Didn't Bill Clinton ultimately get in trouble for lying? Didn't Trump lie about all of this? Said none of this happened and now we have audio tapes to prove that he lied. Will anyone care?
How Trump’s tariffs on Mexico are taking jobs from U.S. workers
Trump says he's 'ready' to put tariffs on all $505 billion of Chinese goods imported to the US
raBBit, is there anything that you disagree with regarding Trump? You've been carrying his water for 18 months. Seems odd for someone who claims to be independent.
Carlson and Hannity are going through the talking points right now so they can unveil them on their shows later. Guarantee whatever they say will be the blueprint defense used by the pro-Trump crowd going forward.
Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Nomination Is Bad News for an Open Internet
Ah yes, the board's self-proclaimed "independent" voter who spends 99.9999% of her time s*****g on anything remotely left of center and defends everything alt-right, conservative, and right wing.
I have 4 movie theaters within 10 miles of my home. Seems absurd to drive 25 miles to see a movie, especially since it will be playing near my home next week.
Was so stoked to see Sorry to Bother You but realized it's in limited release right now. Closest theater playing it this weekend is 25 miles away. *sigh*
Honestly, I think it's because you come off as condescending. I'm sure you have good intentions and all but you have a way of making it sound like you have all the answers. I'm not trying to be a d*** about it. I know I come off as a tool at times.