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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Yea kids were thrown in the lake for not throwing 70mph. There was a big story about Carol stream in the 80s but it got buried. All the boys in Ms Jenkins class were gone after the championships
  2. Well written article, covered a lot of his history and dubious. Lmao at stanky calling it “hardly great journalism”. Did you read past the title?
  3. I don’t even know what is considered absolute correct. I know that there are definitely coaches out there that have no skin in the game except for notoriety, and they are out there coaching kids like they are in game 7, and that stuff sucks
  4. Well if you remember, when me and you were kids curves were bad! Only throw fastballs, curves come later. Maybe changeups as kids but no curves. now we are at the other side of the pendulum. And I get it that it’s hard to “grow” a kid as an athlete and keep him both at an upward strength trajectory and safe. People grow and develop at different rates. We see kids in little league WS that look like seniors in Hs playing with and against kids that look younger than 10. I just don’t see it as considerably worse than the glory years Greg is pining for. Kids back then blew out their arms and were never heard from again
  5. When I was a kid it was pervasive and totally Wild West, kids were pitching every game start to finish parents were the “agents” . Kids nowadays are playing a lot of sports, and fortunately attention has started to fall on arm health so they have done things like pitch counts for the league and stuff like that, and the overbearing parents have been called out a lot. it’s not nearly as bad as the Greg mommy daddy scenario
  6. You are welcome to compare the piles of s%*# to see which is taller. I don’t really feel like it’s something to quibble about
  7. It’s not. Greg is greggin
  8. Considering we are staring down the barrel of another 90-100 loss season, I’m not really sure i will be hearing much of Steve next season regardless
  9. I’m sorry Eddy of West, I was very correct. you can keep up your “no you are the mad one and I live rent free in YOUR head” game forever I don’t care. I know what happened here. Take your own advice, heal or whatever
  10. Buddy as soon as it’s real games, the white Sox will disappear lol
  11. Your schtick of misunderstanding the situation purposefully has been going on since the dawn of this board, good team or bad. This board has patiently explained rebuilding to you many different ways and you keep your blinders on and act like you don’t hear it. It’s fine nobody cares anymore
  12. Explaining why you were gone isn’t speaking for you. I would never speak for you! I don’t know what it’s like living in that fantasy!
  13. Here we are again, in a rent controlled establishment of shutouts. Hm
  14. Last in the league, Number one in your hearts
  15. Not sure why personal respect would play into it, but Some of those tickets are family tickets that generations have used. No shame in that. These people want those tickets past the reinsdorf era
  16. 10 percent off next year but they probably raised prices in 22 and 23 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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