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Everything posted by Kyyle23

  1. The colts releasing Shaq Leonard is weird. What happened with that
  2. Lincoln Riley is your barometer for NFL elite offense?
  3. Why would anyone listen to Holmes about anything?
  4. We know it’s a dead end route, but the Chairman is still telling us how awesome David Eckstein was and it just kind of makes sense that they would make this move to make him think oh wow look at this (former) good hitter!
  5. That’s part of it but I fully believe he found his sweet spot of making money, with minimal effort put forth, back in the 90s and all he has done is changed the cast around him a little bit
  6. Because he makes money on this team without lifting a fucking finger and he doesn’t care
  7. Lmao Boob. Yea we know the payroll is being lowered. Everyone isn’t dumb
  8. Which is not on him at all. Chiefs lead the league in drops, no?
  9. Poles has one card to play imo and that is “I didn’t draft Fields”. By next season the roster turnover should really reflect that it’s Poles roster and not Pace. he gets that QB, and it better fucking work. If it goes belly up in year 1 and whatever coaching staff in place is acting like Mr Magoo when it comes to running a game, then Poles gotta go too.
  10. Remember when the foodies were feeding us endless piles of BS about good players signing with the white sox? good times good times. Orlando, where for art thou and your connections(and your hot shoes that busted you out)
  11. Some real weak fourth quarter game management all around. Cowardly
  12. Well I honestly hope Chris can help fix this dumpster fire he helped create. More royals to dump on the fire because royal blue is same color as water
  13. Dumpster diving is not the same as roster churning.
  14. The Braves move on when things go wrong. They don’t double down
  15. This is quite the departure from the situation you described
  16. This is totally beyond the point of what I’m asking. Who on this site stated that those two players would fetch that return, and who laughed at Balta over that. This site would much more likely laugh at the person who suggested such a thing than they would laugh at Balta for stating that’s not true
  17. Ok who was saying Eloy and TA was gonna bring back the number 1 prospect in baseball?
  18. He works for 1000. And literally every sports radio guy in this city is connected to each other through print and radio and tv
  19. Honestly why would anyone want this for him or for themselves? Next year is going to be absolutely brutal and wanting Hawk to be forced to watch that because of our nostalgia seems like cruel and unusual punishment The man isnt gonna go full innings without saying a word he is gonna go full games
  20. It’s just hard for me to separate the end of Garpax. Their inflexibility and Gar being weird and strangely egotistical and paranoid, the fear of the luxury tax and failure to capitalize on the good players they drafted, the health dramas and just all of the stupid media bullshit that is normal for a Reinsdorf operation. AKME mortgaged the future for an idea that we saw could have worked, but the catalyst fell apart and they have been so stupid about all of what followed and look to be on the same inflexible path. so, like I said, whatever you prefer. Garpax certainly had more good times so if that’s your bar, then you would be right to consider them better.
  21. Potato potAto to me. Which form of torture works for you
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