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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 7, 2017 -> 09:39 PM) Korver almost never misses that shot, it was the right play per usual by LeBron. Can't believe we're still doing the LeBron is too passive routine in 2017. He could have drove at Green who had 5 fouls and no help underneath. Instead he hesitated and wound up driving left when help got there.
  2. Anyone else as nervous as I was watching Nacho swap those pills?
  3. The guy is a talentless hack. They could replace him with a 1000 better comedians who would do a better job....without the bigotry, sexism, and occasional racist remark.
  4. QUOTE (BBBF @ Jun 2, 2017 -> 12:04 PM) My go to is Andy Dick. I always thought they were the same person.
  5. More people get beheaded by ISIS in the US than killed in car accidents. At least that's what my gut tells me since I don't pay attention to facts.
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 12:50 PM) http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/06...ibility-sot.cnn CNN's Fareed Zakaria, "US resigned as leader of the free world today" Just weeks after he claimed, "Trump became President last night".
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 11:40 AM) Be ready to check your white privilege and cite your white privilege when a white privilege mob approaches you in the library. Be ready to publicly cower and proclaim that privilege. Like you said in your post or implied, it's silly. The white privilege mob wants you to scream in agreement with them that you have privilege. That's all. And you could be the best person imaginable for all they know. You could be Mother Theresa in terms of helping people. They don't know and won't bother to find out. They'll just be furious that you have white privilege and you better be ready to check it. And if you have a shred of pride you won't state any privilege cause they don't have the right to threaten you or yell at you if you don't declare your privilege. I agree with your post. What next? My point is nothing will satisfy those who say whites have privilege because of all the past atrocities. Rather than put their energy 100 percent into being successful, they want you to check your privilege. Why?? Cause they said to do so. It accomplishes very little except to harbor resentments and fighting. So I state my privilege to them when they ask me to. What happens next? Nothing. They move on to the next person if you are lucky enough. You could still do all these things (and a lot of people on this board DO do those things) and be lambasted by the white privilege gangsters if they approach you. Why? Cause they don't want to hear positive things like this. Would an angry person asking you to state your privilege care or even listen to you as you tell them you've done these positive things? Of course not. I love your post but like most things in life the only thing you'll get out of doing these things is the personal realization you are a good person (which is nice enough). But my point is you could still do all these things and be blasted if you refused to check your privilege or state it when approached by somebody who rudely tells you to do so. I like your post but like most positive things in life, the benefit it personal. You know you are a good person, a better person. But to the privilege monsters? They will STILL blast you. They're not going to listen to you rattle off these good things you've done. They'll just scream that you have privilege by gosh! You have a strange world view.
  8. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 09:55 AM) You support those that don't have the same opportunities that you do - or are treated unfairly because they didn't win the "life lottery." You learn everything that you can about other ethnicities, cultures, and classes in America -read articles, talk to people, get to know them and where they come from. Don't pass it off as someone else's problem and don't jump to conclusions and pass judgement on others that don't live the same life as you do. Everything that we are is a product of our environment and opportunities. Go out of your way to use your connections and abilities to help raise someone else up that wouldn't normally have the same opportunity that you do. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and act upon that experience in a positive way.
  9. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 07:13 AM) Barron just happened to be watching TV that 11 year olds watch and suddenly that popped up. . OK. And he thought it was his father? It's more traumatizing for 11-year-old girls to hear the President say he can grab p******s without asking.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:38 PM) Or Gosling, Helen Mirren, Pratt, Witherspoon. Or even Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, even Peter Sellers!
  11. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 31, 2017 -> 11:20 AM) And reading those ads for those quack products/services lets me know the host is a flat-out moneymaking liar. Why continue to listen? Pop on a podcast or something instead.
  12. I think people are just misinterpreting her attempt at covfefe.
  13. I'd be surprised if Cleveland won more than one game in this series.
  14. QUOTE (iamshack @ May 30, 2017 -> 10:02 AM) Marko, you need to get a Peloton...there is a large group of people who live for this stuff. As tempting as it is, I blew my budget on the bike and accessories. Maybe down the road.
  15. Any of you cyclists use a power meter? I just received my powertap pedals and need some help figuring out how to train with them. I know the first step is to figure out my FTP and set up my zones. But then what? Are there any recommended workouts to use?
  16. White supremacist in Portland murdered a couple of people who were sticking up for a Muslim woman he was harassing. Some antifa burned a garbage can. They're all the same.
  17. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:21 PM) Don't forget bad hombres, rapists, drug dealers, MS-13 members...some apparently are good people, though he doesn't personally know of any to put in his Cabinet. Don't forget he stuffed Ben Carson into a coffin or car trunk. That has to count for something. Seriously, has anyone seen him since he was named Secretary of HUD?
  18. Carrier plant that Trump helped save will cut 300 jobs right before Christmas
  19. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 10:18 AM) So black people had slavery - I'm aware. Doesn't that mean everyone is privileged other than them? All the Asians I went to school with had better cars and computers than me. They had spending money from their parents and I had to work. Aren't they privileged? We're Mexican people also slaves? Why do I have privilege over them? Still skin color? What about my Mexican friend Ian who is pale as printer paper and has red hair? Is he privileged or not? Does he get reparations and why? I think the point is that, in general, white people get more advantages in our society. Whether it's getting pulled over by a cop and given the benefit of the doubt, applying for a job, or obtaining a small business loan, in most of these scenarios the white person tends to get more favorable treatment. Sure you can come up with anecdotes to identify individual exceptions, but we're talking generalities here.
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 09:17 AM) Which socioeconomic factors determine poverty? Things like how many parents you have at home.... Don't you find it odd that people of color will get considerably more jail time for the same crimes white people commit? Therein lies one of the main root causes for impoverished families having a single parent in the household. If you want to have kids grow up with both parents, stop putting black men in jail for possessing weed and giving white men a pass.
  21. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 22, 2017 -> 10:08 AM) They're not bettering the world by not listening to Mike Pence's speech. So you would have attended no matter who was speaking? Joseph Kony? Kim Jong Un?
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