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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. I don't have always have women?
  2. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 07:33 PM) Not specifically he didn't. According to US law terrorism is premeditated and Their line for days afterward was that this travesty was not pre-meditated. 99.99% of Americans care that Bin Laden was killed under his watch and could care less about embassy security. It's a dead end issue so I'm not sure why the conservatives keep talking about it. It's not resonating with anyone.
  3. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 16, 2012 -> 07:28 PM) not really. he just remotely said he is against killing and terror. then went on and on about how evil the Youtube video that caused the killings were. he clearly blamed the video for weeks. You've become the greg775 of the filibuster forum.
  4. BigSqwert

    2012 TV Thread

    As much as I loved last night’s Walking Dead, I couldn’t help but to immediately question why Rick or anyone thought it’d be a good idea to have a 70 year old man join the team at the end of the episode to look for supplies. Not only is he old and slow but why would you risk losing your only medical expert and best farmer?
  5. That app is labeled "Play Music" in my app drawer FWIW.
  6. BigSqwert

    2012 TV Thread

    QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Oct 13, 2012 -> 03:10 PM) You must not watch the show regularly. I've seen every single episode. I felt like an 8th grader wrote the script for that episode. The entire scene at the training camp was ridiculously idiotic and not funny. And the hospital scene at the end was so over the top and ridiculous that it became annoying. There seemingly were 5000 things happening at once with a s***-ton of one liners crammed into it all. Just made for bad TV and comedy.
  7. BigSqwert

    2012 TV Thread

    I didn't find The League premier to be all that funny. Sure a couple of chuckles but overall disappointed. Pretty terrible writing and sub-par performances from everyone but the Jenny character.
  8. I expect Y2HH to spend the next 4 days trying to recreate everything in that video to disprove it. He'll even wear the batman outfit.
  9. Keep the bullpen sports bar in right field. Build a bullpen strip club and casino in left field.
  10. And what other purpose was there for king troll to post that link in the Dem thread other than to troll?
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 01:32 PM) That is embarrassing. oh hey you buried the lead here: We all know that mr genius watches nothing but American Idol and NASCAR.
  12. “I’ve got to tell you, having done as many as I’ve done, usually the side that’s perceived as having lost the debate is the one that complains about the moderator” - Frank Fahrenkopf, Commission on Presidential Debates co-chairman (and former RNC chairman)
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 12:34 PM) Millions of unemployed americans seems like a national emergency to me! Those are just lazy folks who need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No need for the government to get involved with that.
  14. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 08:53 AM) More fuel! http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/raddat...rch_654296.html "The reason my guy gave terrible, vague answers to straight-forward questions is because the moderator attended some sort of Women's Appreciation clinic at the Biden residence!"
  15. When Obama had an uninspiring performance everyone on the left skewers him including the entire MSNBC panel. When Ryan gives an uninspiring performance everyone on the right points fingers and makes excuses. Laughable.
  16. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 06:57 PM) Obama's crony moderating this debate has spent more time arguing with Paul Ryan than asking questions. i just don't see why the GOP agrees to this type of stuff. By crony you mean Obama went to school with her ex husband which she divorced in 1997. I'm sure Obama is super tight with her.
  17. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) AP has Ryan winning 51-43. CNN had Ryan winning 49% to 44%. So pretty close. Biden's job was not to f*** up tonight. He did that. "Polls cannot be trusted" - every conservative
  18. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 07:57 PM) You keep parroting this abortion issue. The majority of this country is pro life. The majority of women don't feel that way. Who wants more government intervention?
  19. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 07:49 PM) everyone just goes and watches the coverage that is pro-their-candidate. So Republicans watch FOX News. Democrats watch, ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN. Splits their ratings and FOX looks like the news king. I'm watching Sesame Street post debate coverage.
  20. QUOTE (kev211 @ Oct 11, 2012 -> 07:14 PM) You're clueless and beyond Bias if you actually believe this. He is getting beat so bad right now, that I actually feel sorry for him. This. He's embarrassing himself.
  21. Ryan has been a disaster.
  22. IASIP and The League season premiers = No debates for this fella
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 10, 2012 -> 01:20 PM) I would love to see Deng gone, honestly. I truly wish we'd been the Philly part of the Dwight Howard trade and been able to send Deng (plus maybe the Charlotte pick to make up for the difference in value to Iguodala) and wound up landing Andrew Bynum. The Bulls missed the ball there. They could have paired Andrew Bynum and Joakim Noah downlow and become unstoppable. Unstoppable? I wouldn't consider Noah an offensive threat and Bynum is seemingly always banged up. Plus we'd lose our 2nd most effective scorer. I wouldn't like that scenario at all.
  24. Anyone catch Real Time over the weekend? They had some some scientist on talking about global warming and one of the panelists, a (former?) conservative congressman, mentioned that there was one day this year where it was over a 100 degrees in Chicago and only 83 degrees that day in Miami. The scientist's response was priceless. EDIT: It's the vary last interaction in the video linked in this article. The whole video clip is worth watching if you have the time.
  25. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Oct 8, 2012 -> 08:04 PM) Do you like Macklemore, or just that he's from Seattle? I've only heard a couple of his tracks so far. He seems ok but I'll likely check out the album. I've moved out to Seattle a year ago so I like showing my new civic pride. BTW, if you want to check out some great experimental hip hop I'd highly recommend "Black Up" by Shabazz Palaces. Very dark, brooding production. I guarantee you haven't heard a hip hop album like this.
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