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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 05:30 PM) IS ANYONE AS SICK AS ME OF HEARING BEARS TALK ON THE RADIO!? ITS THE HEAT OF THE DEADLINE WITH A FIRST PLACE TEAM TALKING ABOUT ACQUIRING THE TOP STARTER ON THE MARKET, AND THESE ASSHOLES ON THE RADIO ARE TALKING ABOUT GODDAMN IAN SCOTT AND HOW GOOD OF A RUN STUFFER HE WILL BE. AHHHHH IM GETTING PISSED Nope. Im excited about football, and its the only time of the year that a bears fan can be optimistic about the season. And when the baseball season is over I have a smooth transition to another sport I love.
  2. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 04:02 PM) You fail at posting. LMAO Thats almost as funny as Mac saying on the show today "The only reason you would leave a baseball game to change clothes is if you shart."
  3. I dont understand why Detroit is shopping Johnson so hard? He is part of a staff that is in the top 5 ERA in the league. Johnson has been hard on the Sox for the past 2 years, even though they have enjoyed mild success against him. Strange.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:20 PM) I disagree that he is worthless, but right now he is not useful. When the Cubs throw him out to work him hard, he falls apart not just for a month, but for 2 seasons. He is not worthless in the sense that Randy Johnson was not worthless after the 92 season, when he had a career record of 56-61. At that point, someone got through to him (Ryan?) and helped turn him into a pitcher. Since then, he's gone 200-73. Did Randy Johnson ever have arm trouble? Its one thing to be in the majors for a while trying to figure everything out, but its a completely different thing to be in the majors trying to get healthy all the time. I would have to think that Johnson would fall in the former category and Wood would fall into the latter category, but thats just me.
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:43 PM) Any news/updates from the Score? So as far as we know we're still just negotiating what Florida will pay of Lowell's contract? Just so you know, when/if something happens, EVERYONE is going to know.
  6. QUOTE(Bonkeymutt @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:40 PM) so if we get lowell, who will be sent down? Probably our good buddy Gload.
  7. QUOTE(rangercal @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) I see you double -posted. But this double-post was needed. f*** Peter Gammons I was shut out of the site due to "too many connections" while I was posting that reply. Whatever happened when i was shut out caused it to double reply, sorry bout that.
  8. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:25 PM) I'm so pissed about everything Gammons said. Schmidt won't come here. Burnett refuses to sign an extension here. We'll pick up f***ing Alan Embree?! Even if it's all BS, it's put a huge damper on my day. Dont let Peter Gammons ruin your day! Thats like letting Mariotti ruin your day, it just shouldnt be possible.
  9. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:22 PM) how the heck did this get to 46 pages? We attached the thread to Anthrax93's nose, and started asking him to tell us more truths about Kenny Williams. The next thing we know, *boom* the thread is 46 pages. It was quite amazing.
  10. QUOTE(whitesox89 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:19 PM) Gammons jus said NO Schmitt for us. Bmac and Marte for Burnett brought up maybe pickup Embree if Marte is dealt Im starting to feel that not acquiring Schmidt is a good thing for the Sox. It would be a great slap to Sabeans face to keep all of these so-called core players that he refuses to trade and have Bonds come back and just be human. Watch the Giants fall flat on their faces the next 3 years because Sabean held his cards too long.
  11. QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 03:17 PM) Gammons said that Burnett said that if he's traded to the White Sox he won't sign an extension with us, but he would if he's traded to Boston. News to me. Gammons said that? Hard to believe. Wait a second, Gammons says that about everyone!
  12. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 02:55 PM) I'd be a bit young to be saying stuff like that, seeing as how I'm only 16. I just meant the mainstream stuff(Not the poopish crap, that will always stick) that most everybody listens could be better than it is. As I wrote that I realized that you might feel that i pegged you like that, and please dont feel that way. It was a broad statement that was meant to reflect that nostalgia for classic music is much better than excitement for new music. You slightly proved my point by remarking that "modern music has gotten pretty bad with people listening to stuff like the Dave Matthews Band and Green Day". I like what Dave and Green Day have to offer, but I also understand that both of those artists are completely saturated in modern day music playlists. This wasnt so when i was your age. When I was 16, Dave was touring with NO LABEL because nobody wanted to take a chance on a so-called "college-band". Green Day was slightly more popular, but viewed as bubble-gum pop-punk that wasnt going to last. I, on the other hand, was saying something along the lines of "modern music has gotten pretty bad with people listening to stuff like Pearl Jam and Nirvana". You just have to appreciate things as they come. Corporations have changed things a bit, and mainstream has become more corporate, but the diversity of music nowadays is something to behold. There is no more Alternative, Mainstream, top-40, country, classic rock, etc. They all bleed into each other, yet they are all pretty distinct. My former employer Clear Channel tries to peg bands into holes, and they dont understand why their ratings slip after initially launching stations. One piece of advice that I can give you, is when you buy a cd for a song(we all do it, just admit it), listen to the whole cd through and through without stopping. Its hard to do, but it gives you a better idea of whether you enjoy the band, or the good song. When I started doing that (when i was about your age, curiously enough), music became so much better to me, it became such a bigger part of my life.
  13. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 02:37 PM) I can't really listen to anything old and modern music has gotten pretty bad with people listening to stuff like the Dave Matthews Band and Green Day. I think people say this every year. "Music just isnt as good as it was in ----" You gotta know where to look for what you like. Music always changes, its a constant form of communication for our society. I love Classic music as much as the next guy(if not more), but I also love finding a newer band and enjoying something I havent heard before. right now Im digging On Blinker the Star Year of the Rabbit Peter Gabriel Talking Heads Brand New
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) Outside the Lines was the 3rd show but than they took out the basketball show, so for awhile it was only baseball tonight and outside the lines. ....AND Sportcenter. The Trifecta.
  15. Is anyone worried that this could impact Jon garland re-signing with the Sox? Im starting to get that sick feeling in my stomach.
  16. QUOTE(103 mph screwball @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 02:04 PM) However, circumstantial evidence like the fact he was close to Balco when he was good, he lost velocity, he got bad when he went to the Sox who are anti-steroids before that was cool makes some people speculate. That is flat out wrong though! Koch was hitting 100 MPH regularly in Toronto. He started losing velocity when he came to Oakland. The end of his year in Oakland was when things started falling apart for him. For your circumstancial evidence to work, Balco has to have a center in Toronto.
  17. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) If we do aqcuire Mike Lowell. Does this mean KW's patience have ran out for Joe Crede? He is starting to heat up offensively and I don't think there is a better defensive 3B. Hmm.. Lowell just seems like a downgrade to me. what do you guys think? I think you are reading into it wrong. Lowell is insurance, not an upgrade. Crede's back problem is a concern, adding Lowell will give Ozzie flexibility at 2 positions (1B and 3B), give Crede and Konerko valuable days off down the stretch, and provide insurance if either player should go down. The hot stick stays in the lineup.
  18. I almost want Oakland to win the wildcard. You cant hope for the worse teams to get into the playoffs just so you can beat up on them to advance to the ALCS. No matter what, you are going to be facing two of the top 4 teams in the AL(If you advance), and eventually the top team in the NL. You arent going to find out if you can be competitive in the WS and ALCS by pounding a lesser team in the first round. Bring on the big boys, beat the big boys, get some respect along the way. The Angels had to do it the hard way, the Marlins had to do it the hard way, and the Red Sox had to do it the hard way. There is no easy way.
  19. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce Levine was saying that its more of a muscle problem in the shoulder, something similar to what happened to Matt morris in the off-season. The interesting thing to me would have to be seeing Kerry Wood exist without his 95+MPH fastball and plus curveball, because he just cannot do it anymore. Morris had to completely start over, he had to change his pitching philosophy. Would Kerry Wood be able to beat teams without overpowering them?
  20. QUOTE(heirdog @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 01:23 PM) Sounds like a deal that could help the Whitesox win it this year but anyone else a little worried about the eery similarilities to the Willis for Clement trade made by the Cubs. Clement is solid and the Cubs did have him for a couple years but Willis looks pretty dominant thus far in his young career. We may only get AJ for 3 months and lose McCarthy. I think this is just an off-year for Lowell and he is a big time clutch player so hopefully we pull the trigger. I just hope we don't give up any more active roster guys, not named Timo or Willie. Welcome to Soxtalk! Personally I think that if the Cubs had kept Clement on the team for more than 2 1/2 years and attempted to maximize his potential then the trade would be equal for both teams. Alfonseca and Tavares both moved on, and Willis always seems to be lights out until the ASB. Right now, Willis and Clement are on pretty even ground. Clement is having a pretty good year.
  21. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 12:47 PM) He was throwing near 100 with Toronto. When was his Tommy John surgery? He seemed like an awesome guy, a standup guy, and a great teammate. It sucks that you have some people, not you kyyle23, making statements and speculations that he would ever be on steroids. If anyone knows of a site that tells you information about injuries to players during their career, and not just current injuries, feel free to let me know about it. SSI, I found this article about Koch and Benson coming out of Clemson together, it doesnt get too specific about everything around his injury, but here you go. http://cworld.clemson.edu/winter2000/b&b.htm
  22. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 12:41 PM) Unless they send Jenks back down and make a trade for a subpar lefty-reliever like an Affeldt. Hey what is Schoenwiese up to? Lol just kidding. Affeldt cannot stay healthy for more than a month. He seems to have the same sort of finger blister problems that have consistently plagued to Josh Beckett. A few elbow problems mixed in too.
  23. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 24, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) Did you here the latest rumor? There's a chance if Phil Nevin accepts the trade to Baltimore that the Orioles release Corky. Omar Minaya Rejoices! The Mets are now in position to solidify their need of another diminishing bat!
  24. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 12:22 PM) Where is the proof of this? I can't stand people that throw names out there with no proof of anything. That is an ugly thing to say about someone and he never fit into that whole thing. Show me some evidence or proof of this. b-b-b-b-but he played in Oakland, very close to Balco! The connection is there! You just have to be imaginative! I always thought that Koch benefited from the immediate results of Tommy John, in which many pitchers gain a little velocity(maybe from the tightness of the new ligaments) and then surely drop to where they were before(some get worse). Its too bad the White Sox had to realize that he was done after everyone else did, but oh well, whats done is done.
  25. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) Wagner is more than a slight upgrade over Marte. I understand that, but my point is that acquiring Burnett would probably have a better effect than acquiring Wagner. You cannot compare the two, they both exist in different parts of the pitching world, but I think that Burnett would have the desired effect that the White Sox are looking for. I also think Jenks is going to become a pitcher to be counted on in the coming months.
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