QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 12, 2005 -> 12:09 AM)
We lost this game due to our terrible offense, as much as everyone wants to jump on Hermy this game should of been at least 4 or 5 to nothing going into the ninth. I give the Padres pitcher credit, with the free long swinging team we have, you get ahead of our hitters you can mow them down like weeds.
Speaking of our terrible offense, isn't it time for PK to be dropped down to 5th or maybe even 6th in the lineup? Although it wouldn't have made much difference in this particular game but he has been miserable with RISP this year. I think a clean up hitter needs to be hitting at least .260 or above and he's been around .220 and .235 all year.
Perhaps we have Aaron bat 3rd, Frank 4th (AL parks obviously), PK or Dye 5th?
Just a thought. I remember DJ saying in Colorado that PK is hitting around .200 or so with RISP.