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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. I'm sure some extra time working with Walker will do the trick.
  2. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 04:54 PM) I have to say, since becoming a Mac user, if/when you do need support, it's refreshing that you get an American on the phone, and/or in person at any Apple retail store. That kind of support is second to none. Racist
  3. BigSqwert

    2011 TV Thread

    Special 1 hour episode of Louie tonight.
  4. QUOTE (Jillian Michaels' Abs @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 04:38 PM) I wonder if JR has moved KW out and install Rick Hahn as GM, and not informed him yet? Hahn's first order of business was acquiring a lefthanded bat for Greg Walker to ruin. Greg Walker cannot ruin anybody. He gets paid $125K to sit there and watch White Sox baseball. Nothing else.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 04:30 PM) Um, the human element? And no, there's not. But I'd say the chance of creating life after becoming pregnant is pretty damn high. Edit: and the rolling eyes comment was more for making this a partisan issue when for 10 pages it hasn't been really. I was responding to a comment mentioning "crazy left wingers".
  6. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 04:03 PM) Where's the eye roll emoticon when you need it? Logically speaking, what's the difference between some non-sentient cells in a woman's body and the building blocks of life (amino acids, water, oxygen, etc) on a planet? It just takes a shorter amount of time for those non-sentient cells to turn into something sentient when comparing it to the long term processes involved in creating life on a planet. EDIT: And there's no guarantee that in either case a living being will ultimately be created.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 03:57 PM) That is some crazy left wing stuff there. Why do crazy right wingers want to abort life on a grand scale? They don't mind polluting air, water, etc. These are the foundation of life on our planet. By destroying these things they are destroying potential life.
  8. Don't rain on anyone's parade. We're still in it!
  9. QUOTE (Jillian Michaels' Abs @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 12:52 PM) Maybe we can send Ozzie to Minnesota, since he apparently appreciates their fanbase http://twitter.com/#!/OzzieGuillen/sta...306193484787712 #perpetualhattip
  10. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 12:08 PM) I've asked him to define "alive" for me...to give me some indication of what that means. He's given me two examples and deferred to scientists and doctors. Great, we've clarified the answer in two situations. I'm asking for some criteria here. Is a heart beat enough? Is brain activity enough? Body movement? Some level of conscious understanding? What? How many times must he post this?
  11. Ozzie Guillen for Kubel and 2 of their advanced scouts.
  12. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 12:02 PM) He's given the two extremes, how is that an answer? Either you are playing dumb or you're a complete idiot. He just re-posted his opinion 3 minutes ago.
  13. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 11:57 AM) No, that's not an answer. I'm asking what is your criteria for being "alive." Wow. How much more clear can he be?
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 10:08 AM) One issue that's not even being addressed is a woman's right to control her own body. We need more government intervention with regards to controlling our bodies.
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 09:58 AM) PS - There's an awesome article about him in this month's Esquire. He learned all of his own stunts for Drive. A real life Vinny Chase.
  16. The first mp3 players came out in 1999. Smart phones came out many years before the iphone. Tablet PCs were around since the 80s.
  17. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 22, 2011 -> 04:46 PM) Sqwert is a big Raiders fan, and he has pretty much said he hopes it will happen soon Indeed. He is the Bill Wirtz of football.
  18. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 08:43 AM) Everyone except Ozzie and KW knew that Quentin wasnt going to be back on Friday. They've gone from looking like geniuses in 2005 to two of the biggest buffoons in baseball.
  19. ^^ Didn't someone post this trailer a while ago in here?
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 06:30 AM) lol ABC7 just had someone on claiming that all technological innovation will slow over the next several years since Apple is the only company that develops anything and everyone else just rips them off. I see the brainwashing has worked for many.
  21. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 06:04 AM) A newborn baby can not survive on its own. Someone has to feed and shelter the baby. So you'd be in favor of killing one month old bags of cells? I'm pretty sure he meant survive without drastic medical intervention. Stop playing dumb.
  22. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 24, 2011 -> 04:51 PM) Oh, aren't you so original?
  23. BigSqwert

    Job Hunt Thread

    I have been pulling the hair out of my head waiting for a response from the organization I interviewed with. I'll probably have an ulcer if i don't hear back by Friday. I know I'm one of three finalists so my chances seem pretty good.
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