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Everything posted by Frankensteiner

  1. QUOTE(daa84 @ Nov 30, 2005 -> 02:24 PM) thomas belle Even Frank/Maggs was better.
  2. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 04:09 PM) If it is consolation, BRUUUUUCE levine thinks this signals Pierre is likely next. I would much rather have Anderson. Having two light-swinging lefty hitters back-to-back really isn't that great of an idea.
  3. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 06:57 PM) I Trade Winds. When am I just going to learn. Fool me once... I think, given how it's set up, Trade Winds would be pretty easy to avoid when coming to soxtalk.
  4. Am I the only person here that would rather have Contreras than Teixiera? Contreras is a dominating starting pitcher, Teixiera a power-hitting first baseman. Which is more rare? Plus, if that trade takes place, that even opens up more money to spend. So would the Sox then spend it on a starting pitcher in free agency?
  5. Ok, assuming we don't sign Konerko, what are we actually going to do with all that money? Lyle Overbay is brought up as a replacement but he makes barely anything. We could always overpay and offer PK money to Giles and he would probably sign on the spot, not that it would be a very good idea. Rowand for Sheff? Would the Yanks go for that? Or a trade for Manny? I'm almost positive the money will be spent as it would be hard to stomach Ross Gload and Brian Anderson as the replacements for Konerko & Thomas/Everett.
  6. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) I feel the same way. I've long debated the fact. I think quite a few people look way too much at OPS and not enough at AVG. They get infatuated with it to a point. OPS is great, but at some point or another a guy has to be able to get base hits. Dunn doesn't do that. He could move to a team like the Sox, have some protection and all of a sudden hit .270, if thats the case, the guy is a premiere offensive player in my book or close to it. I just don't know if thats going to happen, but he is part of a team that as a whole has been known to strikeout a ridiculous amount of times. If I were to trade for him, It would be because Walker and other scouts tell me (me being Kenny) that they see things they could do to help get his avgerage up to an acceptable level. Once again, I don't deal pitching and I think thats what Cinncy and most teams would be looking for. In fact, if i could compare it to anything, it would be a person looking at how great of a return a person could get in a stock, but they fail to look at the actual risk and deviation the stock has made over a certain amount of years. You can't look at just one thing, you got to way a few things into the factor and at one point, you got to look past someones ridiculous ops and look at the more basic things like hits. I think that just about sums it up on Dunn.
  7. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 03:43 PM) He has not proved he can play in the big leagues yet.. Giving him a job now that is just retarded. I don't understand. How else will he actually prove he's ready unless he's playing a full season? Probably the worst thing you could do to a young player is to force him into a situation where he's not receiving regular playing time. It's a risk, sure, but that's what happens when you'd like to get a young/cheap player in the line-up. And it's not like Rowand's hitting production was outstanding or anything...
  8. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) The Yankees have nothing to trade. NOTHING! The only players I would want are Sheff and Cano. But, Sheff is old and they aren't dumping Cano...sooooo, Rowand to the Yanks is a slim to none possibility. The only thing I could think of is the Yankees possibly taking on Duque's contract. On one hand, I'd like to keep the guy, but if the Sox feel they need to dump some salary to re-sign Konerko he'd be the logical guy to go (and I can't see many teams wanting to pay $5M for an oft-injured pitcher).
  9. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) The brewers did rape us in a sense.. but then it allowed us to go out and grab other talent to fill that hole left by Lee. If we trade away Rowand and Marte, we can sign Erye or Meyers.. I have no problem with that.. My biggest consern is Anderson (I love the kid BTW) I don't think I am ready to throw him out in CF for 150-160 games just yet. I would love to see him in a role of DH/4th OF spliting time with Thomas at DH. Brian Anderson "splitting time" with anybody is retarded. He needs to play and get regular ABs.
  10. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 11:58 PM) And good luck to them for that. It's going to be seriously hard for them to dump those contracts, and get the quality return they'd want. Not to mention, the harm trading the fan favorite in Gonzo would do to that franchise and their fans. They need young pitching in a serious way. If you started a Chad Tracy for Gio Gonzalez, Dan Haigwood, Damaso Marte package, Josh Byrnes would definitely take a look at that. You don't think the loser of the Paul Konerko sweepstakes would gladly take Glaus (who has better numbers than Konerko and will have a cheaper contract)? It's actually funny the Angels will now be forced to go after Konerko when they could have just resigned Glaus for a smaller amount.
  11. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 11:03 PM) Now if you trade prospects instead and get a lesser slugger like a Chad Tracy or Lyle Overbay instead of Adam Dunn, would you do that instead, so you wouldn't have to trade from your rotation? I don't think Arizona would move Tracy. They're supposedly trying hard to move Glaus or Gonzalez because of their contracts.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 05:16 PM) Compared to the Brewers and Reds, we definitely have a better approach at the plate in terms of being an overall hitter. The Reds and Brewers were 17th and 21st, respectively, in terms of BB/K ratio. The Sox were 26th. Both NL teams also had higher OBP numbers despite using a pitcher for the majority of their games.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) I guarantee you that he would hit better on a team with a better approach at the plate. Since when does trying to park every pitch in the outfield bleachers qualify as a better approach? While I will admit our hitting improved in the playoffs, our approach throughout most of the year was awful.
  14. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:56 PM) I'll never understand why people are so down on Dunn. I don't give a s*** if he strikes out 170 times as long as he hits 40/100 walks 100 times with a .920+ OPS Yeah, I thought that too. Then I realized how pissed I'd be when Dunn strikes out swinging with a runner on 3rd and less than 2 outs because he's trying to jack the ball out of the park. No thanks, at least not for the #1 playoff starter of a World Series winning team.
  15. NY Post reports Jeter wins GG at SS. :puke http://www.nypost.com/sports/yankees/56664.htm
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 03:26 PM) The only way I'd consider trading a starting pitcher (a main one, not Duque), is if you got a superstar offensive player in return. 3 examples of guys that I'd trade for are Teixeira, Dunn, and Ichiro. Contreras is the clear choice for the guy who would be the best trade chip, as his value will NEVER be higher. I'd still say you're screwing yourself. Tex's road splits are awful, Ichiro is not a middle of the order bat, and Dunn --while probably the best of the bunch-- isn't worthy of a playoff tested ace because of his high strikeout numbers. I might move him for someone like Michael Young (premium position) or Chad Tracy (really cheap). You're also leaving the last two rotation spots to McCarthy and Duque. Duque is a virtual lock to get injured at some point, meaning you need to come up with a good 6th starter (whoever it is likely won't be as good as McCarthy was this season). McCarthy has never pitched 200 MLB innings. All three of your other starters were in the top 10 in IP, and one of them is coming of a career year. Seems a little risky.
  17. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) No...I want to make one thing clear and I think this is how KW feels. The 5 man rotation is off limits (Garland, Buehrle, Garcia, Contreras, and Bmac). The Sox got here with pitching and they aren't about to give it up. I've said that before and I agree with it wholeheartedly. The only thing I would give up for Ichiro is a package of Pods/Rowand/prospects (and this is coming from a Pods fan). Anderson could move to CF and Dye to LF. Yeah, Ichiro is overpaid, but he brings some of that money back. I believe the M's and Yankees have many of their games aired on Japanese TV and therefore sell broadcasting rights.
  18. Resigning Konerko has become more important from a PR standpoint as opposed to an on-the-field standpoint. The Sox would probably like to maintain the momentum of winning the World Series with keeping what looks to be the team's most popular player. I just hope the Sox don't do something insane like sacrifice our starting pitching (short-term or long-term) in an effort to keep Konerko.
  19. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 11:25 AM) My sig will never change. It's so true... Yeah, I never complained about Kenny because I always thought he was a good GM, but I always thought Ozzie wasn't a very good manager. I stopped doubting him after the Boston series, but it just proves how little I know.
  20. Rowand has horrible instincts and is completely lacking in fundementals. Pretty much a power hitter, only minus the power.
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) The worst move made by Garner last night was not having Palmeiro hit for Taveras in the 9th. You'd be the worst manager ever, as Tavarez has been the Astros' best hitter in the playoffs and is hitting .571 in the World Series.
  22. How many strikes can Marte before walking the guy?
  23. That inning went something like this: SWING SWING SWING OUT SWING OUT SWING OUT :puke
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 25, 2005 -> 10:56 PM) Apparently we're the only ones that know Rowand sucks beyond belief against the righty slider. Great turn of events Ozzie!! Honestly, you want Timo playing CF in this park? After not seeing game action in how long? That's retarted.
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