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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. Heck yes! If it's chaos they want, chaos they will get. We have more power than they would like for you to believe. Money talks. via
  2. Iran has announced a ban of US citizens. I think every country should ban US citizens until our ban is lifted.
  3. We are witnessing the collapse of this country.
  4. This feels so liberating....
  5. My god this guy is pathetic. Drumpf might be editing photos in the White House to make his tiny hands look bigger
  6. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Jan 27, 2017 -> 11:08 AM) How long was Obama President when this was going on and how long has Drumpf been President with this going on? Blame Obama for not doing something to fix it not Drumpf I also blame Obama as well. Doesn't mean Trump should ignore it.
  7. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 27, 2017 -> 09:14 AM) It is all distraction, they want us to focus on this sham. We need to ignore it, there was no mass voter fraud They're just going through the Goebbels playbook. It's not even subtle.
  8. Half an Onion in a bag has almost 700K followers in a week. Goal is to get more followers than tRrump.
  9. The one good thing about the imbecile getting elected is that I am getting way more involved than I ever have. Will be attending an Americans for Refugees & Immigrants march in downtown Seattle on Sunday. I have a feeling a that I will be attending several protests each month for the foreseeable future. Also started supporting JusticeDemocrats and Injustice Boycott, making monthly contributions to the ACLU, and calling my senators and representatives frequently to voice my concerns.
  10. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 27, 2017 -> 08:00 AM) Imagine living in Flint, MI and hearing Paul Ryan say we are going to spend 14 billion dollars to build some stupid f***ing wall or how we have to spend billions more on military. They can't even get clean water. Ding! Ding! Ding! How can any Trump supporter claim they care about Americans and what's best for our country when they ignore an entire city that's been drinking poison water for over a year!?!?! Yeah let's spend our money on a useless wall instead. It's what Jesus would have wanted. He totally hated his neighboring countries.
  11. They should just initiate a kickstarter and have all of his supporters fund his wall.
  12. QUOTE (Sox-35th @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 06:25 AM) So, I am on a free trial of Tidal, and I finally around to listening to Lemonade from Beyonce. I always wrote her off, but some of the stuff on this is incredible. "Don't Hurt Yourself" is a masterpiece. I watched the video they did for HBO and was blown away. I think it had most, if not all of the songs from the album. Awesome visuals.
  13. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 10:01 AM) You guys having fun yet? Its nice having a President who follows through on campaign promises. First in my lifetime! Must be exhilarating for you to have racist campaign promises coming to fruition.
  14. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 09:34 AM) In real news, it looks like Mexico has decided to cancel the meeting with Drumpf. He'll probably want to declare war with them since he's so thin-skinned.
  15. The train wreck continues. The State Department’s entire senior management team just resigned
  16. I just moved all of my funds from Chase bank to a local credit union, including me and my wife's retirement funds. EdIt for context: There's a grassroots push to have people move their money from traditional banks (who are involved in the Dakota Access Pipeline) to credit unions. If you decide to do the same, make sure to let them know why you are making the switch.
  17. How come Anonymous or others can't hack into his files and release his taxes. He's probably dumb enough to have it on an unsecure personal laptop.
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 07:59 AM) But I have no idea what we can do to combat this other than start shooting rockets at the White House. Dear Internet, I am not proposing that anyone shoot rockets at the White House. I believe President Drumpf to be a great and honorable man. I will go quietly when the black cars arrive here in 15 minutes. But in seriousness, what can a caring citizen of the United States do other than place phone calls and send emails? Continue calling your representatives, protest, and support organizations like the ACLU.
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 07:13 AM) If he's building a 30 foot high wall, invest in 31 foot ladders. Or a few good shovels to dig a tunnel beneath it.
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 06:08 PM) It's fantastic (formerly Keepin' It 1600). Man, was Intercepted fantastic. I love that it doesn't lean either way - how f***ing interesting. Thanks for the recommend. Not sure if you follow the guys behind The Intercept website like Scahill and Glenn Greenwald. They're definitely progressive but will not hesitate to call out bulls*** by the Dem establishment, including Obama.
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:07 AM) Subscribed. I assume you're already subscribed to Pod Save America. No but I'll check it out.
  22. Jeremy Scahill has a new podcast called Intercepted. Good discussion in episode 1.
  23. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 04:29 AM) Sorry, education has increased as well. And that's just a quick one. Sorry, I stand by my earlier statement. Not sure why anyone continues to interact with you. You are 100% anti-science and facts. This is my last reply to you.
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