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Everything posted by Frankensteiner

  1. QUOTE(korntownballa @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 06:22 PM) Sweeney to RF, Dye as the DH We're 2.5 and 4.5 back of Tigers and Twins repectively... That would be an insane downgrade in our offensive productivity. I believe our pitching will improve with McCarthy, but not to the point where we can replace Thome with Ryan freaking Sweeney.
  2. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 06:13 PM) It really is over. They're still playing at the same level they've been playing at since the end of June. They're just not going to put it together. They simply won't make the playoffs. I can't take these pessimistic posts anymore. What's wrong with you? ARE YOU IN OR OUT!!!!??
  3. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) Paul Konerko is better than Thome. Sorry, I don't care what anyone else wants to tell me, but I'll take Paulie up in the crunch over Thome because Paulie's approach is superior. I know some people think Paulie is this dead pull hitter, but he's not. I'd love if Paulie had Thome's eye, but aside from that I'll take Paulie's better all around game. If Paulie had just a bit more speed, wow would his numbers be good cause he'd probably have 10-15 more doubles. No, every game thread I'm in I see people b****ing like crazy at Paulie and I laugh cause he's one of our best all around hitters. A healthy Thome smokes Konerko. An injured Thome not so much.
  4. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 06:01 PM) Contreras, Garcia, Buerhle and Vazquez would definitely be on the block if I were GM. I think I would need to get the most for Buerhle. Vazquez could fetch a lot if people think he's really turned a corner. I still think he's a tease, because he can't give you 8 innings. I would trade Vazquez in a second. His monthly splits look like they did last year. Some good, some bad, average overall. He'll do the same next season.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 05:56 PM) Jim Thome isn't our best player this season. Off season priority #1 (And the only offseason priority): Fix the pitching staff at any cost. Off season priority 2: Dump Rob Mackowiak, so that Ozzie can never play him in CF again. Jim Thome will be our best player going into next season. No way Dye is even close to having this type of year.
  6. These are bad losses but you guys were kidding yourselves if you really believed the Sox could win 2 of 3 (or 3 of 4) in each of these last series, especially against such quality teams. Oakland is a good team and there's no sense expecting winning a series against them in Oakland. Same goes for series against series against the Twins, Tigers, and even the Indians. People should have been extremely pissed off over our f***ing pathetic efforts against KC, Tampa, and a depleted Boston team. But they were too busy planning out how many games we'll win against team X coming up on the schedule.
  7. Our #1 off-season priority: get Thome healthy. Our #2 priority: make sure Thome isn't your best player next season (I mean, I heard it's great though that we're so dependent on a 36 yr old slugger).
  8. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 05:43 PM) Sure its all about the pitchers making pitches. our season hinges on the execution of pitches by boone logan, and Hermy. f***ing LOL Come on now. We gave our two best set up guys chances to get outs. They couldn't get the job done. Hermanson and Logan shouldn't be in a major league game, I will agree there. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 16, 2006 -> 05:45 PM) I hope to God KW decides paying attention to the bullpen this off season would be a good idea. ...or the lineup ...or the starting pitchers
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) AJP's batting about .250 since the ASB. With even less power than before. But you would think our hitting coach could maybe spend 5 minutes of his day telling AJ why his new approach sucks balls.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) Well it's likely the pitching would have performed the same way they did to start this year, now could last year's offense carry this team for 5 months of the season like it has this year? Would Frank have the same motivation to succeed that he does with the A's, would he have stayed healthy? How would the clubhouse attitude work with KW/Ozzie/Frank coexisting for the entire season seeing how they seemingly hate eachother? Would Crede and Dye be having the year they're having with Thomas/Everett in the lineup as opposed to Thome? It is an interesting topic regardless. Yeah, Frank going to Oakland was a good kick in the ass for him, imo.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:52 PM) Someone asked me this question the other day, and I wasn't sure what the answer would be: would the Sox have been better this year if they would have basically kept last year's team in tact? I will say that keeping Thomas looks like a good move only in hindsight so you can't blame KW for anything there. I wouldn't want last year's team kept in tact but the money/prospects spent in the Thome & Vazquez trades could have been better utilized by keeping Thomas and upgrading somewhere else. If Rowand is still on the team, we're not having too many "Ozzie is an idiot" discussions. There wouldn't be a platoon. (Still, this is all in hindsight).
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:49 PM) I'm not ready to argue who's better this year, Frank or Thome. The one thing I'll say is that Thomas is swinging the bat significantly better than Thome down the stretch. If it's close, then it's a win for Thomas. Keeping him would cost less, require to lose less talent, etc.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:48 PM) I think Thome's bad wrist changed that whole AB. He has no bat speed anymore, and he can't pull that inside pitch with any authority. Well, I don't know. His bat speed looked fine when he hit those 3 HR at the start of the month.
  14. I think the bad ump call there changed the whole AB. Too bad.
  15. Twins and Santana losing to the Indians and Carmona is like finding a $100 bill walking down the street. Sox losing with Garland on the mound on the same night is like giving that $100 bill to a hobo so he can buy some liquor.
  16. Ok, Jon sit these guys down and at least give us a chance.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:26 PM) And KW/Ozzie should have known better than to expect every guy to play so well. But how many teams made trades to help themselves?
  18. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:22 PM) Our offense is horrible. It's kind of what I expected at the beginning of the season. Some great nights, some bad nights, but very dependent on the HR. They were incredibly hot in the 1st half which got people's expectations up.
  19. Paulie's at least going the other way there on an outside pitch. Maybe that can bode well for later in the game.
  20. Man, Garland might not even make it through 6 today. Not a very good start at all, even though the defense hasn't been very good behind him.
  21. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:09 PM) Frankensteiner, would BA have caught that? He would have. I never said Anderson isn't a much better CF, and I think he should be starting, but this thing has been so beaten into the ground, it's gotten old. And Brian Anderson isn't a very good hitter.
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 10:04 PM) I'm done discussing this in here, if you'd like to continue I'd be happy to converse with you through PMs. Shouldn't have started in the first place...
  23. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 09:59 PM) Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, obviously. It seems you have a reading disability to I'll cut you some slack, if you want to add something to the thread then by all means continue to post but if all you have to say is the same s*** you've been posting in here then I suggest you go elsewhere. This is the last I'm going to say on the subject. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to figure out exactly what has transpired here. Actually, all you're doing is repeating "Ozzie sucks" and "Brian Anderson should be starting" every single post. That doesn't qualify as anything intelligent. Plus, the insults and threats are truly a sign of a great baseball mind. Have fun.
  24. Garland's throwing way too many pitches (58). With our bullpen, I'd like to see him go more than 6 IP today.
  25. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 09:54 PM) Seriously though do you have any intelligent thoughts to add to this thread? If not I suggest you leave. So everyone who doesn't see Brian Anderson as anything great has no place here?
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