats for Frank and Carl when Frank came back. Ozzie found the at-bats to make everyone happy. It isnt going to be brain-science if one of these guys is acquired.
  20. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) Maybe the deal will be Blum and Olivo.... Gives us a backup catcher with a better arm then Widger... Maybe they got him at KW's request... LOL. Better arm, worse game calling, and horribly bad average. Yeah, lets get rid of Widger as the backup. What a great idea!!!
  21. Whats the latest time for announcing a trade, 6 PM? There are always trades that sneak in at the last second and arent announced until after the deadline.
  22. QUOTE(quickman @ Jul 31, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) Many thought he would be a five tool player despite what there eyes were seeing. He was doing pretty good with the Sox until he was traded last year. I dont think our eyes decieved us, I think his overachieving performance decieved us. It decieved the Mariners too.
  23. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 30, 2005 -> 12:26 AM) Lyle Overbay is a 1B without power. Again, he's a nice average ballplayer. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?playerId=4598 Everyone keeps saying that Overbay has no power, this is a myth. He is on pace for 25 homeruns and 34 doubles this year, after 53 doubles and 16 homeruns last year. His power has gone up pretty much every year he has played, and he has always had a .300 average capability. A lifetime slugging percentage of .464 is pretty good, is it not? And having a .497 slugging percentage this year means he is producing some power this year, does it not? .381 OBP this year, .385 last year, lifetime .378..... I know the chances of acquiring him are slim, but the guy definitely has pop in his bat. And moving to The Cell is only going to increase the pop in his bat.
  24. Kyyle23

    White Sox Josh

    I had no idea that you started the "hate the White Sox through blogs" craze! http://whitesoxsuck.blogspot.com Josh, you are so mean! You big bully! lol
  25. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jul 30, 2005 -> 07:55 PM) The movie is brilliant!!! Hysterical, Offsensive, Dirty, & Insightful... Bob Saget is a dirty sonofab****!! You didnt know? Didnt you see his "Entourage" episode? Bob Saget likes the b****es!
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