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Everything posted by Frankensteiner

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 09:41 AM) If the rotation made sense in the first round, it also makes sense in a second. Get your best guys out there first. But the rotation in the first round was made, at least in part, to correspond to the rotation order in which the starters ended the season. Garland pitched on Saturday in Cleveland, after each of the other 3 playoff starters, so it was only natural that he start the 4th game of the series.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 09:35 AM) Young players who make $335,000 who can hit .308 (27HR)/.359/.553 are very valuable around the league. Tracy's OBP is pretty low, and if we're giving up our good starting pitching I'd rather get a more complete hitter. Also, Tracy is a 1B (or RF) and dealing Garland only makes sense if the priority is to re-sign Konerko. With Konerko at 1B, where would we play Tracy?
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 09:36 AM) Could having him come out of the pen in game 1 work? Yeah, that would be a great idea. 3-2 game in the 7th inning and here comes Garland on 9 days rest.
  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 09:07 AM) Pity aside, do you think Garland gives us our best chance to go up 1-0 in the ALCS, and is most deserving of 2 starts in the ALCS? Garland had a good year, but I don't think so on either of those questions. Well, Garland is going to need to start a game here eventually, and you're just asking for trouble the longer he has to wait between starts. And I know we won the last series and that's great, but I didn't think Garcia or Buehrle had particularly strong starts. They were hitting rockets off Buehrle in Game 2 and Garcia lasted only 5 innings.
  5. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 08:22 AM) Another thought on Garland, I know everyone expects to re-sign him to a deal this off-season, but if it came down to a choice b/w dealing Jose Contreras or Jon Garland for an excellent offensive piece like a Chad Tracy or Lyle Overbay etc. who would you deal? Personally even though he's younger, I'd deal Garland if the right offer came along, and I know I've changed my tune on that, but I don't think you can trade Jose after what he's done in the 2nd half. But we may just keep both and dump El Duque on someone anyways. I'd keep them both, but if I had to pick I'd always keep the younger guy. And I wouldn't deal either for Chad Tracy or Lyle Overbay.
  6. I'd feel horrible for Garland if they made him wait another week to start. Best pitcher in the regular season and all of a sudden there's no confidence in him starting? WTF?
  7. I'll go with the Angels. Yankees have a much more dangerous lineup 1-9 than Boston, and we've been dominated this season by Mussina and Chacon. Plus, I don't want to hear Fox/ESPN/BBTN tell me how wonderful every player is for the Yankees. Nor do I want 35 daily threads b****ing about it.
  8. QUOTE(gosox41 @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 10:28 AM) Why him? Why not go with Contreras the first game? He's been the team's hottest pitcher. After that I'm all for comparing stats b/w Buerhle andGarland for Game 2. Game 3 on the road should be Freddy since he pitches so well there. There's no reason not to start your hottest pitcher on the first game of the playoffs if he has the rest. Contreras last pitched Tuesday. Let him pitch this Tuesday. Bob Did I miss something? Is Garland a scrub? Was he not our best pitcher for the entire season with 18 wins and a 3.50 ERA? We're not talking about starting Jim Parque.
  9. I don't have a problem starting Garland in Game 1 at all. He'll have to start eventually, and he's worse off the longer you make him wait in-between starts. Besides, Contreras will still be on track to start two games in the series if he starts Game 2.
  10. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) if manny is not on the mets next year I will be very surprised. I heard a Beltran/Manny swap. Haha. Boston would get so f***ed on that swap, it would be hilarious.
  11. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 09:53 PM) He wont even be on the 2006 Roster. Damaso is gone. No way would I give up on Damaso for next year. I've learned my lesson after doubting Contreras. Marte, much like Contreras, has great stuff (not to mention two dominating MLB seasons to his credit). Coop just needs to straighten him out, and because he's fairly cheap, there's no reason we can't hang onto him next year.
  12. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) IIRC, in one of Phil Rogers articles this week, he was saying we should get about 2M from this series, 4M from the upcoming series, and 5M from the World Series if we make it. I think most of that money will go into re-signing Konerko and the raises for Jon and A.J though. But it's good we'll see increases in ticket sales etc. hopefully as well. That can only help. I read the article as well. He also wrote the Sox can make a total (or was it an additional?) $15-17 M when including concessions, parking, etc.
  13. Don't the Angels have Darin Erstad with another year on his contract? Granted, he sucks, but it's still a good amount of money to have sitting on your bench. EDIT: This is re: the PK discussion.
  14. QUOTE(Reddy @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) that means... what? Not a thing.
  15. QUOTE(Reddy @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 10:04 AM) i would never give up the pitching that BEAT boston, for the hitting that LOST with boston Well, Manny does have a WS ring. Our pitching doesn't.
  16. QUOTE(redsoxjamie @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 09:55 AM) Let me chime in on this as a Red Sox fan, if I may. . . The main problem with Manny to the White Sox is not his attitude. Believe me, with 45 HR and 144 RBI's, you get used to it. He's a pain in the butt, for sure, but he is one of the most productive, if not the most productive, hitter in the game. The problem is that you guys don't have anything that the Red Sox are going to trade Manny for. If the Red Sox are going to trade Manny, they're going to want somebody who can at least come close to matching his offensive production, and you guys don't have that. The Red Sox have the 2nd highest payroll in baseball--they don't need to dump Manny's salary. (Unlike the Rangers trading A-Rod--they WERE being limited by A-Rod's salary, and even they demanded Alfonso Soriano, who is far from "nothing".) Regardless of how badly they want to trade Manny, fans in Boston are going to be PISSED--myself included--and they're going to have to have something to show for it. You guys just aren't a good "match" for this trade. Just my opinion. Wouldn't the Red Sox want pitching in that type of trade instead of another bat? And theoretically, why would two teams swap very effective run producers. Isn't that just running in place.
  17. I'd take Manny with open arms. He can DH and Carl can hit the road. Not that I expect that to ever happen for various reasons. All the venom thrown at him in this thread is very similar to how people reacted towards AJ before he signed here.
  18. El Duque should be a great reliever for us next year. Every time he comes out of the bullpen he's hitting in the low 90's, and even as high as 93 today.
  19. Well, it looks like we've got ourselves a nice gathering of C-List celebrities. Can anyone check where Kathy Griffin's allegiance lies?
  20. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 11:32 AM) Just because he's from New York doesn't mean he's a NY fan. I've heard from seveal places including that article that he's a White Sox fan. He is not. He grew up watching the Yankees. I've read his book, and you can google "Mick Foley Yankees" if you'd like to check for yourself. And he's nicknamed "Mick" because of Mickey Mantle.
  21. BTW, Mick Foley (Mankind) is from Long Island. He's a Yankees fan.
  22. Tom Hanks is a Dodgers fan IIRC. Anyway, I don't want him as he's a friggin' bandwagon fan: Game 2, World Series, Fenway Park. Screw him.
  23. Was MJ there rooting for our Sox? Francona was his AA manager...
  24. As an eternal pessimist, I'm actually feeling quite confident. There's no one in the Sox rotation I'd rather have pitching in a big game than Freddy Garcia (road or home, day or night). And we usually hit Wakefield pretty well (6.57 ERA this year, 8.53 ERA last year against the White Sox).
  25. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 07:21 PM) Buehrle's last two innigns have been invaluable. Even though we have a day off tomorrow-its still nice to have at least two fewer innings out of your pen. Our pen is now able to play mix and match later and there's stinks so we still have a shot. At this pace Wells won't even get to 100 pitches until the 9th inning.
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