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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. QUOTE (Cali @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 01:38 PM) Tigers basically have to play mistake-free baseball the rest of the season. I just don't see that happening. They're playing a lot closer to mistake free baseball than we are these days and their schedule is much easier than ours. I'll be pleasantly surprised if we hold on and win the division.
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 01:50 PM) I was probably more nervous a week ago. Now, kinda like what rowand proclaimed a few posts ago, it seems like the writing might be on the wall if this team doesn't play better. Indeed. It's still sucks though. That's why I hate the long baseball season. All that for nothing. They need to shrink it to a 150 game season.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 01:48 PM) Tum tu tum tum tums... That won't help. I literally swallowed a rope tied in a knot.
  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 12:25 PM) All I know is every day is a struggle for me...I can hardly watch the games...in fact, I've been going out and following along on my phone just to avoid having to watch them many nights. This is one hell of a nervewracking final month... This. I'm getting tired of going to bed with a knot in my stomach.
  5. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 07:21 AM) The excessive apologizing for a Youtube video hasn't saved any lives. I don't really have a major complaint about the apologies, rather than Obama's focus should be on what's right for the US (the country he is supposedly leading). Seems like he spends most of his time monitoring Youtube and apologizing for random, poorly produced, videos. I simply think his priorities are wrong. Can you please show me the evidence of all this excessive apologizing from Obama and that all he does is monitor YouTube videos?
  6. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 03:08 PM) Turns out that the Youtube video Obama went on an extensive apology tour for didn't have much to do with the embassy attack. it was terrorism. Obama really doesn't know what is going on in the world. How do you not have a political commentary show on cable news?
  7. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 03:46 PM) Who else is pumped for Taken 2? Not me. The trailer looks terrible IMO.
  8. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 03:18 PM) By then you'll be able to download google maps as an app again. You certain of this?
  9. QUOTE (whitesox901 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 02:01 PM) Exactly. Plus, lets crunch numbers here:13 games left. Sox go 7-6, Detroit has to go 10-3 to overtake us or 9-4 to tie. Doesn't seem particularly difficult given their remaining schedule.
  10. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 02:37 PM) maybe i went to a snobby school or something, but PB&J was like a scrub lunch. everyone got the school hot lunch. there was like tacos and stuff. We were typically fed a diet of foie gras and sauternes through 8th grade.
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 01:57 PM) nobody gives a s***. Over 4000 posts in this thread say you're wrong.
  12. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 01:21 PM) I like the turn by turn feature. That is why I hated google maps and the fact that I will now have that, which I can play through my cars radio, is huge. A feature that has been included in other operating systems for years now.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 11:07 AM) The Apple map fails now have their own tumblr.
  14. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 10:46 AM) Tax credits as a "social program" is bulls***. You're actively doing something for the benefit of society (owning a home, having a kid, etc) to get those credits. How is having a kid benefiting society? I've heard many times in the arguments of this forum that poor people should just stop having kids.
  15. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 08:00 AM) I've seen a story on a kid that was allergic to sunlight. I'm pretty sure his parents had to find a way to change their lives to deal with it. They couldn't just send him out and hope that he would be ok. I'd venture to guess that peanut allergies are much more common than whatever was wrong with that kid.
  16. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 07:46 AM) Well, if you happen to have a kid with a severe allergy to that degree, maybe you'll need to find a way...just as we always have. This is just idiotic to the nth degree. My kid can die from touching peanuts? Hmm. I'll quit my job, stop paying rent, and go to the soup kitchen for my meals just so I can home school. I can't think of a simpler solution so I'll just have to do this.
  17. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 07:39 AM) This. Especially the home-schooling part. Not everyone has the ability to home school. Some of us need to work to pay the bills.
  18. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 06:42 AM) I;m not sure thats really his position. Google maps are going to be superior for awhile since they've been doing it longer. I dont use the transit maps so I dont notice. However some of the other features in iOS6 are fairly welcome so far. This may be a small feature but I like the option of making the vibrate function different for different notifications. I've had that ability for two years now.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 06:24 AM) Ok, I'll say it...Google Maps was better. The Yelp integration was nice, but I miss the transit map integration badly. Be careful. Y2HH will claim that your opinion is wrong and there is nothing wrong with iOS maps. It's all user error somehow.
  20. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 04:01 AM) Still doesn't mean I think the entire world needs to adapt to my kid. It's logic like this that confuses and annoys me. This is more entitlement minded bulls***..."my kid is sooo important that I'm entitled to everyone else having to change what they can eat/do while around them". How about no...I want no part of that. Would that be the best of situations for any parent, including myself? Hell no, of course not. But on the flip side, I don't want my kid living in a bubble wrapped world...but that's exactly what you just asked for. If my kid has some sort of deficiency to THAT insane of a degree, I'd home school them, because who's to say some kid won't bring some peanut butter to school and do it anyway just to see what happens?! Oh, that's right...nothing. In other words, there is danger out there...and if you don't want them to ever be in any potential danger, wrap them in a bubble and keep them indoors and lifeless throughout your days...but this is no alternative IMO. Talk about overreaction...sheesh. It's not like they're taking away sunshine and oxygen from these kids. It's peanut butter. Last I checked peanut butter isn't some essential nutrient that is required by everyone in order to exist. If you can save some lives by avoiding it at school then so be it. Stop clinging to your guns, religion, and peanut butter!
  21. Ugh. I hate AJ's arm. It's similar to my young daughter's.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 20, 2012 -> 07:46 PM) Thanks. I'm the biggest Royals fan in the area. A 17 year season ticket holder I've heard.
  23. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 20, 2012 -> 02:33 PM) Like I said, just don't eat peanuts, OR, bring your own lunch if you have a highly specialized diet...or, the school should be able to not f*** that up and make sure the kid gets no peanuts...I don't think it's too much to ask of these people who just begged for raises... What we do instead of punish all the kids that aren't allergic to peanut butter...I just find it absurd. Today it's peanut butter for X reason...tomorrow is something else for Y reason...and before you know it, you can eat a protein tablet with purified water and nothing else for Z reason. I'm sure your attitude would be slightly different if your kid died because some random kid in class accidentally smeared peanut butter on them.
  24. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 08:00 PM) I still think the A's are going to collapse and the Sox/Tigers could both make the postseason. Aren't there other teams in between Sox/Det and Oakland?
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