QUOTE(Dan @ Sep 7, 2006 -> 11:31 AM)
i absolutley agree. half this forum is nothing but fair-whether fans, and thats including many of the guys with a lot of posts too. last year, you guys sing our teams praises, we dance in the streets, world series yada yada yada. this year, Podsednik sucks we need to replace him. hell i saw threads sugesting the likes of Dave f***ing Roberts. come on people. we've seen what scotty (and the rest of the team for that matter) can do but he hits a rut and you loose all faith? no trades need to be made, until scott comes out of the slump we play Ozuna in LF and try to pick up our offense 1-9.
PS the true reason for scott's slump, Lisa Dergan is too much as for him to handle. shoota's got me on this one.
How does one loose faith?