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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. I would say this is the room, and if what you are seeing is making you blush then you should go to another room ?
  2. He is calling this ump the worst in the league. And he is probably right but we dealt with Joe Wests dumb ass because he didn’t like Ozzie criticizing him and I would rather not piss off another guy who can affect the outcome
  3. It’s like forcing John Candy to eat the gristle in the Great Outdoors
  4. Honestly wondering if he feels being this specific about an ump is good for anyone, him or the white sox
  5. It doesn’t really sound like Soto is getting all of it, lol. Imagine if he does
  6. It’s not that serious. He had two guys on and Pedro went for the lefty matchup
  7. This kind of comment is why it went to page 2
  8. Interesting that all of the North division games happen after November 17
  9. This is a really good bass and panfish lake https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loon_Lake_(Lake_County,_Illinois)
  10. Can someone just make this stuff stop
  11. He is just fucking around scooping lasers in from the blue line lmao
  12. Richard Hightower, please do not attempt to gaslight us about the “freight train” that is Velus Jones jr. We have seen that man play. I’m good
  13. This is the best I have seen them play thus far, the pitching has been very good and they largely haven’t let Ramirez beat them.
  14. I think Christopher Morel just hurt his knee on a slide into second.
  15. So you think they are just going to stop doing more Apple stuff, and go back to free stuff? Hmm. I don’t know if I agree with that
  16. Not at all. I just don’t see this as any thing more than a blip, not an upward trend.
  17. Every time he comes to bat I think it’s Eloy because of the red gloves and I wonder “why is his stance all weird” before I realize it’s Ramos lol
  18. They also have 7 of their 10 wins against teams who aren’t exactly lighting it up at the moment, and they are done facing the rays who gave them 5 of those wins. you wanna be optimistic fine. I and many people aren’t being negative, we are only reacting to a teams that is currently the worst team in the league. It’s fine though everything is fine
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