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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. His harshest words are always directed at people of color. Never used such harsh language against that nazi who ran over that young lady.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 11:07 AM) I'm talking about sports. How many athletes have protested? Here are a few
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 10:24 AM) it's not good for a team sport. One guy on an island is not good for the team morale. Coaches are so into team, it is ridiculous to have one guy breaking away on his own island. You definitely have your priorities straight. An entire community of brown and black folks are upset at how they are being treated with so many high-profile cases of their people being murdered for no reason. But let's make sure a bunch of guys playing a kids' sport can happily ignore all of that for the greater good of entertainment.
  4. They should have escorted him out afterward and let him know he's not welcome back to speak.
  5. I love how our government works. I thoroughly enjoy begging senators every other month to keep insurance for those in need.
  6. Watched the first ep of The Deuce. Will definitely keep watching.
  7. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Sep 17, 2017 -> 08:23 AM) I can't believe this is actually a real post. Pardon if I don't blindly accept an unsubstantiated, conspiratorial claim that it's common for protestor to get paid. I'm not easily convinced by greg-like second hand rumors that someone heard that protestors actually get paid to show up...and it's pretty common! And some vague reference to North Dakota? Really? We're going to use this unique circumstance as evidence? Where people were literally living on the front lines for months in tents. The protest that had several gofundme campaigns where like-minded supporters from all over were personally contributing money to this cause so that the protestors had the resources to continue fighting, like supplies and access to people with special skills (medically trained, etc.). And if I had a friend who told me they were paid to go to a protest, I'd be somewhat floored and ask a ton of follow up questions. Like really? Who paid you? Where did you meet them? Hire much did they pay you? Might sound like I'm overreacting or getting hostile but these accusations are a slap to my face and to others who go out there and support injustices. To say that we do it for money and don't really care about these causes? Screw you.
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2017 -> 09:14 PM) Unfair post. I said I was in favor of lawful protests. Well that's the thing. When peaceful protests don't change the illegal behavior, people shift tactics.
  9. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 16, 2017 -> 10:02 PM) I'll see if they want to spread their contact info. f***ing weirdos though I'm just a little surprised since I have a very strong base of friends who are extremely active in protests, some of them are also antifa. I myself have attended dozens of protests over the last few years. Not one of us has ever been handed a check or cash to go these protests. I guess I'll defer to you though. I didn't realize you're pretty big into the protesting scene.
  10. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 16, 2017 -> 10:07 PM) A woman protested, refused to leave the scene, then was detained. Jesus. Did you see the video? This was an old ass woman. It wasn't one cop who knocked her over. A whole swarm of them did and then trampled her. If she was such a threat, you don't think one cop couldn't have just arrested her without all that other nonsense?
  11. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Sep 16, 2017 -> 05:28 PM) No one ever??? You don't really believe that, do you? You do realize how this world works, right? Some of the same people are at protests from Oregon to North Dakota to Baltimore and no one is getting paid?? I know people who went to North Dakota only after receiving financial incentives. I'm pretty active in the community. Why is no one offering me money to show up? Seems like there would be evidence all over the place if this was common.
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2017 -> 12:01 PM) So protestors force St. Louis police to close down a mall today. Black Lives Matter signs galore at the protest in the mall. If these protestors are trying to ruin a city, good job. Wonder if they'll hit the U2 concert tonight. Is it legal to head to a mall and march through it chanting and all that? Don't you need a permit? I'd arrest all the protestors if it's illegal. I mean protest is GREAT! Do it legally. Do it without harming businesses. Do it without inconveniencing people that want no part of it all. Geez. Ah, U2 canceled the concert. Good for them. Can't risk it. How is this good for the city of St. Louis? If these are paid protestors they obviously are trying to ruin a once great city. p.s. I'll hand it to these protestors. They sure know where to go disrupt things: Expressways, libraries, now malls. Good job. That really will change things. All it does is piss people off. My gawd, how does invading a mall help your cause? Please, police, arrest anybody who is breaking the law in these situations. Those damn blacks always causing a stir when their people get murdered. Why can't they just shut up and get over it. I want to be able to go to Hot Topic on my day off!
  13. Really digging this DoNormaal album. Indie rapper from Seattle that's starting to get a bit of airplay out here. Some solid production and nice flow.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 6, 2017 -> 09:56 AM) New LCD Soundsystem is solid Agreed. Although I always feel like that after one of their album releases but for whatever reason I get tired of listening pretty quickly.
  15. Also interesting that they immediately attack the black TV personality for her comments but not Ms. Texas a few days ago. Wonder why.
  16. Like when a reality TV star publicly called President Obama a racist and the White House did not state that the comment is a fireable offense.
  17. Imagine if a television personality called the President a racist. There literally is one of these for every situation. LOL
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 04:01 PM) Grabbing them by the p****.... just words. Calling Teump a white supremacist...fireable offense. I thought only dictatorships demand people get fired for criticism.
  19. "To prove we are not white supremacists, we are demanding you fire a black woman"
  20. QUOTE (The Gooch @ Sep 13, 2017 -> 11:35 AM) Doesn't New England play New Orleans this week? You're right. GB at Atlanta. I'm leaning Carr since the Jets might go winless and it's the Raiders' home opener.
  21. Aaron Rodgers at NO or Derick Carr vs. Jets? Standard scoring league
  22. This just happened after Rush spent the week telling his listeners that this hurricane is basically a hoax:
  23. Yikes. I don't know about you all but this looks like it could be something that will be not good.
  24. Rush Limbaugh’s hurricane survival guide: Stop buying water and don’t listen to the news He should be arrested for endangering the lives of his listeners.
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