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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 11:16 AM) WHITE SOX home grown talent Mark Buehrle Jon Garland Neal Cotts Bobby Jenks Joe Crede Aaron Rowand Wasn't Garland acquired via a trade with the Cubs?
  2. This is a boring argument. Can't you guys step it up a notch?
  3. QUOTE(SoxFanInDallas @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 10:11 AM) I will be at the Sox / Texas double header next Tuesday. I had just PM'ed you before I read this. I will be there Monday night. Maybe I can make it down for the 2nd game on Tuesday.
  4. So where is Kenny Williams these days? Anyone hear or see him lately on TV ? Is he on vacation?
  5. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 09:47 AM) And I hope Buehrle feeds off this energy or whatever, but I don't trust him to beat a good team right now. Unfortunately I have to agree with you right now. I hope we're both wrong and he starts shutting people down the rest of the way.
  6. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) And when IMO the venting crosses over into the lewd or absurd, am I not allowed to vent about that? Does it not work both ways? You are absolutely correct.
  7. White Sox Baseball: Please stay home. We play better when no one is around.
  8. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 08:50 AM) Especially this weakened version of the Twins. Exactly. I can't beleive we can't beat this Twins team that is missing so many players.
  9. Unfortunately I am a PC buffoon so if anyone can let me know how to upload pictures on here I would be appreciative. Do I need to use something like photobucket? Reason I ask is so I can post a couple pics from the Texas game I'm going to on Monday. Hopefull a picture or two of Scotty stealing a base.
  10. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 08:22 AM) I wouldn't doubt it...since we're more and more desperate. Well I'm glad we've waited this long without getting something worked out in a trade. It befuddles me that after losing Frank, who made the players around him better, we didn't do anything to replace his bat. I'm sure Kenny tried but damn this is really biting us now.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 08:08 AM) What should they being doing? Sulking? Quitting? Crying? Blaming someone else? Seriously think about that statement. No but everyone has their opinions, whether positive or negative. We need to appreciate the fact that not everyone is going to agree with how certain individuals view this team. Some people are naturally 'glass half full' while others are 'glass half empty'. Doesn't mean either are right or wrong or that one is less of a fan.
  12. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 08:02 AM) Worst thread ever. The only thing worse than the offense is all the whining here. Jim I respect you as a poster on this board but aren't we allowed to vent? Is this board purely for the purpose of people posting "Raa Raa Sox!", "We're the best!", and "Sox rule!"??? You have to let people vent when things are as bad as they are.
  13. I'd take either one at this point. They can't be any worse than the crap we're throwing out there (hitting-wise of course).
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 07:30 AM) The people who had the magic numbers in their signatures and the cute sayings before, only to be replaced with how bad we suck, trade demands, and how they know we are going to lose now are the true bottom feeders. Unless you want to count the people coming out of the woodwork after not posting for months to say how bad we suck. I don't know how much you enjoy baseball, but at least you are a stand up guy. So what's wrong with people being negative lately? This team has been awful and is completely falling apart right before our eyes. Sure it was easy to be happy-go-lucky when we were 35 games over .500 but it doens't mean we're not good fans because we aren't that way now. I know I'm extremely pessimistic theses days but it's not because I'm not a true fan. I love this team and if I didn't I wouldn't post anything because I wouldn't even care.
  15. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 06:50 AM) For years Reinsdorf said he would do something if the fans showed up...well, we've shown up, and they responded by getting us Geoff Blum rather than the bat we needed, which everyone could see we needed, especially after the loss of Thomas. Bingo. Reinsdorf tried convincing us that if fans showed up and we had a chance to win it all he would spend the money. Well, spend the money dammit! Pay all of Griffey's contract for all I care. Do something! For crying out loud we did absolutely nothing to replace Frank's bat and we were actually hitting when he was in the lineup. If we wind up making no moves before Sept 1st (which is likely) and we wind up missing the playoffs then I will start the petition to get Jerry to sell the team. I'm sick of hearing how he'd trade all the Bulls Championships for 1 World Series. He needs to prove that is the case cuz he's all talk right now.
  16. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 12:15 AM) Seriously though, what is the sick infatuation with trying to be the first one to "call it" if we somehow don't make it? (Relax, we're making it.) I honestly don't see why so many people on this board have guaranteed a playoff appearance for the Sox. There are a lot of games left and 7 games isn't that big of a cushion. The Phillies once lost a 6.5 game lead in the last 10 days of a season. This team has been awful since the ASB. More specifically the offense has. But at least Kenny Williams was able to replace Frank's bat...oh wait, he didn't.
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 01:00 AM) I thought he said he was planning on playing this sunday against Seattle, the day he comes off the DL. Oh, I just figured Ozzie would add the one extra game once someone is healthy.
  18. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 09:05 PM) Didn't he start off 6-0 and has steadily declined in his more recent playoff outings? Don't start talking about trends. I almost got my head ripped off for bringing them up.
  19. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) And can the both of you start using better comebacks instead of "little girl" and "little man" in this thread? Use some curses and spice this argument up. Be a man! Well I was saying little man because I'm an old man and he was born in 86. Trying to be mature but I'm sure it didn't come off that way. Now I'm waiting for Rockraines to tear into me.
  20. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:44 PM) PS Rock, are you going to the core of the core outing? I'll be there so stay clear! Can we all just get along?
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:40 PM) you are welcome. Alot of short sighted people on the site today. Do you have any idea what the word trend means? Trend n. 1. The general direction in which something tends to move. 2. A general tendency or inclination. I said "If the trend continues, Mark might not even make the rotation. Let me spell this out for you in case you didn't get your G.E.D. yet. If Mark Beurhle continues to pitch poorly....there might actually be a chance, small I'll admit, that he wouldn't make the playoff rotation. I may be 'short sighted' but I am not an idiot like some people around here.
  22. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) i was at the game as well. Mark DID NOT balk, the umpire made the wrong call that was huge in the game. being a left handed pitcher myself i think i would know if that was a balk or not, and marks pickoff move WAS NOT a balk. period Wow, you're actually starting to sound like Hawk. You probably don't feel Griffey could play on this roster. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) you said mark wouldnt be in the rotaion which is total bs because he is the best pitcher that the sox have. Did you not read my post?? Where did I say he wouldn't be in the rotation??? Or that I didn't want him in the rotation?? I'm starting to wonder that maybe you are illiterate and I should feel sorry for you. That's ok. I'm sur eif you keep trying you will learn how to read one day.
  23. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:18 PM) IF you watched any of the sox game you would realize that Mark got f***ed over his last time out, with the balk that lead to 3 runs. but your right he shouldnt be in the playoff rotation Well little man, I was at that game vs Sanatana last week and Mark didn't look too sharp. He couldn't overcome the mistake (balk). Secondly, please show me where I said he shouldn't be in the playoff rotation. Actually this is exactly what I said--> If the trend continues, Mark might not even make the rotation. He's been getting hit hard and has not had a solid outing in a while. I'm sure he will turn it around but you never know. How did you turn that statement into "I don't want Mark in the playoff rotation"?? Perhaps you should learn how to read little man.
  24. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) MB-13-6 3.07 FG- 11-5 3.65 JG- 16-7 3.43 JC- 8-7 4.08 OH- 8-6 4.75 How do those numbers make you not want mark in the playoff rotation? :headshake Perhaps you should actually read my post before commenting. Please show me where I said that I didn't want Mark in the playoff rotation. :headshake
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