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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. Kevin Warren seems like he has only one option in mind and that is continuing with the bullshit gridlock of the soldier field/museum area and build another co-owned stadium with the city. Dumb
  2. Isn’t Deloach still on the roster
  3. I mean, Flus is embarrassing to watch in pressers. Now I get him unfiltered ?
  4. I’m showing cloudy all night but no threat of rain
  5. Give him a break, he is helping Jerry spread bullshit to the fans
  6. Can we maybe have a prospect that isn’t forced to overcome the “worst in baseball” moniker
  7. Donovan has more accomplishments in his little pinky than Boylen will have in his entire lifetime. You are sitting here defending a national embarrassment who installed a punch clock in the wall and talked in cliches his entire time and was ushered out shortly after everyone realized that not only was he hurting the vets but he was hurting the rookies too. It’s hilarious that you point to Markannen as some sort of a feather in his cap like Lauri was showing all those chops under Boylen and then regressed terribly under Billy lmao. And if you want to say that Pedro’s failure is shared by TLR like you are bagging on Hoiberg, I’m fine with that too
  8. lol I couldn’t disagree with this enough
  9. The end result will be the same, hugely embarrassing team with no real direction going forward, and a lot of really really awful quotes and incidents edit: I have to account for sin city Sox fans theory that we will run the table til the title so the above is a -likely- scenario
  10. Looks remarkably like the Jim Boylen bulls era does it not? huh wonder who was at the top of that pile of s%*#
  11. Give it time. You always get first taste for free
  12. Would he absolutely hilarious is Pham went out there intending to starch someone and ended up getting TA-ed
  13. We might have a lot of Ls, but we aren’t taking that! (we took that)
  14. Ok, I’m just not interested in your repeatedly explaining that you believe nothing helps. We are good.
  15. I can’t wait for him to ride the bench so we can watch Sheets run around the outfield instead of playing first base while Vaughn is out
  16. The point is there is no band aid. It’s an open festering wound and we have nothing to stop it. the point is that this guy actually is actively hurting development in favor of playing vets, and we are now starting another rebuild. The point is that Pedro is not the guy and never was
  17. We are so far beyond “careful what you wish for” stage in a coaching search. I don’t fucking care who replaces Pedro, Pedro sucks and is embarrassing and all I can do is hope the next guy isn’t the same. Pedro is just as bad as TLR was, I don’t feel like “oh s%*# man we shouldn’t have fired TLR look what happened!” TLR probably would have 16 or 17 wins with this bunch and would have fallen asleep in the dugout five times in the 3-22 start. get this clown out, hire a new guy and pray he isn’t a clown too
  18. You are aware that the Sixers have been one of the better teams out of the East for the last decade, right. They have averaged 50 wins and been to the semifinals 5 times lol i agree that Jerry doesn’t mind losing but I believe the Sixers do lol
  19. Just like they did with colas, and lenyn the first time
  20. It’s just like, DUDE stop with the “this is actually better than you think” stuff! They are 2 games away from being 30 UNDER .500 and it’s June 1. The Sox aren’t being caught at the wrong time lol
  21. I am the outlier but I want nothing to do with hard knocks. No team comes out of that show better for it and usually it exposes some pretty embarrassing s%*#
  22. It may be a fluke but at this point I can’t really say he is on the same plane as Getz. Lightning in a bottle or not, Barfield has experienced success through his work
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