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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Tray, quit being a baby. That’s the general idea of this entire thread. Please, threaten me. It definitely makes your chronic bitching accusing and gatekeeping look better
  2. I find it best to remain blissfully ignorant. The less I know the better
  3. It’s been a long time since someone told me a reason for anything was because they were getting jewelry with a beautiful person. Actually I think this was the first time
  4. That’s what happens when you search for stories all night and reach the bottom
  5. The rock is in a super weird spot right now. Dwayne got himself quite a diva rep on the movie side now, and wrestling fans were super pissed about how he came in and fucked up Cody’s storyline. I’m not sure if bringing him back to f*** with Cody’s storyline AGAIN is gonna make those fans forget any of that
  6. Street fighting fist fighter. Sure
  7. The last few years there has been more than a few holes in the previously airtight theory that nothing happens until he is pushing up daisies
  9. Day 1 post “guys, I have been here all along. pm me for use of any suite, on me, in the new park downtown” tray: 😡😤
  10. I mean I’m not gonna complain about dollar beer night. I just think we should temper expectations that he is a complete opposite of JR until we see it happen.
  11. I am not willing to go that far. I think above all these guys definitely want to earn a profit, but I also believe that this is probably more of a winning/entertainment+profit proposition for them than what we have seen with the Reinsdorf current model which seems to be focus on your little income window and don’t do anything else
  12. Dan Gilbert has multiple titles and currently has rebuilt the Cavs into one of the best teams in the East if not the league, look at his ownership record come on man. The Suns are middling around .500 this season but the Ishbias have spent and have dealt with injuries, and haven’t been afraid to do things like acquire KD, previous two seasons have been playoffs. I mean, all owners in the end are uber rich people that kinda suck, not sure why you think these two guys specifically are worse.
  13. We still got Sheets last year and we are about to get colas back lmao
  14. It’s kind of funny that a majority of that thread was like “THANK GOD THIS MEANS NO MORE SHEETS AND COLAS” and it really didn’t mean that at all
  15. https://www.windycitygridiron.com/2025/2/19/24368970/topps-greatest-football-card-all-time-chicago-bears-green-bay-packers-suck-caleb-williams
  16. Can we not relitigate this fuckin story.
  17. Disregarding everything that everyone thinks about him as a person, this guy has literally stolen 2 season of pay from this organization and gave us 28 games and like a 5 era. WHAT IS THE DRAW HERE
  18. Marlins were 93-02, Cabrera had a cup of coffee there in 01 with Adrian Gonzalez, then looks like he jumped to high A edit: nope I misread he was there entire 01.
  19. Yea it wasn’t a surprise when those kids (plus some pretty awesome FAs) won it all in 97 before the Front Office did the ole rug pull
  20. I lived about five minutes from there back then, I could see the Fermi tower from my house. A friend of mine was a player foster house and Josh Booty, Charles Johnson and a few other names stayed with them during the season I also was a Funway “animal” in 1995, we would roam the park in the character outfits lol
  21. There is no “percentage”. Fans are everywhere, neither team owns any specific area in the suburbs
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